Chapter 3, Part 2: "It fits you."

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Once we'd gotten the girl back to the safe house, it was a struggle to get her back inside. She was scared and didn't trust any of us, understandably so.

"Get your hands off of me!" She screamed, jerking away from Mia as she tried to wipe her face off with a washcloth after we undid the zip ties. "Don't touch me."

Mia held her hands up defensively and backed away, scared that the girl was going to try and fight her or something. We undone the zip ties on her ankles and wrists, and she sat on one of the chairs in the corner. She looked around the room a couple times, but every time one of us made eye contact with her, she quickly broke the stare and played with her fingers.

"Hey," I said quietly as I sat down on the chair across from her to give her some space. "We're not going to hurt you or kill you. I can promise you that."

"Your friend was trying to kidnap me and use me for children," She spoke softly, still not looking up at me. "That's what one of them said in the stairwell."

"AJ? He's not our friend, not anymore, anyway, because he's dead," I said as I tried to choose my words carefully because I didn't want to set her off anymore. "We had no idea you even existed until AJ told us taking you was part of his plan. He told us what he was planning to do to you, and we couldn't let him do that. We pretended to be on his side so he could get us inside the castle since he already knew how, and then we killed him."

I was going to sit next to her, but given how she acted with Mia just minutes prior, I didn't want to piss her off again. She was beautiful, and appeared to be in her twenties, so definitely of childbearing age like AJ was saying. Slowly, I pulled my gaze away from her and looked down at my own hands. She was already scared enough, I didn't want to make it worse.

"My father tried to keep me and my sisters down in the dungeon, but I kept escaping," She said quietly. "He decided to put my talents to use and forced me to build mines and bombs for his protection. Nobody was ever able to break into the castle because of them."

"Your father was a terrible person for keeping you and your sisters locked up," I explained gently as she finally looked up at me. "I'm sorry that he put you through that. You had your childhood stolen from you."

"I don't know my name, or how old I am," She said as she nervously popped her fingers, biting down on the inside of her lips. "But I think I'm twenty. Maybe a little older. I don't really know how I'd be able to tell for sure."

"Do you have a name that you like? That you want to be called?" I asked, trying to attempt to calm her down. "We don't want to call you 'that girl' or 'hey you' forever."

She shrugged as she relaxed her hands on her thighs and gripped the fabric of her leggings between her fingers.

"I'm not quite sure if I can think of a name that suits me," She said as she looked up at me again. "I don't know what my likes or dislikes are, or anything like that. I'm not even sure where to begin with picking a name."

"You've got plenty of time to think about it," I said as I stood up. "Are you hungry?"

She nodded, but when I asked her what she wanted to eat, she shrugged and said she wasn't sure what her favorite food was. I didn't want to bother her with any more questions, so I left her with the tv remote and went to the kitchen to see what we had to eat in the safe house.

Not long after, Brian, Dom and Tej had returned back. She had looked up from the tv and swallowed as she made eye contact with Dom.

"Where are my sisters?" She asked, holding the remote in her hand like a weapon although I told her we wouldn't hurt her. "Are they safe?"

"Hey, kid, put that down," Dom said as he held his hands up while standing in front of her. "Nobody's gonna hurt you here. They're safe. You're safe."

She looked at Brian and then back at Dom, and repeated that action a couple times. When she saw that neither one of them were pulling out a weapon or rushing to take the remote from her, she set it down on the table next to her.

"What are you going to do with me now?" She questioned. "My father has another security team, and it won't be long before they find me. And you. Once they find me, they could kill all of you."

"You're coming back to Los Angeles with us," Dom said, ignoring the part about the other security team like it was just another casual Sunday. "You'll be safe there."

She raised an eyebrow, looking at the gazes that were staring at her from around the room. I could tell she was uncomfortable, but I didn't know how to help her.

"Where is that at? And what about my sisters? You think you can just take me?" She questioned. "I'm a princess. That's got to be some kind of kidnapping crime."

"Your sisters are safe, like I've promised you," Dom said as he turned back around with a beer in his hand. "And yes, we're going to take you. You aren't safe here. We've got your father's money and gold, you'll be okay."

She looked like she had a million other questions, but sat down again and stared at the tv, picking at the fabric at her leggings. When I asked if she wanted anything to eat, she shook her head no and stayed on her spot.

Everyone else had long gone to bed after the long day we had all had, but I couldn't sleep for some reason. I decided to get up and go check on her, and found her sitting on the floor in front of the couch this time, a bowl of leftovers in her lap.

"Why'd you wait till we all went to bed to eat?" I asked, watching her jump slightly when she realized I was there. Slowly, I sat down on the couch next to her. "You could've eaten with us."

"I didn't feel safe at that time," She said as her eyes peeled away from the tv to look at me. "Why'd you come out here? Afraid I'd escape?"

"No," I answered honestly as I slowly moved to sit on the floor next to her so I wouldn't startle her. "Sometimes I can't sleep. I heard the tv, so I thought I'd come check on you."

She stabbed the potato with the fork and chewed it slowly before looking up at me. The blue light reflecting off of her skin made her eyes shine brighter, and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over her complexion.

"I think I have chosen a name that I would like to be called," She said as she set the now empty bowl down beside her. "I've been thinking about it for a couple of hours, and I'd like to be called Elianna. Elli for short."

"Okay, Elli," I said as I nodded, looking at her. "What made you pick that name?"

"It sounds powerful in my head, and I am powerful," She said with the first hint of a smile I'd seen out of her since we brought her here. "Princess Elianna has a nice ring to it, do you think so?"

"It's your name, so other people's opinions don't matter," I reminded her as I looked at the tv so I wouldn't be staring at her. "But it's powerful, fits you."

She gave me a nod with a smile before turning back to the tv. Slowly, I noticed she was nodding off and starting to fall asleep, so I woke her up so she could lay on the couch. I brought her a blanket and grabbed the bowl to put in the sink before turning back around.

It hit me that this girl trusted me enough to tell me her name. She wasn't scared when I sat next to her, and even smiled at me. Was I the one who was supposed to protect her?

** IN PROGRESS ** Princess No Name (Han Seoul-Oh x Fast & Furious)Where stories live. Discover now