Chapter 2: "Remember what we talked about."

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A little before 3 a.m, AJ had woken us all up and gathered us around the big table in the center of the room one last time. Per Dom's instruction, we were to follow AJ's plan as normal, and we were going to turn on him once his crew got us inside. I'd taken a copy of the map of the castle and kept it on me so we were able to find our way around.

Our mission, though it seemed simple, was actually very complex. Once inside, we were going to split up into teams. Roman was going to be the first to break away from us and head down to the dungeon to free the other girls the King was keeping down there. We weren't sure how many there were, but we planned on letting them free. Then, Tej was locating the safe (more like a vault) where all the money and jewels were hidden, and Brian and Dom were going to be locating where the King sleeps. They're also going to find the girl and get her out of the castle before they even attempt the heist. My job, probably the most important, was to wait outside by the car and take her back to a new safehouse location while the others stayed back to finish the job.

It sounds easy, but it's not. Once Dom and Brian get up to the King's quarters, they have to locate the girl that's now become a part of a mission. We're going in with the expectation that she isn't going to come willingly, so they've got zip ties ready to go. I'm planning on taking them off in the car if she doesn't try to kill me first. We know she's capable of designing mines and probably bombs, so she's more than capable of killing somebody.

They have to do all of that while probably waking up the guards who are guarding the King's quarters, so while Tej is working on rounding up what we actually came for, they have to kill all of the guards. It's actually a complex mission that we're hoping we can pull off.

"Remember what we talked about," Dom muttered underneath his breath before we split up to get in the cars. We were nervous because we'd never turned on anyone we worked with before, but we couldn't show any signs of weakness to AJ or it would throw off the plan.

A little after 4 am, while it was still pitch black outside, we parked the cars outside the gates of the castle and got out to go over the same plan that AJ had drilled into our heads. While he was talking, Dom glanced at all of us to make sure we knew not to follow, and we nodded. My heart was pounding in my chest at this point, but we had to stay collected if this rescue mission and heist combo was going to work.

Slowly, with guns drawn and ready to fire, we made our way across the field, keeping a lookout for any guards. Surprisingly, we didn't come across any until we got closer to the doors. AJ & Dom sniped the three with their backs facing us from behind, so there wasn't much noise to draw attention.

"In just a few short hours, we will be so rich we won't know how to act, and the king's daughter will be mine. I'll kill all his sons and marry her so that I'll be next in line for the throne," AJ laughed loudly as his smile disappeared when Dom extended his arm and pointed his gun directly at AJ's forehead. His men in turn pointed their guns at Dom, and we pointed ours at them.

"What are you doing?" AJ laughed, looking at Dom. "I can make you and your whole team rich. Your grandchildren will be rich. You won't have to worry about anything anymore."

"We can't let you leave here with the king's daughter knowing what you plan on doing with her," Dom spoke as he remained calm. "That's not who we are."

"That's who I am," AJ retorted as he drew his own gun, the two standing with guns in each other's faces. "If you don't like it, you can leave now and go back to Los Angeles and live your sad pathetic lives."

Dom glanced at Lety who was standing behind AJ. With her gun, she swung at the side of his head and knocked him down. We turned on the other guards while they were still shocked and shot them, then turned back to Dom who was standing in front of AJ as he now seemed to beg for his life.

"Dom, please. I'll give you the girl. Just let me take my share of the money," He said as his breath staggered, holding his hands up. I saw the fear in his eyes. He was blindsided and had no idea this was coming. "Please."

"Should've thought of that before you told us what your plan was," Dom said coldly as he shot him in the head and stepped over his body like nothing had just happened. "Alright, now that that's over, everybody remember the plan? Roman, you go downstairs and find the other girls. Tej, you work on the safe. Lety, you go with him as a lookout. Brian and I will head upstairs and kill the king and look for the girl in the photo, and Han and Mia," he paused as he looked at us. "You two wait outside by one of the cars on standby. We'll bring the girl out to you and you'll take her to the new safe house location and wait for us there."

We nodded and split up to go to our assigned places. As Mia and I walked across the field towards the cars at the outside of the gate, she looked up at me.

"Dom's going to want her to be a part of our team. She's got skills."

"I know. She'll be safe with us. They just have to get her out first."

We got in the car and started the ignition, patiently waiting for the events to unfold.

** IN PROGRESS ** Princess No Name (Han Seoul-Oh x Fast & Furious)Where stories live. Discover now