OMG! My Best Mate's Hot!?

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James actually got over Lily quite quickly.
His friends kept him busy, planning pranks and having fun, so he rarely had time to think about her.
Except at night.
At night James cried, he couldn't cry infront of his friends. If he did, they might think he was weak, which he wasn't.
But, little did James know, Sirius heard him crying, every night for a full month.
One day he had enough of his best mate being upset.
Sirius slid out of bed, and tiptoed across the room to James' bed.
He looked at his best mate.
James was sitting, his head in his knees.
Sirius gently lowered himself onto the bed.
"Jamsie, it's alright, it's just me, Sirius."
James sat up and wiped his eyes and nose on his sleeve.
"Why are you here?" Asked James.
"I dunno, maybe my best Mate's crying and I wanna make sure he knows he's loved?" Asked Sirius.
"Aww pads, you love me?" Asked James.
"Of course I do! You're my best friend!" Cried Sirius.
'Best friend' why did that sting James slightly?
"Aww, I love you too Siri!" James whispered.
"Ok mate, I'm going to bed now." Sirius whispered, getting up.
James suddenly felt cold and sad, as though Sirius were a patronus, keeping the dementors away.
"Sleep with me?" James offered.
Sirius said it before he even thought.
"Well usually I wait to be asked to dinner, but I think I can make an exception this one time."
James' cheeks became a deep crimson.
"Oh piss off, you know that's not what I meant!" He muttered.
Sirius, realising what he said, blushed too.
"Oh! S*** did I really say that? Sorry, you know I have no filter!" Sirius exclaimed as he slid under the covers of James' bed.
"Yeah, I know."
The two boys thought no-one else was awake, but they were wrong, Remus was watching their entire interaction, and had to hold in a squeal at Sirius' obvious flirting.
James woke up early that morning, at sunrise to be exact.
He slowly sat up.
He fumbled on his bedside table, searching for his glasses.
After what seemed like an eternity, James found them, by putting his thumb on the lenses.
'S***' he thought.
He wiped his glasses on his quilt and shoved them on his face. It made no difference, he was too tired to see.
He blinked a few times until the room began to focus.
The first thing he saw was Sirius' face, illuminated by the soft glow of the sun.
His raven hair was somehow tidy, even after sleeping the entire night.
Sirius was smiling softly.
James smiled too.
It was a warm morning. James slowly pulled down the covers.
He gasped when he saw that Sirius wasn't wearing a shirt.
How had he never noticed that Sirius had abs?
'Not gonna lie, he's kinda hot' thought James.
'Where the f*** did that come from?' Thought James to himself.
Sirius rolled over and before he knew what was happening, James had landed on the floor, where he was quickly squished by Sirius.
Sirius had woken up on top of James. Their lips were so close. It was taking Sirius all of his self control not to close the gap.
After a moment Sirius rolled off of James and stood up.
The two boys giggled awkwardly.
There was an audible squeal from across the room.
"Remus, are you alright?" Asked James.
"Yeah! I'm fantastic!" Remus squealed. He jumped up and skipped around the room.
"Remus are you drunk?" Asked Sirius.
"Noooooooo I'mmm Just exciiiiiited!" Remus sung, as he gathered his uniform and entered the bathroom.
"Pffft, dork." Giggled James.
"Hey Jamsie, can I please borrow your Quidditch jumper?" Sirius asked, in a sing-song voice.
"You have your own! Plus mine's too small for you now, you're taller than me!" James cried indignantly.
"I'm sorry you're so small James." Said Sirius, as though he was talking to a toddler.
James quickly grabbed his pillow and whacked Sirius over the head  with it.
Sirius was quick to respond, by grabbing his own pillow, and whipping James around the legs with it.
Well one thing led to another and eventually the two boys were running through the halls, already ten minutes late to Transfiguration.

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