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I hope that I appear completely unphased, that I'm able to hide my shock at seeing Harry in this room. I'm not sure why I didn't expect him here, it just seems like an interview is something that would be handled by management only, but I know how big of a deal it is to him to find a suitable replacement for Harry Lambert so I kick myself for not being more prepared to see him.

On the bright side, I have the advantage of having already met him, so I should be more relaxed than other candidates who unknowingly walk into a room with an international superstar and a fashion legend.

I confidently walk over to the empty chair facing the panel and sit down with a smile.

"Hi everyone, my name is Monira. I'm so glad that we could find a time to make this happen." I say beaming.

The only man whom I don't know at the table introduces himself as Jeff, and he informs me that Harry Lambert will be taking the lead on the interview since "he knows more about fashion than the other three combined."

At this comment, Harry (Styles) utters a "Hey!" under his breath, causing me to let out a small giggle.

"Monira, I must say your portfolio was particularly eye-catching, especially given the short notice that I've been made aware of." Harry Lambert starts with a smile.

"Oh," I say, slightly caught off guard by the compliment from a literal fashion icon, "thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!"

"So, we know this might be difficult since you included so many looks, but we're asking all of our applicants to speak on one or two pieces or looks that you included and tell us why they were important to this portfolio."

Upon hearing this request, I immediately get excited because I know exactly which look is the centerpiece of my entire portfolio. I reach for my bag to pull out the hard copy of my portfolio and find the look in question. The look isn't actually all that extravagant, but something about it was screaming Harry to me when I was piecing everything together.

I turn the photo around to show the panel, and out of the corner of my eye I catch Harry staring directly at me. I ignore the attention from him so I can focus on getting out everything I want to say about this look.

"Okay. So I know this look isn't the most extravagant or revolutionary, but there are a few reasons why I chose this look for Harry specifically." I say excitedly, briefly making eye contact with Mr. Styles upon saying his name.

"When people think about Harry Styles, or at least people who know more about him than the songs that play on the radio, one of the first things that come to mind is his tattoos. I wanted to feature a look that would show off exactly that. Now when I initially styled this look, I was working with someone who was more than comfortable with showing absolutely everything off, but I want to make it clear that the very first concern in my head when I work with somebody is their comfort, so any look in this portfolio could be tailored accordingly."

"Here, my model is wearing a completely sheer top from a few years ago, with some gorgeous detailing along the neckline. I think those flowers give off a really ethereal vibe, and would frame Harry's famous cross necklace perfectly."

I look at him again and it seems like his eyes haven't moved, in fact I'm not completely convinced that he's looked at the image I'm holding up because I haven't felt his gaze move from me this entire time, which is only slightly unsettling. I take a quick peak at Harry Lambert, Jeff, and Cora and see that they're all smiling, which puts me at ease.

"As you can see, this look was originally curated for a feminine body, but I decided to leave it as is for this portfolio because I really do think Harry could rock a skirt if he felt comfortable doing so." I say smiling in his direction. I am mindful not to look too long, but I think I see a slight blush creep across his face. "The bright red contrasts the softness of the top bringing some of that badass-rockstar energy, regardless of whether it's left as a skirt or trouser." I finish.

styled ・Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now