chapter eight

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chapter eight. 

Elyza, or Elyza Mikaelson as she's been demanding she be called, flipped her wavy brown hair over her shoulder as she tried to bury herself in her husband's chest. The loose blanket didn't cling to her body at all, exposing her back to her husband's wandering arms. His fingers brushed up and down her glowing skin, slowly lulling her to sleep. Elyza's eyes slowly closed again before she groaned.

Kol let out a chuckle as he watched his wife fight her sleep. "Just sleep, my love. Whatever my siblings undoubtedly have planned for the day can wait."

"While that may be true, my darling," Elyza started, flipping over to where her back was against his chest. "I've made a promise that I would help Mina resurrect her cousin."

The youngest living Mikaelson leaned his back against the headboard, letting his wife's head rest on his lower stomach. "I heard you mention her once or twice yesterday," Kol eased. The last thing he wanted to do was to start a fight with his wife when he was just now getting a chance to see her. "Bonnie Bennett, correct?"

Elyza looked up at the ceiling for a brief second, the words of her husband echoing in her ears. "Your tone makes me think you knew her personally," She began before flipping over to where she was looking Kol directly in his eyes. "Care to explain?"

The heretic let her eyes flash red showing her lover that she was not pleased with the implication that Bonnie and he had been together in some type of way. Instantly, Kol reached out and slid his arm around her waist. "Bonnie and I have never been intimate, my love."

"Then what the bloody hell is it, Kol?" The heretic argued. When he only looked down instead of answering her question, she rose from her spot on the bed, having made a conclusion of her own. "For decades, I've been faithful to you and you alone, and the second you're back in my arms, you tell me you slept with a Bennett witch? You are unbelievable. I am a lot of things, Kol Mikaelson, but I am not some side whore that you get to call and leave whenever you feel like it."

During her rant, she had already slid on her underclothes and her pants. Once she found her shirt, she sped over to it, not paying any attention to her husband.

"My love, listen to me!" Kol yelled, speeding in front of the door before she could leave out of it. "I've never had any relations with anyone besides you for as long as we've been married. I can assure you of that, darling."

Elyza chuckled and before she knew it, she had slapped him across the face, leaving a red handprint until it slowly faded. "Then what are you keeping from me? Something happened between the two of you and until you tell me, I'm leaving."

"Her and her merry little group of imbeciles nearly succeeded in killing Nik," He blurted out quickly. Her leaving him again was not an option. "And when they wanted to rise the psychotic maniac that is Silas, they killed me in order to complete the hunter's mark. They murdered me, my love. Now that terrorist reins free, torturing the lot of us."

The heretic pushed pause on her anger. The words of her husband echoed in her ears. At first, she thought maybe she had misheard him, but after a few seconds of his words traveling through her head, she dismissed that possibility. But, surely, her lover didn't just say that he was... killed? "She killed you?"

"I mean if we're being technical, my love, her friends killed me, but I have no doubt that she was too in on the plan."

Elyza's eyes darkened as her breathing hitched. What would happen when the Bennett was returned to the land of the living? Would she try to attack her family again? And if she did, Mina and her would no longer be friends. After all, she would no doubt choose her family and Mina would do the same for Bonnie.

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