Chapter 10

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"We could've done something." 

"That's easy to say now." Lisa said, "M-maybe, we could've done...-" Soyeon started, "We did what we could." Lisa sighed. "We came too late." Soyeon said, "There were only 22 eyes in the glas jar..." Lisa stated. Soyeon hummed. "Maybe it wasn't her that caused Wooshik's death." Soyeon said.

"Yes, it was her." Jisoo finally said, she stood up. "Jennie killed him. S-she saw a notifaction about a car crash on Jeju last year, she recognized the name of the husband... So she decided to go to the funeral to enjoy it... There she met Wooshik, a-after the funeral she took him to the cliff, they talked and started fighting. That's w-when she pushed him off the cliff." Jisoo sighed. 

"Jennie couldn't get pregnant because she was raped... That's why she decided to kill all the classmates." Jisoo said, the police officer was on the edge of crying. 

"So that's how it started..." Soyeon said, "Psycho." Lisa mumbled. 

"Should I drive you home?" Lisa asked, Jisoo looked up at her two colleges before she shook her head as a no. "No, I'm going to get drunk." Jisoo told the two officers before turning around, walking towards the exit. 

Soyeon and Lisa looked at each other for a brief second. Lisa sighed and followed Jisoo, stopping her from exiting the room. 

"Uh, I know a perfect place. Music, and beer. Do you like to dance?" Lisa smiled, Jisoo just stared at the younger woman, before nodding. But then Mr. Kim entered through the door instead. 

"I need to talk to Jisoo." He said, "I'll meet you outside." Jisoo told Lisa who nodded. Both Soyeon and Lisa exited the room. 

"Jisoo..." Mr. Kim started, Jisoo hummed. "Did she die?" He carefully asked, "Yeah." Jisoo mumbled. "S-she was planning on shooting me but she regretted it and shot herself." Jisoo said. 

"She shot herself?" Mr. Kim asked, Jisoo nodded before talking. "Yeah, in the head." She said. 

"Oh..." Mr. Kim sighed, "Could we have done anything to prevent it?" He asked, "We did what we could, that didin't help, sadly." Jisoo said, Mr. Kim nodded. 

"Y-you can take a few days off." He said, Jisoo sighed. "I'll see." She said, Mr. Kim nodded before leaving the room. 


A week had passed, Jisoo had preperad a small funeral for the woman. Jisoo was the only one there. She took a last glance at Jennie before she placed a red rose on the casket. She then walked out of the room, trying to forget, she needed to move on. 


It was the day after the funeral and Jisoo went back to work, everyone stared at her, she was back just after a week. 

Lisa entered the older's office, Jisoo looked up, when she noticed somebody was in her room. 

"How are you?" Lisa asked, "I'm fine, I need to move on." Jisoo stated, "Maybe you should take a break?" Lisa said, Jisoo shock her head. "No, do we have a new case to work on?" Jisoo asked. 

"No, go home and rest. You can't be at work now." Lisa said, "I'm fine." Jisoo said, Lisa shrugged her shoulders. "Alright, do you want coffee?" Lisa asked, Jisoo shook her head as a no. 

Lisa nodded and left the office room. 


It took almost two years for Jisoo to fully be okay, she buried herself in new cases as soon as she felt sad. Yes, she was a workaholic. It was the only way to ignore the pain she felt. 

Life was about moving on and forgetting the past, still, Jisoo came to Jennie's grave stone almost every week to ask why, why did she approach Jisoo that night? Why did she kept in contact and why did Jennie make Jisoo fall in love with her? She never got an answer though, Jennie was dead, she was gone. 

Jisoo still felt betrayed. She didn't like being lied too and she would never forgive Jennie but she still loved her so much. Jisoo had never been in love before so Jennie was her first love and when she was gone. Jisoo didn't know what to do with life anymore. 

The first months were the hardest, Jisoo worked a lot just to ignore the pain she felt. Everyone saw it and suggested she'd talk with a therapist but of course, Jisoo said no. She was a grown woman and could handle this on her own. 

After a year she felt better and she was more social and positive about life and such, she'd still get her sad moments and break down and cry for hours. She hated Jennie, but at the time she loved her so much and she just wanted to see her one last time and tell her that. 

Two years later and Jisoo felt like she had moved on, of course she thought about Jennie a lot but never to the point where she'd break down and cry for hours in her office. 

But Jisoo felt okay, she was happier and that was what mattered in the end. 

a/n: you've finished reading 'eye for eye' hello, what did you think of the fanfic? should i do more of these fanfics like criminal thrillers? did you like the ending too? it was a sad ending lol. take care, -bby.rae

attention: what fanfic would you like to read the most out of these? 

Whore: chaennie "roseanne park? she's a whore, she rarley sleeps in her own bed."

Rose & Jack: jenlisa "you got me thinking of rose & and jack, there's only place for one of us, one has to let go when the next wave comes."

Changed: BLACKPINK "after this party, four people lives will be changed forever" 

vote by commenting!! -bby.rae

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