48. Inappropriate Conversations

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Under a slate sky, we were led past the snow-topped trees; the faux-fur of my drawn hood tickled my forehead and cheeks as I followed footprints left by my castmates. We emerged from the thick cluster of trees covered in white icing into a clearing of pleated snow and found ourselves before a giant mental maze, spreading like a metal web across the land. In front of the massive structure waited a long table filled with headsets; a draped rectangular object was also off to one side. On-time for once, Van greeted us with a smile. "Good morning, everyone; how are you feeling?"

Some of the participants responded rather positively.

Others like me remained quiet, holding in their displeasure.

Van said, "We're nearing the end of phase one, part one. A hundred and fifty-six players have been eliminated. After two more pairs are sent home, you will move on to meeting the princess and charming her with your talents."

A cheer went up from the ranks of men. I stuffed my gloved hands into the large pockets of my coat. At my side, Cadmus studied the world through his contact lenses, a special request from the producer. 'Just for today,' she had begged him. Van unveiled the rectangular object, revealing a wide TV amid the winter landscape. Van, grinning, said, "And to give you the push you need to get to the end, here's a message from the princess."

Snow drifting from nearby trees hit my skin and melted.

The TV flickered on; a slender woman appeared in its centre; her face veiled; the cloth was opaque, not translucent, leaving us with little to guess the shape and features of her visage. Beneath that veil could be anything, any numerous disfigurements or lack thereof. I, personally, wasn't picky. The face mattered little.

If she made me laugh.... hang on, why was I seriously thinking of being with her? Was I gay?

This show was slowly turning me insane.

Would she even like someone like me?

Someone with hidden disfigurements.

Her pleasant voice flowed from the speakers, "Good morning, everyone. It has been an honour to watch you these last few months. My family, and I, the nation and its lovely citizens, we have all enjoyed watching you overcome the trials you are presented with." A pause, then after a breath, she went on, "I know the process to gain my hand in marriage is long and strenuous, but I carry your names and faces in my heart, And I can't wait to meet and speak to the one hundred participants that make it to part two. There are a few of you that I think are wonderful, hardworking, dedicated, loyal, and brave, the qualities women seek in a good husband. These few, more than any other, I can't wait to meet. May your last week be filled with good memories and laughter. Goodbye for now." She waved a white-gloved hand.

Next to me, Mike lowered himself into a crouch and, stroking his beard, said, "Yep, no idea what that one looks like. I'm not picky, though... as long as she's good at other things." His lips curled into a sly smirk.

I told him, "She is the princess. How dare you talk about her in such slanderous terms."

He chuckled. "I supposed she would be better than you."

My smile vanished. "What do you mean by that?"

He winked and said, "Nothing. I just know quiet girls are more adventurous in bed. And people that talk a lot tend to be just that... talkers."

"At least I'm not a sex addict."

Mike chuckled. "Recovered sex addict. I haven't had sex in... months."

I glanced at Leandro, who was staring at the dark clouds with interest as if they held some puzzle he couldn't piece together.

"And I do more than talk, I have had sex, and I'm pretty good at it," I said, though I had never done anything of the sort.

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