Chapter 4

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Jisoo and Lisa entered the integration room, Park Jimin sitting on a chair.

"Hello." Jisoo said, "Hey, why am I here?" He asked, Lisa and Jisoo both ignored the question and sat down, facing Jimin.

Jisoo turned on the mic, "Integration with Park Jimin, with officer Kim Jisoo and Lisa Monoban, the 3rd of May 2022... The time is 6:01AM." Jisoo spoke into the mic.

"Do you know why you're here?" Lisa asked, Jimin shock his head as a no.

"Have you heard about the recent murderes?" Lisa asked, Jimin shock his head as a no.

"Do you not watch TV?" Jisoo asked, "Oh... Those murderers!" Jimin said, Lisa rolled her eyes.

"All of them were your classmates, did you know that?" Jisoo asked, Jimin gulped. "What...?" Jimin said, "Yes, the victims who were killed were your classmates." Lisa said, already feeling like this person wasn't the best. 

"Oh... Is that my old classmates?" Jimin said, Jisoo rolled her eyes and nodded. "Yes, they are your old classmates. Do you remember if anything happened during your school time together...?" Jisoo asked, Jimin hummed. 

"N-no, not that I remember... Oh wait... There was this thing... Rumors about somebody touching uh... Felix's sister. But the rumors died down fast." Jimin said, "Lee Felix' sister?" Lisa asked, Jimin nodded. 

"You don't have a job?" Jisoo asked, Jimin tensed up at the question, making the police officers a bit curious. 

"It's complicated..." Jimin mumbled, "Why?" Lisa asked, staring at Jimin. 

"I-I just sell... m-my, uhm body...?" Jimim mumbled, Jisoo nodded. "Alright." Jisoo said, opening up a few folders. 

"Have you met any of your old classmates since you all seperated?" Jisoo asked, Jimin shrugged. "I met up with Yoongi a few times, but we haven't hung out for a while. The other's I haven't seen since we graduated." Jimin said, Jisoo nodded. 

"Do you think the murderer is in the class...?" Jimin asked, "We don't know, do you?" Lisa asked, she really wanted to leave the room. Jimin stayed quiet and looked down at the floor. 

"Okay. We're done here." Jisoo said and stood up. 


"You let him go?!" Lisa yelled, entering the room where Jisoo and Soyeon were talking. 

"Who?" Jisoo asked, "Park Jimin, you let him go!" Lisa yelled, Jisoo nodded. "He isn't interesting anymore." Jisoo shurgged. "Maybe you should discuss with the group before you let him a go! For God's sake he might be acting!" Lisa yelled, "I am the group leader here, not you!" Jisoo yelled. Soyeon sighed and looked between the two officers. 

"You're so fucking stupid!" Lisa yelled, slamming the door as she walked out of the room. 

"You're both acting like a bunch of 5 year olds." Soyeon said, "But it's not my fault!" Jisoo whisper-yelled. "No, but you're a part of it. It's not a nice work enviorment at the moment." Soyeon said. 

Jisoo sighed, "I don't think Park Jimin is the murderer, he isn't capable of it." Jisoo said. 


Jisoo knocked on Lisa's office door, earing a glare from Lisa who sat reading the news paper. 

"I'm sorry, I just don't think Park Jimin is the murderer. I know I should've talked with you and the others before." Jisoo said, "What do you want?" Lisa asked, "Min Yoongi is here." Jisoo said. 

"Okay?" Lisa sighed, "Do you want to do it with me, or should I ask Jungkook?" Jisoo said, a smile on her face. "No." Lisa said, getting up. 


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