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There was a knock at the door. I had yet to explain and yet he was already at the door. I instantly knew that it was him. There was no one else coming over but him. 

I look at my angels and give them a small smile. 

"As I was saying there is someone I would like you all to meet. This may be a bit sudden and I will respect your decisions. Stay here and I will be back shortly" They gave me a confused look but said nothing. 

This was not how I was going to bring this up but he was here already giving me no time to further explain.

I open the door and was greeted by Lucian. 

"I brought some sweets that I think the children will enjoy," he said as he handed me a bag of baked goods.

"Please come in the kids are in the family room waiting." I close the door after him and pause. 

"I have not told them who exactly was coming today since you showed up before I could tell them," I say as I glare at him

"That's alright we can just tell them together" I roll my eyes at him and made my way to the family living room with him in tow. He truly is a pain.

I take a deep breath before walking in, "my dears please say hello to Mr. Lucian Black, I believe you guys have met before." I sayas Lucian enters the room and takes a seat.

"Hello, children it has been a while. It's good to see you" Lucian said as he smiled at them

The children didn't seem interested in his greeting and only gave him a hi back.

They are usually cheerful when greeting people but since their last encounter, their behavior seems to change when they meet. 

I clear my throat as I sit next to my angels.

"This is the person I mentioned earlier, this man is-" "wait, mom"

I got interrupted by Mason. 

"We know what you are going to say." I was shocked as I looked at him confused.

"yes, mommy. You are going to say he is our father, right?" Jason said as he glared at Lucian. 

"That's..uh right but I never mentioned him" 

"There was no need mommy. We figured it out the first time we met him." Bella spoke as she calmly looked from me to Lucian. 

"Our children are quite smart," Lucian said as he seemed amused by their reactions.

This is not the way I was expecting things would go. As far as I can tell the children seem to not care and don't want to get involved. While Lucian is enjoying this as a challenge. 

"Lucian and I have had to go our separate ways due to some events in the past but know that he has dealt with the problem he came back because he wants to get to know you all." I smile and hug them close. I look at Lucian to hint him to speak. 

"I have seen that your mom has done a wonderful job in raising you all during my absence. I am here to make up these years that I have not been with you all. I have already missed 6 years and I don't want to miss anymore. This is why I want to take my time to know the three of you." He says as he calmly leans forward.

The children stayed silent for a moment as they looked at each other. 

"As I told you before I don't want you to feel pressured in accepting someone you just met, but try to at least give him a chance and if you guys don't feel any connection I won't force you to keep seeing him. "

"We are more than happy to be with just mommy," Bella said as she hugged me tightly.

"Exactly, but it seems that you won't leave her alone. So we well give you a month to get to know us and that's it" Jason added as he look at a smirking Lucian

"That won't do. I was hoping for at least a year to get you to like me and accept me as your father. "It's true that a month is not enough time to make someone accept you but...

"No, one month"

"How about two years then" Lucian added

"Why are you adding a whole year if we don't want to even give you a month?" questioned Jason as he look upset.

"Like I had mentioned before I want to be part of your future starting from today and the amount of time you are giving me is not fair," Lucian said as he argued back

"Six months."

'We will give you six months to get to know us. We will not go over Six months if you fail. That is our final decision. Take it or leave it." Mason said 

"You remind me of your mother...alright half a year it will be," he said as he smiled and chuckled at the children's negotiations. 

I wanted it to be the children's decision, but to be on the safe side I will call my lawyer to draw up a contract. 

"It has been decided so I will have my lawyer contact you with the details and a contract. If you wish to add to it you may. Till then can you give my children to process what will be happening in the upcoming days." I stand as I hint him to leave.

"I'll give the Our kids some space but I will be seeing you later to talk about this," he said as he left.

I hope I'm doing the right thing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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