[ Lycoris Radiata | 2/2 ]

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"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" one said before.

Such... Is logical. If your current circumstances are unfavorable, the most logical answer is to find a way to make it favorable.


Several cycles passed, your body has been found by the decepticons.
Grabbing your lifeless body, they took it to be recycled in Kaon.




[ Entire Chapter: Shockwave POV ]

Mostly silence echoes throughout my laboratory. I do not mind the screaming of those Autobots, if it meant I could advance in my research.

With the recent surfacing of "Dark Energon", I have gotten curious myself if I could replicate its abilities, in a more ... Stable manner.

And so I did, some were a success, and some were a failure... But I was not done yet, I have locked myself in my laboratory for many cycles, but now I must find a proper candidate for my next experiment.


What would death mean to you?
What do you think comes after death?
Is it heaven and hell? ... Or is it darkness?


I had left my lab for the first time in 14 cycles, I first made my way to Soundwave's prison. Logically thinking, it should be possible for me to find an adequate candidate.

I could have simply killed off my own prisoners, but if the experiment turned out to be a failure, it would be such a waste of resource.


I arrived — a familiar voice called out to me: " Shockwave "
Looking at the direction of the voice, it seems to be just Soundwave.

" I require cadavers for an experiment. "
I told him.

He simply nodded and escorted me to the "scrapyard" before leaving to continue his own work.

I searched around for a while, and found only four suitable cadavers.
Three autobots with significant damages all over their frame, and a factionless one with damages to the spark chamber.

"These should be enough." I thought to myself.

So I took these bodies with me back to my lab, and strapped each one on a different table — And began repairing as much as I could before proceeding with the experiment.


It was not your time yet.
Go back.


I had managed to repair most damages, and had proceeded with the experiment.

Subject 1 is an Autobot who sustained significant injury to the processor and major energon lines.

Subject 2 is another Autobot who sustained heavy damages due to torture.
The cadaver was missing many parts, including the transformation cog.

Subject 3 is also an Autobot, has sustained significant injury to major energon lines, and frame.

... This is perhaps the only time I wished my fellow Decepticons were not so brash and... Brutal. But there is still what others may call "hope".

Subject 4 is a factionless bot, who sustained injuries in the general area of the spark chamber due to what seems to be an energon explosion. But overall, no other damages.

The energon that exploded on this subject was not nearly enough to damage them beyond repair. But it was enough to kill them due to the placement.

This is ... Interesting.
Most of the factionless sustain injuries so severe they do not even look like bodies.


Each body now in a test tube, each of them with wires connected to their spark and their processor.

I press the [ ENTER ] button with my digit. Causing the test tube machines to activate. The experiment has commenced.


I need only one success, and from there I may expand on my research more.
This experiment must not fail, I will not let it — It is only logical.




( ...but it also symbolizes rebirth. - Lyliarc )

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