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AN: because Monira is Egyptian, there will be bits of Arabic intertwined throughout this book as it is an important part of her identity. Whenever a chapter has Arabic in it, I will transliterate (write it using the english alphabet rather than Arabic to make it a bit easier), and I will include the Arabic to English translations before each chapter!

Ahlan = Hello

Baba = dad

Habibti = my darling/my love (very common Arabic term of endearment, used among family, close friends, and romantic relationships)

Alhamdullilah = praise be to God/thank God 

Inshallah = If God wills it (can be used sincerely or sarcastically-- used sincerely in this chapter)

Khalas = stop/that's enough

That's all for now! Thank you for reading <3 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

"Seriously," Harry says, "you should consider it."

"Harry," I say skeptically, "first of all, you haven't even seen any of my work, which is something I'm sure other candidates had to do, and I don't think I'm looking for a job right now, I mean I'm going to be insanely busy until after fashion week which isn't even for another month!" I think aloud.

"Thats perfect because Harry isn't leaving until next month!" Harry exclaims with a smile, to which I just roll my eyes.

"Listen, Monira, you're right. There is some selection process and I haven't seen your work. My team asked each applicant to compile an abridged portfolio of sorts using looks they have already created that they could see me in. I know you're busy, and I understand if you want me to fuck off, but let me at least give you the email to send a portfolio to if you change your mind." Harry says, reaching for one of the airline napkins and a pen.

Just as he finishes writing the email and passing me the paper, the flight attendant's voice comes on through the speaker alerting us that we will be landing in fifteen minutes. I take the paper from Harry with a smile, shoving it in my backpack knowing I likely wouldn't reach for it again. I look down at my lap and realize that I still have the mystery blanket draped over my legs and furrow my brows, realizing I still don't know where it came from. Harry must have noticed my expression because he adds, "you were shivering after you fell asleep, asked the flight attendant for a blanket."

"Oh... thank you." I mumble out of slight embarrassment.

With that, the plane begins it's decent and again I cling on to the armrest farthest from Harry for dear life. Again, Harry notices the change in my demeanor and whispers,

"It'll be alright, I promise."

I don't know what it was about those simple words, words that I try to tell myself every time I fly to no avail, but those words coming from Harry helped me relax ever so slightly. I give him a grateful smile as the wheels finally make contact with the ground and I feel like I can breathe again.

It doesn't take long for us to taxi into our gate, and before I know it, Harry and I are both gathering our belongings and preparing to get off the plane. Just as people begin standing up, Harry turns to me and says,

"It was truly lovely to meet you Monira, thank you for keeping me company... and please give some consideration to the conversation we had. I know I haven't seen your work, but I'm sure it's fantastic."

"Thank you Harry, I'll definitely think about it. If not, I do hope our paths cross again somehow." I reply.

With that, we both make our way off of the airplane, say a brief goodbye to one another, and go our separate ways.

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