The plumber and the general

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In a cave Ratchet and Rivet materialized in a strange room while the Lombax in fleet uniform looked around curiously.

Rivet pulled out her Omniwretch "The entrance is up ahead. Let's go." Ratchet knew if he pulled it out there might be more stuff in there so he pulled out his phaser in stun mode.

They both went inside, climbing up the rise of the cave seeing several bone remains. Needless to say, they were ambushed by several wild animals.

Ratchet looked at the animals they had both shot "Is there really no way to avoid these things?"

"Almost this entire planet is full of predators. A perfect place for secret activities." Rivet jumped to the next platform with Ratchet following behind.

They both reached an entrance as Fatchet pulled out his tricorder "Hm.... You do the honors Rivet. "She nodded as she walked over to a panel and began to work.

She as she worked with Clank she smiled "How does it feel to use Aphellion." The yellow furred Lombax scratched his head "Well.... It's not as comfortable as a shuttle. Though since it's my ship... I've talked to the engineering team. They're thinking of modifying her with a Warp engine and phasers but... I'd rather let her decide."

Rivet chuckled "I admit I like shuttles better. Don't tell Elysion or he won't let me go up again."

Ratchet chuckled "Hahaha.... Good thing I only had Aphellion for a couple of days." She stopped tapping the panel as the hatches opened.

"You first, Captain." She sneered as the other took heed "Thank you chauffeur." They both walked into a room where they saw cables lying and broken. Old computers and each other.

Until they noticed a sort of huge circular tube. Ratchet was about to pull out the tricorder but suddenly they were both startled to hear the door open revealing ..... A giant toilet."

Rivet recognized him "I remember you. You're the Plumber." The mechanic turned curiously "Oh! It's you! And I see you found another Lombax."

"What are you doing here?" The gray-skinned Lombax asked curiously as he scratched his head "OHOHOHOHO! To deliver this to you."

Ratchet looked confused as the Plumber pointed to the toilet "A giant toilet?" The Plumber realized as he jumped up putting his hand inside.

"Oh God gross!" Rivet looked disgusted as did Ratchet "Stop it! What the hell are you doing!" The plumber at that moment pulled out a hexagonal ring as he threw it at them.

They both quickly moved out of the way as the object landed in a thud. Ratchet and Rivet looked at each other in disbelief before seeing the plumber who stepped into the toilet "You'll need it for the Dimensionator."

Rivet looked surprised "Wait, how did you know that?"

"Another question for another time! WOHOOOOO!" The plumber fired sinking down and being sucked into the giant toilet. Ratchet looked disgusted "Oh God.... I want to see my foster mother.... I need psychological therapy with what I just saw. That's the most disgusting thing I saw in my life..."

Rivet then looked at the object on the floor ".... Okay, I'm a girl so... Ratchet."

"How dare you. I'm the captain and the one with the highest rank here. Rivet, you take it." The male Lombax demanded as she denied "No way, you."






Clank sighed as he picked it up "Are we done?" They both looked at the robot who had the object.

Star Trek: Ratchet and the final Frontier (English ver)Where stories live. Discover now