who caused the car crash?

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The starting few paragraphs is once again from the Lightbulb angst fanfic thing

Fan and Test Tube walked towards the portal, holding hands as they entered the glowing purple spiral that lead to the hotel.

Lightbulb struggled to force a smile as the watched her friends, the last of her teammates, leave her.

She wanted to cry, break down, beg them not to leave, but it was all too late.

The moment they vanished into the portal, her smile instantly dropped. Tears stung at her eyes as she stood there, feeling helpless and useless. 

A hand gently grasped hers. Lightbulb snapped out of it and looked up at her girlfriend.
"Let's go," Paint said softly. (Paint. Fucking PAINT.)

They made their way to the hotel room where Lightbulb and Paintbrush had been living for a few years now. The two spent almost every night together. It was something they hadn' t done in a while, but it was one thing Lightbulb felt like she needed desperately. (So I'm assuming Paintbrush and Paint are the same person?)

They sat on the bed in silence as she cried silently. She'd lost everyone today, she couldn't lose any more. She didn't want anything to happen to anybody else.

After what seemed like hours of sitting there together, Lightbulb finally managed to stop crying and take in some air, although she still felt like someone had stabbed her in the gut.

"I'll make dinner. I know how much you love spaghetti," Paint said quietly.

Lightbulb nodded, trying to force herself to smile. She couldn't ruin her appetite with tears.

As soon as Paint left the room, Lightbulb collapsed onto the bed, burying her face in her pillow. She let out a sob, unable to hold back anymore. (Lightbulb was unable to hold back tears after the hours of crying. Seems legit!)

She stayed like that for a long time, just letting everything out. Eventually, she fell asleep, exhausted from the emotional roller coaster she' d been on for the day.


Lightbulb awoke in the middle of the night, disoriented and confused. Her head hurt as she moved it slightly. She rubbed her eyes as she tried to remember what happened.

She remembered being in the portal. Then there had been light and colors and... Paintball? (PAINTBALL?! From OSO? Orrr)

Lightbulb shot straight up, immediately regretting it as pain radiated through her skull. She grabbed a small icepack that she kept by her bedside for these times, setting it on the side of her face.

Lightbulb took several deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. She could do this. Everything was fine, she was fine.

She would find a way to deal with whatever it was going on inside her head before she got back.

After another five minutes of breathing and steadying her nerves, Lightbulb managed to stand up, wincing as her head spun and nausea swarmed her stomach. Her vision started to blacken around the edges for a brief second, making her stumble and grasp the side of her desk for support. (Annnd she's dying again)

It wasn't until after she'd regained control of her senses that she realized her computer was open and displaying an old news article. It was about an accident involving some cars on the highway.

Lightbulb froze, knowing exactly what had caused it. Someone had crashed into the cars, causing them both to roll over and crash onto the road. (Were you the one who caused it?!)

There were three vehicles destroyed and one seriously injured.
The only survivor was the driver. There were no bodies found or pictures taken of the victims, though people speculated that whoever had hit them had deliberately crashed into their cars. But they couldn't say for sure what had happened.

The headline read:
FIGHT IN THE PARKING LOT (I thought it was a car crash?!)

Lightbulb put her head between her knees and forced herself to breathe. She couldn't think about it right now.



Okay, theory time:
Lightbulb was the reason for the car crash, and the "FIGHT IN THE PARKING LOT" was Test Tube and Fan's fight over the egg, and I guess they died in the car crash and were never found?




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