The Collector Pt. 2

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So yes, I try to come up with rhymes but alas, I'm just not good at it. Also, season 2B is traumatic and we will all need therapy for whatever the crew has prepared for us. King's backstory was 10x sadder now that we know his blood is needed for Belos and the Collector...



The Owl House door slams open, all five walk in, all the color drained from their faces. The twins' run up to their little sister, whose eyes are freshly red, her cheeks newly stained. Lilith heads straight for her history books, repeating the figure's name that was said before. Something sounded familiar, but the Clawthorne had to be sure. Eda went to the couch, collapsing onto the cushion with King beside her. The two were devastated that their human was taken from them.

Hunter paced the floor, Flapjack flying back and forth, mimicking his path. He furrows his eyebrows in thought "This doesn't make any sense. Why would someone want to possess the human? She has no magic. Not to mention the thing was performing magic despite Luz not having a bile sac." He scratches his blonde hair completely at loss for what just occurred "Can we even trust their word? Are they going to handle the day of unity or are they going to just do as they please? What's his goal?" Flapjack whistles, giving his input for Hunter to consider.

Eda shakes her head, keeping her head down so that she only stares at her lap "I recognized that laugh." Everyone looks towards The Owl Lady, waiting for her explanation "Before I made peace with the curse, Hooty gave me the sleepy meadow cookies and I was transported somewhere in my subconscious? I'm still not one hundred percent sure, but when I was in my owl beast form, I was captured and dragged before this cloaked figure. I wasn't able to see their face because there was a crescent moon in its place. Their cloak was identical to the one Luz had on in the skull."

Raine exclaims "Wait, so you found your kid?"

"Yes, can someone please elaborate for those who weren't present?" Darius is exasperated and rubs his temple trying to connect the dots.

Lilith comes back into the room with a few fable books "Yes and no. It seems that Luz has been possessed by a bedtime story used to frighten witchlings."

Hunter snaps, the light glyph going off in his head "That's it! The Collector is a bedtime story. A mythical shadow trapped beneath the Titan's bones. Said that they are the embodiment of the sun and the moon. Their raw power threatened the Titian, as they only wanted to cause chaos. They found it fun. Hunted down creatures and demons for sport."

Lilith nods, confirming Hunter's story "Indeed. In fact," She opens up one of the books, displaying for everyone to see "It is told that The Collector was more powerful than the Titan himself. The Titan hunted the shadow down for centuries before he could put a rest to his reign of terror." She flips the page, illustrating the shadow embodiment that Hunter is familiar with from Belos' mind. They're laughing while the drawings of other species are running away, encasing the land in darkness. One thing highlighted above the shadow was a solar eclipse "The Collector has sworn revenge on the Titan and everything he protected. Prophesied that on a solar eclipse would they rise again. And this time permanently." Lilith closes the book, tossing it aside.

"Permanently?" Amity questions, her voice shaking "What does that mean for Luz? Can we not get her back? Is she gone?" Emira and Eda comfort their little sister, both rubbing Amity's back for support.

King waddles off the couch, picking up the book to read the book further. He doesn't want to believe that his best friend is lost to him forever. He won't accept that. Not after everything Luz has done for him and the constant support she showed when he found out about his past.

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