Chapter 1: "We can't just leave that girl here with him."

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"Morocco? For what?" I asked as I popped another chip in my mouth. "What's in Morocco that we could possibly need?"

The question that left my lips before I could even take it back was the one that I'd end up being thankful for.

"Jewels. Money. Riches," Dom spoke as our gazes met from opposite ends of the table. Even far away, his eyes still pierced right through mine. "And it all could be ours if we plan it out right."

"I'm in," Brian said without hesitation. He was always Dom's right hand man. Tej, Roman, Mia and Lety followed suit. Knowing somebody was missing, Dom's eyes connected with mine again as he asked me the question.

"You in?"

With some hesitation, I responded. "Yes."

"It's settled, then. Let's move out."


Our plane landed in the middle of the night, just like Dom liked it, so nobody saw us coming. We made our way to the safe house, because this is Dominic Toretto we're talking about, he's got connections all over the world.

"Dominic Toretto," The man said as the door swung open. "I've been expecting your arrival. Welcome."

"AJ. Good to see you," He said smoothly as the two shook hands. "You know the crew."

AJ's eyes made his way around each one of us, probably silently judging. When his gaze met mine, the side of my lip curled ever so slightly as I gave a slight wave.

"This mission's going to be a bit of a big one," He said as we all gathered around his kitchen table. He'd been planning this one for a while it seemed — there were tons of blueprints, sketches of what appeared to be a castle, news articles, photos, everything you could think of that you'd need when you're planning on robbing somebody.

"This is it," Aj said as we all gathered around the huge table in the center of the room to look at his master plan. "This castle has everything we could only dream of. It's filled with money, jewels, gold, silver, everything that could solve all of our problems in an instant. But there's one thing stopping us."

"One thing stopping you? I've never heard of anything getting in your way, AJ," Dom spoke, which seemed to fuel AJ's ego. "Why don't you tell us what it is?"

"The castle is armed with mines everywhere," He said calmly, but the words made everyone else's eyes go wide. "Not to worry, not to worry. They aren't the kind that are buried and go off if you step on them. They're carefully placed to prevent intruders. If intruders are detected and guards sound the alarms, the emergency button is pressed and the castle blows up."

"The hell?" Roman questioned as he pushed off the table. "Has anyone tried to rob this place before?"

AJ laughed and shook his head, pulling out a folder from underneath the pile of blueprints and spreading pictures out. We stepped closer to take a look at them. In almost all of them, there was a girl who appeared to be in her early or mid-twenties, it was hard to tell by the picture quality. Her hair appeared messy and tied back in a bun, and even though she appeared to be skinny, she had a figure.

"No, and this is why," AJ explained as he watched us pick up and look at the photos. "This is the king's daughter, one of them, anyway. He keeps the others locked down in the dungeon because he only wanted his wife to bear sons, but when this one kept escaping, he thought she might be of use. The daughters, including this one, have never seen the outside of the castle. They know it like the back of their hands. Literally."

"That's an awful way to live," Mia said quietly as she set one of the pictures down that she was holding. "What's her name?"

"She doesn't have one that I know of. I've had my men staking out the place for weeks. The reason nobody's tried to rob this place before is because of her. She knows the location of all the mines, where all the money and jewels are hidden. If they accidentally get the castle blown up-"

"Then they kill her and burn all the riches," Dom finished his sentence. "So what is this supposed to be, a rescue mission?"

AJ shook his head while he pursed his lips in thought before opening them up to speak again as he looked at all of us. "A rescue mission that doesn't have a happy ending. Once we have the riches, we don't need the girl anymore. I'll dispose of her after I've had my way with her beautiful body and child-bearing hips. I'll marry her so that I'll be next in line for the throne, force her to give birth to some sons, and once I'm done with her, I'll dispose of her."

As we listened to AJ's disgusting plan, Dom, Tej, Roman, Mia, Lety and I all exchanged glances. We weren't those kinds of people. By the look on Dom's face, I knew this wasn't only going to be a rescue mission, but also a heist that was going to end in a murder...or a few.

Hours after we made sure AJ and his gang were asleep, we all met outside to discuss what made us all sick.

"We can't just leave that girl here with him," I was the first one to speak. "She's gotta be in her twenties. That's already young, and he wants to keep her held up here so he can "have his way with her?" Hasn't she been through enough already?"

"I don't feel right taking the money and leaving the girl here with him, Dom," Roman chimed in after I was finished, which was surprising because he was all about the money. "We gotta take her with us."

"We will," Dom promised as relief fell over all of our faces. "We will. But we gotta do it carefully or this whole mission could go wrong."

We headed back inside back to the big table where all of the blueprints and stuff lay out. After making sure the gang was still asleep, we gathered around close to Dom to hear his plan.

"So we'll follow through with the plan as normal at first to at least get us inside the castle," Dom explained as he showed us his thoughts on one of the blueprints. "Then, once we're actually inside, we turn. The only way this will work is if we kill AJ and his men, are we all clear?"

We all shook our heads in agreement as Dom went on with the rest of his plan. Since all of the security guards were going to be dead before we got inside, there'd be nobody to sound the alarm or to blow up the mines. We were safe there.

"Once we get inside and kill AJ and his team, Roman will head down to the dungeon to free the other daughters who are down there while Lety leads them out of the castle to safety, Tej, you'll locate the safe where the money and jewels are, Brian and I will locate where the king keeps his daughter that lives outside of the dungeon, and once we get her out safely, Han, you'll be waiting outside with one of the cars to take her back to the new safehouse."

I nodded as Dom and I locked eyes, biting down on my lip. "She's probably not going to be very happy. What if she starts screaming and alerts other guards in the castle that we're there? Then what?"

"We'll zip tie her ankles together and hands behind her back only until you get her to the safe house. That way she won't try to run away. If she runs off and is caught, she'll easily be a target to anyone else who's tried to take down the castle before. We have to keep her safe and get the money, and get her out of Morocco. Once you get her safely off the property, Mia and Lety will go back with you to the safe house to calm the girl down, and Tej, Brian and I will stay behind to finish the job."

We spent the next several hours going over the plan until we had it down solid. None of us liked having to tie up this girl that had already been through so much, but Dom was right, the second she left the castle, she'd be a target to any potential robber or thief, and we couldn't let her fall into the wrong hands.

What I didn't know, though, was that this was going to be the start of something that would end up being beautiful.

** IN PROGRESS ** Princess No Name (Han Seoul-Oh x Fast & Furious)Where stories live. Discover now