Chap. 2

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I walk in the door, completely exhausted from running. Xinyan is giving Venti a lecture when I walk in; knew it. "Chongyun! You're here!" Ayaka announces, stopping Xinyan's lecture. "I'm saved!" They always make days fun. "Yeah, Yeah, I'll get back on your ass just wait!" Xinyan retorted making Venti jump a bit.

Venti is the rhythm guitarist, Xinyan is lead guitarist, Ayaka is our singer, and I'm the drummer. This is our last practice before the concert. The songs we'll be singing are 'Meet Me At Our Spot', 'Hella Good', 'Always Forever', and 'Arms Tonight'. Each song written by one band member. 'Arms Tonight' written by me.

Obviously, the theme is love. Everyone took inspiration from their lovers, Xinyan has a polyamorous relationship with two girls: Yunjin and Xiangling, Venti has Diluc, Ayaka and Yoimiya, lastly Xingqiu and me. Concert title: Made with Love.

6 hours later, with breaks, we finished practice and all we need to do is to put the instruments in our band van. Drums first, too heavy for shit. Guitars next, thank god, then mic. Speakers already packed from yesterday's practice.

Wonder what Xingqiu is up too, most likely working. "Hey Chongyun, doesn't your boyfriend work at the café near by?" Ayaka asks me, I nod in response. "How about we eat there you can leave with your boyfriend~" Venti remarks, Xinyan's stare shuts him up quick.

It's a quick 10 minute walk to Xingqiu's work, 最好的龙菜 (Best Dragon Cuisine). Looks like Xingqiu's family is there too; telling from the fancy car parked in the front. We walk in, Xingqiu greets me first, "Yun! Hey!" "Xingqiu don't be rude greet the whole group!" His father says sternly, "Yeah Xingqiu, and what's with greeting Chongyun first, and with a nickname? He your boyfriend or something?" Seems his brother is the shallow type.

"Hell yeah he's Xingqiu's boyfriend!" Venti says, loud and proud. It falls silent. Venti was about to ask why but Xinyan's and Ayaka's glare gave him a good 'Read the room.'

Xingqiu hasn't told his family about, me? About us?

My shock is as evident as Xingqiu's father's anger, along with his brother's disgust. "XINGQIU WHAT THE FUCK!?" their yelling holds nothing back. Slurs were used, things were knocked off the table, but I drew the line when his father went to slap him. I rush in and stopped his arm with my hand. I stood there, head down. "Sir, we have a concert tomorrow, you take this up afterwards, but no physical activity will be taken place, understood?" Ayaka said, sternly.

Xingqiu's family makes lots of money off us, he also knows if he quits we're fine. Not only have we sold albums already and Ayaka's brother is always willing to sponsor. Leaving with no words, I turn to Xingqiu; a look of fear, despair, and questioning on his face.

"You didn't... tell them?"

My voice breaking. How could he? I thought they knew? "I'm sorry Yun Yun but-, y-you saw how they acted, I didn't want this." I pinned him against a wall, "WE MADE A PROMISE! A PROMISE TO NEVER LIE, TO NEVER KEEP SECRETS!" with that, Xingqiu didn't answer. I took my hands off the wall and walked home. I don't care if it was a 40 minute walk, I needed to go home.

Home, the one place where I can relax. I pull the wine out immediately and pour myself a glass. I just keep repeating the process. My head feels clouded when I here a knock at the door. "Chongyun? Can we, talk?" Xingqiu. He was slightly muffled behind the door.

I walk over and open the door, no words spoken. I don't want to talk and I'm not going to. I pull him in and push him to the bed. His back hits the mattress and I push against him. Hand holding his hand above his head.

His lips are plump, eyes slightly red; most likely from crying. I wish I could claim him, make him happy everyday. Rubbing my crotch against his thighs, those soft, beautiful thighs. "Mmh, C-Chongyun, ar-are you drunk?" His eyes shut. I slowly close my eyes and move down to his chest. He had no shirt, did I do that?

Soft moans came from both of us. "Chongyun, CHONGYUN!" Xingqiu snapped me back to reality. "Huh? W-Why am I sleeping?" I ask, the rest of early completely black. "You passed out. I'm so sorry Chongyun. I didn't keep our promise and-and-!" He was tearing up, very close to crying.

"Hey, hey. Xingqiu it's okay. I overreacted at the café. I shouldn't have yelled, I'm so sorry. Having a homophobic family is hard. I should support you." I don't want fight with him, it's been our first fight in about 2 years. I don't want to fight now, or ever.

"We okay 我的爱人?" (We okay my love?) Xingqiu asks, his soft voice really is soothing. "Yeah, I love you, from every once of my soul." It's cheesy, I know but I do, I really do. He is completely perfect to me. At least I know tonight he won't have to leave by morning.

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