Catching Gay Fever

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James and Sirius quietly took their seats in the classroom.
"Potter, Black, you're both late and out of uniform!" Professor McGonagall sighed.
"Sorry Minnie, we were having a pillow fight." Sirius explained.
"Yeah, and we have Quidditch practice this afternoon." James added.
"Five points from Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall muttered, then continued on with the lesson.
James yawned, Transfiguration was his best subject, so he really didn't need to pay attention.
This was good, as he was rather distracted that morning.
Sirius had fallen asleep on the desk and was looking absolutely beautiful.
Every time James tried to focus on whatever Professor McGonagall was lecturing about, his eyes seemed to wander back to Sirius.
'F***sake James, concentrate! He isn't Lily!' James' conscience said.
'Yeah, but he's as hot as Lily is.' The other part of James' brain argued.
"Mr Potter! Would you please stop staring at Mr Black and pay attention!" Cried Professor McGonagall.
James' cheeks became Gryffindor red.
"Sorry Professor." He muttered.
"And could you please wake Mr Black?" Asked Professor McGonagall, who was tired of the Marauder's nonsense.
James gently shook Sirius awake.
Through the entire lesson, James and Sirius took turns stealing glances at each other.
A couple of times they caught each other's eyes, and immediately looked away, cheeks dusted pink.
James couldn't explain this, it was weird. Why was he looking at his best friend like this.
Remus sat behind the two boys and was almost exploding trying to hold in laughter.
"Professor may I please use the bathroom?" Remus asked loudly.
Professor McGonagall nodded in his direction.
Remus ran to the nearest bathroom and just broke down squealing and laughing.
At Quidditch practice that afternoon James was watching Sirius, and not paying attention to what was going on.
He didn't realise that the Slytherins were joining the Gryffindors for a practice game.
He didn't realise that Marlene McKinnon was in the hospital wing, so Sirius was the only Beater.
He didn't realise that the other bludger was speeding towards him.
He didn't realise any of this until it was too late.

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