106 ; the hearing

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i go back to school tomorrow ;(



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you wriggle your toes in your shoes, sitting straight.

".. residents of 4 privet drive, little whinging, surrey. though for most of your life, [name], you were living on the streets, correct?"

you furrow your eyebrows, nodding. there were a few mutters between the people.

and why is that important?

"interrogators : cornelius oswald fudge, minister of ma-"

"witness for the defense"

you and harry both turn around in shock at dumbledore's voice.

"albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore" he steps around the chairs you were both sitting on. and further toward the ministry.

"you- you got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed, did you?" the minister smiles in annoyance.

"i must have missed it. but by a happy mistake, i arrived at the ministry three hours early. the charges?"

"the charges against the accused are as followed : " fudge adjusts his glasses, "that they did knowingly.. and in full awareness of the illegality of their actions... produce a patronus charm.. in the presence of a muggle"

everyone starts to mumble and mutter.

"do you deny producing said patronus"

you shake your head.

"no, but-"

"and you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of 17?"

you nod, frowning.

"yes, we were, but-"

"witches and wizards of the wizengamot.."

"we were only doing it because of the dementors" harry interrupts, everyone starts to mumble again.

"dementors?" a lady wearing all black asks, "in little whinging?"

"that's quite clever" the minister says, "muggles can't see dementors, can they, boy? highly convenient"

you roll your eyes, "he's not lying, there were three dementors and-"


you glare at the minister.

"i'm sorry to interrupt what i'm sure would have been a very well-rehearsed story.. but since you can produce no witnesses of the event.."

"pardon me, minister, but as it happens, we can"



"please describe the attack"

you glance at harry as you both sit on the bottom step.

"what did they look like?"

"well, one of them was very large and the other was very skinny" (you can pretend she says two of one or something different for [name], whatever suits you) 

"not the children. the dementors" fudge sighs.

you snort silently.

"oh, right, right. well, big. cloaked. then.. everything went cold... as though all the happiness had gone from the world" she says grimly.

"now, look here. dementors don't just wander into a muggle suburb... and happen across a witch and wizard. the odds are astronomical" he laughs.

"i don't think anyone would believe the dementors were there by coincidence, minister" dumbledore walks forwards.

"hemhem" you glance over towards a very preppy looking woman wearing all black, though with visible pink clothing underneath.

"i'm sure i must have misunderstood you, professor. dementors are, after all, under the control of the ministry of magic" she laughs a bit, "it's so silly of me, but it sounded for a moment as though.. you were suggesting that the ministry had ordered the attack on these children"

you sit back slightly.

"that would be disturbing indeed, madam undersecretary... which is why i'm sure the ministry will be mounting a full-scale inquiry into why the three dementors were so very far from azkaban... and why they mounted an attack without authorization. of course, there is someone.. who might be behind the attack"

dumbledore walks forwards again, "cornelius, i implore you to see reason. the evidence that the dark lord has returned is incontrovertible" he says quieter.

"he is not back" fudge hisses sharply.

dumbledore sighs, walking back.

"in the matter of harry potter and [name] toga.. the law clearly states.. that magic may be used before muggles in life-threatening situations"

"laws can be changed if necessary, dumbledore"

"clearly. has it become practice to hold a full criminal trial to deal with a simple matter of underage magic?" dumbledore says.

"those in favour of conviction?"

a few around the room raise their hands, including fudge and the pink lady.

"those in favour of clearing the accused of all charges?"

majority in the room raise their hands.

you grin slightly.

"cleared of all charges" fudge says.

you grin wider.

dumbledore walks passed, harry gets up with a smile, "professor"

dumbledore walks passed without a glance, you raise an eyebrow,

what's up with him?



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words ; 720

date posted ; 25/04/22


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