Chapter 1

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Warnings I think just cursing

You sighed.  "Oh don't be like that~  Come on (N/N)~  You can't just not talk to me all the time!  You gotta respond with a "Hi Ajax!" At least once!~"  You stared at the short girl next to you.  She made a noise of annoyance before replying.  "I no longer refer to you like that.  And you will no longer refer to me as "(N/N)"."  I huffed.  "Aww Please?~  I won't annoy you anymore if you let me~"  You could tell it was a tempting offer to the girl.  "You are not going to refer to me as (N/N).  You will however no longer be annoying me."  She tries walking faster.

You sigh, "Come on Ojou-Chan~  You know you could never run anyways~ Remember, I've always been the fastest in track!" "I don't give a shit, Tartaglia." "So mean.." You pout. You look at the (H/C) girl that you've been longing for. No, not to sleep with, well, maybe that too.. But just to mend your relationship. You're.. not quite sure how to though. Whenever you bring it up she just finds an excuse to run away.

You can feel the gaze of other girls, not towards you, well, some towards you, for not paying attention to them for a while. But to your childhood friend. They all haven't liked her for the past couple years. Ever since you made that.. mistake. And tried fixing it. You and everyone else have noticed just how much time you spend around her. You just can't get enough of her. Her scent, her hair, her soft skin, ah, just everything about her, especially her as- 'Ow!' (No! Bad! >:( ). Though she probably can't say the same about you..

You can also hear whispers, "Ugh! Isnt so unfair that (L/N) gets his attention and yet she doesn't even like him?!" "Calm down, Ekaterina. Although, now that I remember, they did used to be friend, correct? I wonder what happened.." You can hear a girl reply to Ekaterina, the girl who bothered you before you went to catch up to your beloved (N/N).

Just as you were still "walking" with (N/N), you think of something. A small smug smirk falling upon your lips. You swiftly try grabbing her hand. But she turns around and smacks you, almost immediately as you were about to grab her hand. "O-ow..! Hey what was that for?!" You groan. She glares at you. "You aren't sneaky, Tartaglia. I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work. No matter how hard you try I'll never forgive you." She said, now running off. "H-hey wait!-" But she ran to far and you hadn't the motivation to run to her. You let out a deep sigh.

Why did you make that mistake years ago?

Maybe if you hadn't, she could be right next to you, treating you as she did back then. Back then when you two were so innocent..


"Hehe!~ You'll never catch me, Ajax!"

She giggled, running around her mothers backyard.

The boy and his family had been invited to her family's home. For a purpose they had never really cared about.

A part of some distant memories, that started this all..

"Wanna bet on that, (N/N)?"

He said speeding towards her.

She lets out a mixture or giggles and screaming.

Till' the girl trips on herself, causing her to launch forward, her hand scraped on the pavement. Her palm's skin torn off, and bloodied. She cried her eyes out.

"Ah! (N/N)!! Are you okay? Shh.. It's okay.. Let's get some bandages okay?" The small ginger boy smiled at the girl.

It was almost inaudible, due to her calming down sobbing, but you could still make out a "O-okay.."


The boy looks proud of himself. Only in 4th grade and he could patch some up just great! Suppose it's to be expected of a big brother. Afterwards, Ajax had pulled out a cookie, he had orginally brought it for his crying friend, but he forgot. He then remembered and gave it almost as a "Thanks for behaving as I patched you up" gift. The girl smiles happily.

"F-for me?"

He nods and smiles. "Of course!"

~ (The ~ is time skipping btw)

"(Y/N)! Ajax! Come here!"

Ajax's mom shouts. (Y/N)'s mom, and Ajax's mom they were both near the door. Perhaps it was time for Ajax's departure.

"(Y/N), go give Ajax a good bye hug!"

"Huh? Why were gonna see each other tommarow..?"

Her mom shakes her head.

"Nope, Ajax and his family will be moving tomorrow, so he's gonna go to a different school."


'Ajax is leaving..?'

'Leaving you.. Leaving you behind..?'

The girl sheds tears.

"N-no! I don't want Ajax to leave!"

The boy almost cried himself. Why was he never told this?

"Aww, I'm sorry (Y/N).. But Ajax's mommy found work somewhere else so they have to move they're now."

The girl sobs, once again.

This was not the best way to spend a parting..


For a good couple minutes they were trying to console you. This was a lot to take it. I mean your best friend, of 8 years was leaving you.. You couldn't just accept it. But you had to, deep down you had to. Even if you really didn't want to.

He was just going to unfriend you some day. Suppose him moving will make it easier on his part.

~Modern AU~ Tartaglia x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now