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"No, Jungkook, we're not adding custom waterslide into this house that leads into a 7 feet swimming pool."

"Why not?" Jungkook asked angrily, stomping his foot on the ground.

"Because we are stranded on a planet with no fuel to run our ship! What do you mean 'why not'?"

"Who's gonna stop us."

"That's not a valid response!"

"Jungkook! Hoseok! Shut up." Namjoon snapped, and Hoseok rolled his eyes, while Jungkook looked confused.

"We're gonna be here for a while, right? Why not make it fun?" Jungkook asked.

"Because being in the brink of death isn't 'fun', Jungkook. Not everything in life is fun. Sometimes it's serious, like right now. It's very serious right now." Namjoon scolded, and Jungkook looked down.

"Are Tae and Jin working to detect the volcanic levels of the planet?" Hoseok asked, and Namjoon nodded, looking back at the blueprint laid out in front of him. Hoseok then looked at Jungkook. "Why don't you go help them, Kook? I think Jimin and me are fine working on the house ourselves."

Jungkook looked at him with a small frown. "Tae and Jin left early so I don't think they need my help." Jungkook mumbled, and then saw Hoseok nod to his words and go up to Namjoon to discuss the house plans. So Jungkook sat down on the ground, bringing his knees to his chest.

Yoongi walked up to Jungkook and sat down beside him. "Hey there little guy, you alright?"

Jungkook nodded sadly, making little shapes on the dirt on the ground with his finger. "Yeah.. I-I just feel really useless right now."

"You're not useless, Jungkook. Don't think that way. Everyone's just on edge right now." Yoongi responded.

Jungkook looked up and then looked at Yoongi with glimmering eyes. "Do you need help with anything? Anything at all? Because I'll help. I-I feel dumb and wanna do something."

Yoongi sighed, taking a sip of his coffee, and then looking at Jungkook. "..Yeah I think there's something you can do for us."

"Sandwiches coming through!" Jungkook called out excitedly, rushing out of the ship and running onto the grounds of the planet with a plate full of sandwiches.

"You asked him to make us sandwiches?" Jimin asked Yoongi, who sipped his coffee silently. "When we have a whole machine that makes any food on our command?"

"Don't burst his bubble, Park." Yoongi said, and Jungkook smiled really big and placed the tray on a table they set up, right atop Namjoon's blueprint.

"Jungkook-" Namjoon started in annoyance, but then Jungkook pat his head. "You've been overworking again. Jin told you not to. So just take a break and eat something."

"...fine." Namjoon mumbled, and Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok walked towards Namjoon and Jungkook to grab a sandwich. Taehyung and Jin were back, and they were clutching the information packets in one hand, walking towards the boys.

Jungkook watched with anticipation as the boys each picked a sandwich up, Taehyung pecking Jungkook's cheek and grabbing one himself. Jungkook saw with big eyes as all of them took a bite.

"Oh damn, it's really good, Kook." Yoongi said.

"Yeah, it's amazing." Taehyung added.

"Oh that's great! I also made lemonade. I'm gonna go get it." Jungkook said with a smile, and then rushed back into the ship.

The moment he disappeared, all the boys spit the sandwich out of their mouths, practically throwing up. Jimin threw his sandwich a mile away and then fell to the floor, gasping fo breath.

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