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"Hurry up Axy! There's a lot of things to finish!" I immediately sprang up from my bed hearing that yell. It caused my eyesight to blackened out for a minute for standing up too fast.

I am an omega, a human too, in this pack called Greystone Pack.

I do not know who are my parents, or if I do have any living relatives out there.

Alpha Robert once told me, that I was left in the front door of the pack house in a box with a bracelet embossed with "Axzia" on it. And I was reeking of a human scent up until now, so I never tried to ask for more.

It was said that, humans have no rights to ask questions from high ranking wolves because they do not have enough power and authority to do so. And once violated, it is punishable by death.

Fucking hypocrites of a pack.

But of course, I wanted to live and survive in this damned world. So I really am trying my best to be in good terms with all of them.

Unluckily, there are a lot of arrogant, crazy, and psychotic wolves here that hates humans down to their core. They think of themselves as superior beings to a lowly human.

As cliché as it may be, punches and slaps were just a little taste of spice I endure everyday in my life. They were good at torturing that leaves me knocked out at least for a day or two. My parents don't know that these happened to me. Whenever I can't go back home for a few days, I would always say that I stayed with my friends. Alpha Robert doesn't know too that he have these kind of people. As long as I can, I won't tell them. Because if I do, those people will never let me breathe anymore.

Out of those unlucky things I am experiencing, I was glad that there are some people left who are kind to me.

I was able to have friends and a loving family.

Rose , Eva, and Hanna were my friends since we were kids. They were from a middle ranking family that's why, it earns me sneers and glares from their parents. Nevertheless, they still hang around with me.

Delia and Stan are my parents that raised me and took care of me all these years. They are omegas too.

"Axy, come on! What are you waiting for?!" My bedroom door was bursted open by Rose being impatient more than ever.

"I'm coming, okay?" I glanced over her for a bit and then finished straightening my clothes before turning to her fully.

"We were so glad that it's your day off! It means we got to hang out!!" she happily squealed and yanks me out of my room.

My offs are always timed every Sunday. It's my rest day and a happy one for me, because I get to hang out with my friends.

Rose and I arrived at our usual spot wherein Eva and Hanna were already seating down and eating some crackers they brought along with them.

"Okay, here they are Axy. We know we can always count on you, bestie! We're lucky to have you!"  Rose hugged me tightly after placing the piles of books and notebooks that belong to them.

I smiled at her and started to open one of the books and notebooks so I can start answering and study the topics.

Omegas were originally not allowed to study along side with other wolves higher than them. They were never given the rights to education due to that they believe that it is not suitable for omegas who are just existing to be the slave of the pack. So that's why we are doing this in secret so I can still continue studying.

Mondays were always the submission day at school. That's why I needed to finish all of these today.

Eva started giggling. I looked at them briefly, realizing that they're talking about something. It's fine with me being not able to join their conversations because I do prefer to study and read. I also need to understand  and analyze these things so I can finish soon.

Later on, the three of them started squealing like there's no tomorrow. I guess its the time of the day that they got to see their crushes.

The training grounds are open around this time. Pack warriors and the soon-to-be the next Alpha are there everyday to train themselves.

Rose got a huge crush on Alpha Zeke. She hopes too that she's his mate when their right ages comes around. She would always tell me how Alpha Zeke looks good and how kind he is.

It was true that Alpha Zeke is kind. He is kind to omegas and other low ranking wolves in this pack. He is suited for the title because he thinks more of his people than himself and the rankings.

We were sort of kinda more than strangers, if I may assume. Because whenever I'm on my dining duties, he would always smile at me and ask me short questions like, 'how are you?' and 'you good?' that always end up, me answering, in a simple nod.

I put down the books I have in my hands for a while and moved closer to the girls.

Rose made space so I can squeeze myself in between them.

Our spot were specifically chosen by Rose for this reason. To see her ultimate crush whenever he trains.

In that instance, Alpha Zeke looked at our way.

Rose slap me hard in my shoulder that made me wince a bit due to that, that arm she slapped, is not yet fully healed, for one of the wolves the other day, hit it for I, accidentally bump into him on a narrow hallway.

The slapping became more intense as minutes go by. I looked at what Rose is being excited about and realized that Alpha Zeke is walking towards our spot.

"Oh my gosh! He's going here! Do I look good? Is my hair okay? Do I still have lipstick?" it was like Rose is rapping some Berserk lyrics as she voice out her questions.

I can't blame her tho. First impressions do lasts, so you better make it the best in the first go.

"Hi girls." Alpha Zeke asked and smiled at us.

We immediately stand up to greet him back. We bow our heads to pay some respect to him. He was standing right in front of me and I could see that he's a bit sweaty due to the heat.

Suddenly, Rose pushed me a bit backward so she can go to my spot and be in front of Alpha Zeke. I don't mind it tho.

"Hi, Alpha Zeke." I inwardly cringed a bit because it was too much in a girly tone as I hear those greetings from Rose. On the other hand, Eva and Hanna giggled at it.

Alpha Zeke just smiled at her then looked past right her.

"Hi Axzia, you doin' good?" he asked me while not tearing apart his gaze from me.

I awkwardly looked around and see shocked faces from the girls. I never told them that we talk with each other because it was not a big deal for me. It was just simple and short exchanges of questions and nods.

I simply nod at his question to answer 'yes'.

"Good. I got to go. See you around ladies." Then he waved us goodbye before finally disappearing from our sight.

"Ohmygosh Axy! You knew Alpha Zeke? Were you that close with each other?"

"Do you always talk with each other?"

"Do you know what kind of girls he's into?"

"Do you think he has friends who's hot like him?"

I was bombarded with questions by Eva and Hanna. I don't know what to say.

I looked over at Rose to ask for some help but I was surprised to see her face full of disappointment looking straight back at me.

"You know that I have a crush in Alpha Zeke. How could you not tell me that you speak with each other? You could have helped me to get close with him from the start!" Eva and Hanna quieted down.

"It's not that much, Rose. He would just ask me if im doing good or what and that's it. We were not that close." I tried to explain to her.

"Even so, Axy. I thought you were my friend. Guess you wanted him too, so you keep him all by yourself. I never guessed you were that kind of girl. Hah. What do I expect? You're a lowly omega after all." Then she walked out living me dumbfounded at what just happened.

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