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The door clicked shut, the rain stopped pattering on the windows, but god was the air in here thick. You don't know why you were surprised being stuck in a room with two Peters, it was of course going to be awkward, it was in their nature.

"So, you have super powers?"

You looked away from the door landing on the voice of the Spider man that stitched you up "Yup"

"That's so cool" He grinned, his eyes lighting up like a child on christmas, it made something warm run through your veins.

"I mean, you have 'super powers' too"

He nodded "Yes but, i hear your's are better"

You let a smile take over your face "Well, too bad we couldn't swap for a day to put that theory to the test"

"Crazier things have happened" The older Spiderman in the corner pipped in.

"Yeah, what's going on?" you gesture between them

"Well, i can't tell you, your Peter's side but i was just doing my nightly patrol and next thing i knew it was day time, i was here, and it wasn't my New York anymore"

You turned your head to the older Peter "About the same for me, i wasn't doing patrol though, can i ask you something?"

"Yeah of course"

"Do you know how time works here? Because I have someone back home - in my universe, and it's always been almost a full day since –"

"A full day? You've been here twenty four hours already?" You stood up clutching your side, walking towards the window.

The two Peters looked frantically at each other like they just got your Peter in trouble.

"H-he tried to call you earlier but we told him n-not t —"

You peaked over your shoulder "Lying for him already Parker?"

"W-what no!"

You tried to open the window but struggled because of your wound, tall Peter rushed over to help you. He moved to

lean against the window sill as you stuck your hand outside, closing your eyes "Time moves faster here, a minute there is an hour here, vise versa" Your eyes shot open, they were glowing white.

"Holy shi -" The Peters spoke together, their voices blending as you listened to the universe, your universe.

The door opened and your Peter rushed in, followed by Ned and MJ, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. His senses are going off the chart "What's going on?!" he frantically looked around till he zeroed in on you. Eyes white, with your hand out the window vibrating ever so slightly.

"We don't know, she wanted the window open then she stuck her hand out, closed her eyes said something about time here and boom, her eyes were white"

Your Peter rushed over to you, being careful because of your wound, slightly shaking you "Y/n?! Y/n?! What's going on?"

You could hear the chatter around you, making out the sound waves of each voice but your consciousness was to far gone to fully hear what was going on but you could sense the anxiety in the room but you were so close so you kept going till you saw it.

The multiverse was breaking apart, tearing at the seams. You could see each crack in the timeline, each cracking coming from your universe and Peter took part in delivering the final blow.

You heard a small voice that you could make out Peter's, your Peters "You're scaring me y/n, please stop"

Your eyes closed shut before reopening focusing on everyone in the room, as you tried to keep your balance.

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