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FINALLY CHAPTER 13, enjoy bbs <3

warning: this chapter is only briefly edited and it took me forever to write so if there are any issues... im sorry.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

I wake up with a pounding headache and a pit of embarrassment in my stomach.

It takes me a few moments to orient myself in the unfamiliar room, squinting and looking around haphazardly. Soft light filters in through the window nearby that causes me to cover my face with my hands, both in an attempt to stop the light from exacerbating the pain in my head, and out of shame as I recall the night before. 

Did I seriously flirt with Harry like that last night? Did he flirt back?

I groan and peel myself out of bed to locate my much needed water bottle. Once I find it, I slink back over to the bed to curl up under the covers once again, dropping down on the mattress with a thump. I take a deep breath and decide to brave checking my phone for the first time since last night. I wince when the small screen informs me that its 10:30am and that I have 3 messages from Mel and one from Harry. I opt for checking Mel's messages first as I deem them the safer bet for right now, so I open our messages to read:

12:34am - did you just leave with Harry?

1:00am - you good?

1:17am - just talked to Harry, glad you're safe but you 

have A LOT to fill me in on in the morning

I laugh slightly at their last request, and text back:

Thanks for checking on me, love ya ❤️

I spend the next ten minutes trying to muster up the courage to check Harry's text. From what I remember, my behavior last night was already embarrassing enough and I would hate to open our messages to find that I made the situation even worse by sending him a stupid drunk text. After procrastinating by checking every social media app that I have, I finally rip it off like a bandaid and open his text.

9:45am -  how ya feelin?

I breathe a sigh of relief once I see that I did not in fact drunk text him last night and that it's simply Harry being a good friend and checking up on me. I shoot back a quick reply telling him that I'm all good and ask how he's doing as well before I lock my phone and let my eyes flutter shut for just a few moments, not really feeling like facing the day just yet. 

I allow myself about 30 minutes to lounge around in my hotel room for before I force myself to get up and get ready. My flight back to LA departs at 3pm and the last thing I need is to be running around JFK scrambling to get to my gate on time. I take an extra long shower in an attempt to wash away the night before and do a very lazy morning routine. I choose to put my hair into two French braids since I washed it and don't want to deal with wet curls on a plane. I don't bother with any makeup other than mascara, and for my outfit I opt for my go-to traveling fit: black Pleasing crewneck, black leggings, white sneakers. I smile smugly at myself in the mirror— I haven't been able to sport this look on any recent flights because I've been flying with the brand's CEO, and I certainly don't want to inflate his ego even more.

Within the hour, I'm all checked out of my hotel room and on my way to the airport. Getting from my taxi to the plane is a relatively painless process, but my heart starts racing and I feel a familiar pit in my stomach as soon as I find my seat. I take a few moments to get situated, and once I'm waiting for everyone else to board, I find myself going back and forth about whether I should text Harry or not. Even though it's only been a few times, I've realized that flying with him makes the nerves that come with takeoff and landing much more manageable. As I hear the flight attendant's voice come through the speakers, I realize I have to act quickly if I want to talk to him before I can't use my phone anymore. In an act of desperation, I shoot him two quick messages:

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