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            Liam's POV


            "Are those my shoes?" Louis sounded mildly perplexed as I walked back into the main room, his feet kicked up on Niall's back as the Irish lad surfed through twitter and giggled randomly every time he favorited a tweet that would have girls screaming from miles away.

            "Uh no? These are my shoes." I tried to look anywhere but Louis, almost wishing my feet would disappear into the carpeting so he wouldn't question me a million times over on why I'd suddenly taken an interest in wearing my worn black converse again.

            "Are you sure?" Now it was Zayn's turn, his black head of hair popping out from his room where he'd —no doubt- been preparing for their night at the club.

            "Yes I'm positive. Quiffy." I tried to tease them back, but as the clinking sounds coming from the kitchen stopped and one large head of curly hair popped out from where he'd been making some sort of organic and biodegradable dinner —that quite frankly looked like moldy grass- I realized that maybe my ploy to dress to impress was a little more obvious than I'd expected.

            "Liam's got a crush!" This time it was Niall squealing into his laughter like a little girl, his face still angled towards the computer screen like it wasn't even a question.

            "Oh my god did he stop wearing those lumberjack shoes?" This voice didn't come from inside the room though, in fact, it came from several thousand miles away where locked in a research facility Lydia was still mocking me for my shoes.

            "Apparently so." Louis smiled disgustingly at the screen of his macbook, the one where his face went all-soft and his voice dropped like the lovesick prat he was.

            "Is it because of that girl?"

            "You told her about Lottie?" I whined impatiently, partly because I really did have to go pick her up within the next ten minutes, but mostly because I really just wanted to get out of all the questions.

            "It's totally because of that girl!"

            "Morgan's here?" I hissed again, already feeling the heat spread up to the tips of my ears as Styles just grinned the biggest, twatiest smile I'd ever seen cross his froggy lips.

            "Course she'd here, she's my girlfriend."

            There he went again.

            "Louis turn me around I want to see Li!"

            "No don't turn her around!" I shouted, backing further towards the door because this really wasn't a big deal.

            It was just one sly look from Louis though, one little smirk before the laptop was turned around on his lap and I was suddenly staring into the high definition curls and wildly green eyes of Louis' massively attractive girlfriend. The same girl who was now cooing and 'aw' towards me like I was a puppy.

            "You look so good Liam! Oh my god did you shave! You're so fucking cute, I could just kis-"

            "Yeah that's about enough of that." Louis cut Lydia off before I had the chance to, the giggles erupting from Niall and Zayn when Lydia just rolled her eyes dramatically and kissed the camera.

            "That's for you Liam, you were my first choice." There was sly wink from the tiny blonde, before she was abruptly turned from my view and Louis shot me a glare like I could was the one who could keep her mouth shut.

Typo // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now