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Sirius Black lay on the end of James Potter's bed.
James sat behind him, Sirius' head in his lap.
James was wearing his Quidditch jumper and ripped jeans.
Sirius had always loved that jumper, it was soft and warm.
James was plaiting Sirius' shoulder length, raven hair.
Remus Lupin sat at his desk, pretending to be working on a homework essay, but really he was fanboying about James and Sirius.
Peter Pettigrew had fallen asleep halfway through writing a letter to his mother.
James and Sirius were, as usual, having a strange conversation.
"When you pick a leaf from a tree, you're touching something that's never touched the ground." Sirius remarked.
"Oh my God! You're right!" Cried James.
"Ekk! James you pulled my hair! You're going to ruin it!" Sirius huffed.
"Sorry babe!" Cried James.
Peter jolted awake.
"Are you going out yet?" He asked in James and Sirius' direction.
"No Pete, they're still I'm denial, whispered Remus."
"The Nile? Last time I checked we were in Britain, not f***ing Egypt." Muttered Peter. He then promptly fell back to sleep.
Sirius awkwardly giggled. His cheeks became a colour close to James' jumper.
"Pete's off it, why would we go out?" He asked, his voice a few octaves too high.
"Mate, you havin' a stroke or some s***?" James asked, looking at his best mate as though he was crazy.
"No, no I'm fine, brilliant, fantastic!" Cried Sirius, over-enthusiastically.
"Ok then babe, chill out." James laughed.
Sirius' stomach felt like there were butterflies dancing in it.
Why did James always call him babe? Did he enjoy seeing Sirius flustered?
It wasn't like James knew about Sirius' crush, only Remus did, and he said that he'd take that secret to the grave.
"F*** you and your beauty James." Sirius muttered.
Remus just managed to hold in an excited fanboy squeal.
"Aww, pads, you think I'm beautiful!" Cried James.
"I- what? No! Who told you that?!" Asked Sirius.
"You just did you wanker!" Cried James.
"Oh s***, did I really say that out loud?" Asked Sirius.

Ridiculousness like this was common for the Marauders.
Remus had a fanboy moment several times a day, it was actually killing him that James still reckoned he and Lily Evans were Soulmates.

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