before you read <3

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Styled is a story that incorporates songs, events, interviews, outfits, etc. that have occurred irl. To fit the narrative of the story I want to write, these events will not be happening in the order/time period in which they actually occurred (e.g. photoshoots may occur out of order, song releases may differ, etc.). For example, this story starts right before Fine Line era, but Pleasing already exists.

Because this fic will include some events that have happened irl, I want to note that IN NO WAY does this fic represent Harry or any other characters in real life.

Additionally, since this story follows the story of a fashion stylist and I am in fact not a fashion stylist, I will be featuring the work of many talented stylists in this story. I want to be clear that ALL credit goes to the original stylists (Harry Lambert especially) and designers behind these looks, and I am in NO WAY claiming their creativity as my own. 

As of right now, I do plan on including swearing, drugs/alcohol, mentions of violence, and sexual content in this book (most likely not smut, but will update this warning as the story unfolds). I will also try to include TW/CW before a chapters where these things are prevalent.

Monira is Egyptian (as am I), so there will be a good amount of Arabic language and Middle Eastern culture weaved throughout this fic. Additionally, there will be LGBTQ+ and POC characters in this book, which was really important to me while writing. If you are racist/homophobic/etc., please take your hate elsewhere. 

If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read. This is my story and I want to stay as authentic to my vision as possible. That being said, I love you and I hope you all enjoy <3

also!! follow @donttellurmates on twitter for extras and sneak peeks :)

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