Chapter 4 - Pills

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I was feeling bad and alone in my motel apartment. I took a bath then looked at the mirror but I didn't recognize myself. I took my pills before going to bed. I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't want to sleep because of the nightmares I had been having. I was laying down, looking at the ceiling. I looked around my apartment. I didn't have anything red, I hate that color. I also avoid buying tomatoes whenever I go to the grocery store. I hate that color. It's aggressive and horrific. I feel like it reminds me of something but I can't remember what. It's dark, sometimes the headlights of a car would light up my room for a few seconds before fading away. I'm thirsty so I stand up and make myself a glass of tap water. I can't remember, did I take my pills ? I don't think so. I'm still not tired so I go on the sofa. I looked around and noticed a red painting. I didn't remember putting a painting there. I approached it but I wanted to throw up, it disgusted me, it scared me. I couldn't look at it so I closed my eyes but when I opened them again I wasn't in my apartment anymore. I was laying on the floor of what looked like a school kitchen. Everything was dark. I stood up and tried to find an exit. There was a door on my left. The floor under my feet cracked as I walked to the door, when I opened it, I saw a giant school cafeteria. It was still dark but I could see that the walls were in a dark red color. It scared me. I ran away, trying to find a door. When I sprinted through the closest door, it closed behind me. Everything was red. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, the pillars, the lockers, the doors. Everything was red. I continued running in the school, through the corridor. suddenly I heard a "boom" that made me cry and after what felt like an eternity, everything started flashing blue. I fainted and woke up on my sofa. I was feeling bad and alone in my motel apartment. I took a bath then looked at the mirror but I didn't recognize myself. Did I take my pills ?

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