Chapter 5: "How are you adjusting to being here so far?"

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*** Ellie's POV ***

It's been two weeks since Han and his crew brought me back to Los Angeles, California, which I have learned is halfway across the world, very far from Morocco. I didn't have a connection to the others as I did with Han, so I felt most comfortable staying with him. He had a three bedroom apartment. My favorite part about it was the balcony where I could watch the sun rise and set every day.

"How are you adjusting to being here so far?" Han asked from the kitchen as he made us something to eat. "It's not as spacious as that castle you were living in," He joked, which made us both laugh.

"Not even close, but I can roam freely without being watched all the time," I said as I came over to the kitchen from the couch I was sitting on in the living room. "It's peaceful and calm. I think it is a change of pace from what I'm used to, but I definitely do not hate it. What happens now that I'm here? Am I working for Dom now?"

He looked up at me from the pan that was cooking the bacon I had been smelling for a few minutes and shrugged. I was confused by that and unsure what he meant.

"I wouldn't necessarily call it working. You're a part of the team now, if you want to be, of course," He added. "But it's not really working. It's more or less of a team when we have a mission or a job to do, and a family the rest of the time."

"A part of the team? If I want to be?" I asked, trying to make sense of it. "You mean I got an option?"

He nodded as he patted the strips of bacon with a paper towel before putting them on plates and cracking eggs in the same pan the bacon was just in. "Of course you can decide if you want to be on the team. You'd be a great asset with your skills in defensive systems, but no, Dom would not force you to be a part of the team. You are, though, a part of the family."

As he talked, I began to pay attention to him in a way that I hadn't before, probably because I was in fight or flight mode and had been on edge. But these past few days being here with Han were starting to reverse all of that. I was feeling a peace I hadn't known in a very long time, if ever.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" Han asked, bringing me back to earth as he sat the plate down in front of me on the island before sitting next to me. "You got awfully quiet."

"Just thinking about something," I said as I picked up my fork to start eating. "I don't remember the last time I've felt peace, if I've ever felt it. Ever since I learned how to walk and talk, my father had me building defense systems and explosives to protect the castle. I was under watch almost twenty-four seven with little privacy. I always felt on edge, know that feeling. I think this is the very first time that I've felt at peace, here with you. I don't know what it means, but I like this feeling."

"Feeling peace around somebody typically means they either make you feel safe or you like them, maybe even love them," He said as he picked at his scrambled eggs with his fork. "Do you feel safe here? Safe with me?"

I slowly nodded, trying to make sense of everything that Han was talking about and comparing it to these feelings that I was feeling. It made sense that I was feeling at peace with him out of everyone else on the team. I didn't have a connection with the others in that way.

"Yes. I mean...I think so," I said after I swallowed the piece of bacon I had started chewing. "I mean, I haven't talked to the others like I've talked to you. I've revealed a lot about myself to you. I feel like I can trust you, and let me in your house. It's almost like you..."

"...Trust me," He finished my sentence. "I'm not scared of you. I never was, even after I found out what you're capable of doing. Just like you put your trust in me to not hurt you, I put my trust in you to not hurt me."

"I don't think I've ever trusted anyone before in my entire life to not hurt me," I said as we locked eyes again. "Is that a bad thing?"

He shrugged as he put another bite of eggs into his mouth, swallowing before opening his mouth to speak again. "Everybody's gotta start somewhere."

We finished the rest of our breakfast in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence where I felt like I had to talk just to feel comfortable. I enjoyed his presence and being around him, and from what I could tell, he enjoyed having me here as well. I didn't want to think about the future and the possibility of being on my own, but now that I was no longer under my father's watch, I had no idea what to expect.

"How long am I here with you?" I asked as I helped put things away. Being here for a few weeks already, I was starting to learn that everything had a place. "I'm on my own for the first time, and I wasn't sure if my staying here with you is temporary..."

"It doesn't have to be temporary if you don't want it to be," He said in that same calm tone that was starting to become one of my favorite sounds. "You can live with me. Don't worry about not having a place to go. It was getting lonely around here anyway, it'd be nice to have somebody to share the space with."

I nodded, taking in all of the words he was saying as I walked over to the couch and sat down on the space in the middle, crossing my legs while I turned on the tv. It was the same tv that was in their safe house back in Morocco, so I already knew how to use it. I was only using it as a distraction, though, to stop myself from thinking things about Han that I shouldn't be thinking about. I'd never kissed anyone, never had sex, and have never been romantically involved with anyone. It was hard to tell if he was being nice or hinting that he liked me, and I didn't want to take things the wrong way, so I needed to crush those feelings before I ended up hurting myself.

He joined me on the couch after coming back from the restroom, sitting down comfortably on the space next to me. Our knees bumped as he sat down, and I felt my cheeks grow a little warm, so I looked back at the tv to hide them.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked. I didn't need to look at him to know he was looking at me. I could just feel it. "You said the other day you wanted some more clothes than what Mia had gotten you set up with back at the safe house. I could take you to the mall."

"What's a mall?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. The fear of Han laughing at me and stupid questions had left the day I met him. He was very patient and always explained things in detail.

"It's essentially a big building with lots of stores inside of it. You can buy almost anything you can think of in a mall. Which is why it's convenient, and is the perfect place to buy clothes," He explained as he noticed the hint of red in my cheeks. "You alright, Ellie?"

"I think I want you to kiss me," I blurted out, only realizing what I had said when I heard the words come from my lips. "I'm sorry, I...I uh...I don't know. I have these feelings, and it's hard to read them. I've never had feelings about anyone. In any way."

As I was rambling on, I didn't notice that he had moved closer. His hand gently gripped the base of my throat, and his warmness sent tingles up my spine, snapping my attention towards him. Gently, his thumb caressed my cheek as he slowly leaned into me and pressed his lips onto mine. I heard drums playing inside my head, realizing seconds later that it was my own heart because it had been beating so fast. His fingernails gently scratched at the back of my neck as he held his hand there. It felt like a little tickling sensation, causing me to bend my head slightly. We shared a couple small kisses before I heard him groan softly and pull away.

"Is that what you pictured your first kiss to be like?" He asked as he twirled a piece of my hair between his fingers. "I've always thought you were beautiful. I had to stop myself from thinking about you in this way several times because I didn't want you to think I wanted you only for my pleasure."

"I pictured my first kiss like they show it in movies. On the beach or somewhere pretty. But now that I am free of captivity and can actually live my life, I'm realizing that what I used to picture versus what I actually want are totally different," I said as I turned my body to face him. "I don't know how good of a partner I will be. You're my first," I giggled.

"We can take this as slow as you need to," He promised as we linked fingers, him bringing mine to his lips to kiss. "I'll never make you do anything you don't want to do. I promise."

I smiled one of my first genuine smiles since I'd been rescued. I wasn't sure what the future was going to bring for me, but right now, I definitely didn't mind being in the present.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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