Chapter 3, Part 1: "Their intentions were bad. Ours aren't."

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A/N: At this point in the story, the girl that the crew is talking about does not have a name, if anyone is confused!

*** Dom's POV ***

"Are you worried she's gonna try to kill us when we find her?" Brian asked as we made our way up the spiral staircase. "So many other people have tried to kidnap her."

"Their intentions were bad. Ours aren't. This wasn't supposed to turn into a rescue mission," I muttered as I kept my gun in my hand close to my side in case I was going to need it at any given time. "She's probably going to be very hostile and cause a scene while we're trying to get out of here."

Brian had zip ties and some tape in his back pocket ready to use at any given moment, but if this girl designed explosive mines in the name of protecting her father's fortune, zip ties are nothing for her.

After climbing the long staircase and trying our hardest not to make much noise, we reached the top floor. On either side were long hallways that were dimly lit, and straight ahead, I immediately recognized the king's quarters. The doors were large and wide, engraved with various designs and had two cameras, one on either side, pointing at the door.

"Surveillance cameras just made this job a whole lot harder," Brian said as we stopped just outside of their view. "We made it this far, what's the plan?"

We stood still outside the doors looking around trying to think of a plan because we weren't expecting there to be any cameras when we heard a voice from behind us.

"I'm impressed you made it this far," The voice said as we turned around quickly. "I've been watching you on the cameras. It's a shame your poor friend had to die."

She stood at about 5'3 with light brown hair. It was curly and stopped just above her shoulders. Her body was shaped like an hourglass but slightly smaller. The hips AJ was talking about, hers were definitely of childbearing size. There was a hoop on the left side of her nose and a diamond studd on the other. She was dressed in a pair of leggings that stopped halfway down her calves and a long sleeve oversized shirt.

"You've been watching us this whole time? And you haven't sent anyone else after us after we killed AJ and his friends downstairs?" I questioned. I'm not sure what we were expecting the king's daughter to look like, but it definitely was not this. She looked normal. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to see how far you could make it," She laughed as we stood with about four feet of space between us. "I'm impressed. Your friends are roaming all over the castle as we speak, and I bet you're here for my father's gold, and then you will kill him, and me. Or you will kidnap me and hold me for ransom. Which one is it?"

"Our original plan was to take the money and leave. We had no idea you even existed until we met AJ," Brian explained to her as I looked at him and then back at her. "AJ told us what he wanted to do with you, and we knew we couldn't let that happen."

She gave a lazy shrug as she held her hands together, looking up at us. We knew what she was capable of. If she built the mines that protected the castle, we knew she could take us down without a fight, so we were trying not to cause an argument.

"I bet you heard the story of how he keeps my sisters down in the dungeon since we were old enough to walk. I bet that AJ man told you that I was the one who kept figuring out how to unlock the doors every time they changed them to break us free. Eventually my father knew he couldn't keep me contained down there with my sisters and brought me up here. I did not have a childhood. I don't remember most of it because I don't want to," She explained. "I don't even know my name. Or if I have one."

"When AJ told us what he wanted to do with you, we knew we couldn't let him do that. We wouldn't have been able to live with ourselves," Brian said calmly as she rocked on her heels. "We went along with his plan far enough to get into the castle, and then we killed him. We want to rescue you, and your sisters."

She smirked as a bit of air blew through her nose when she laughed, shaking her head as she made eye contact with the both of us again. I kept my gun at my side just in case we would need it, and Brian had the zip ties ready.

"Rescue me and my sisters? Where would they go? They are of age now to live on their own just like me, and if you are planning on keeping my father's money for yourselves, how would they survive with no money? We've no family here. My aunt got out of royalty and lives in the US now."

"We could take them to the states and give some of the money to them. They're obviously entitled to it," I reasoned. "Your father is not a good man for keeping you here and forcing your sisters to live in a basement. Do you even know how old you are?"

She shrugged again, biting down on her lip to stop any tears from falling and her lip from quivering.

"I'm not sure. If I had to guess, I'm sure it would be around 24 or 25. Maybe a little younger. My father never told me my name or how old I am, and never let me do anything you are supposed to get to do when you're a child. My whole life, I've lived within these walls on lockdown and learned how to build explosives to keep the castle safe."

"We can help you and your sisters get out of here and live somewhere safe. Your sisters can go live with your aunt, and you can come with us back to Los Angeles," I said as her head snapped up to look at me. "I think you'd make a great fit for our team, and you'd be safe there."

Before I could open my mouth to speak again, an alarm sounded from above, and Brian and I immediately pulled our guns out. The girl immediately threw her hands up and screamed that she had no way of pulling any alarms even if she wanted to.

"You need to leave! It is unsafe here now. Somebody else from inside the castle has triggered an alarm, and my father will be waking up. Guards will come, and they will kill you."

"We need to get you out of here first!" I snapped as Brian stood guard looking for any sign of guard coming. We heard movement but nothing in sight. "Brian, take the girl!"

"No! I will not go-" She screamed out before Brian quickly zip-tied her hands behind her back and put a piece of duct tape over her mouth.

Before I could announce our next move, he quickly moved her out of the castle and out to where Han and Mia were waiting to take her back to the safe house. Brian said she put up quite the fight while they struggled to get her in the car and had to zip tie her ankles together.

This was not part of our plan, but at least we rescued the girl.

** IN PROGRESS ** Princess No Name (Han Seoul-Oh x Fast & Furious)Where stories live. Discover now