Chapter 4

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"*Yawn*  ..Oh shit I'm almost late to!-  Oh wait it's a Sunday.. *Sigh*"

'Ugh.. But I wish it wasn't either.. then I wouldn't have to go to his house..'

So a couple weeks ago during dinner, you had a conversation about Tartaglia with your mom.  She told you that you need to mend your friendship with him.  And she knew you weren't going to willigly go alone.  So, it became a visit to Tartaglia's house.  Haven't had one in a while.  You've been meaning to visit anyway, for Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer.  You haven't seen Teucer since he was 5.  And now that you again, have been living closer to their house, you can do more visits.  (Sorry, if this doesn't make sense, basically.  When you were younger you guys lived close to each other,but then they moved and after a couple years you guys conviently moved closer to them again.)

..Wow so exciting.  This totally doesn't mean that bitch will come to both you.

You might be thinking.  If Tartaglia moved far away, why'd you guys go to the same middle school?  It's the only one in town.  And for plot-

Since they lived a couple blocks away, you and your mom just walked.  It was more convient so you didn't have to use so much gas, but you really wish she took the car.  Is was dying hot, and you're legs hurt like hell from that 2 mile run.


*Ding  Dong*

*Knock Knock*


"Oh!  (Y/N), and (Mom's/Name)!  It's been a while, come inside."  Tartaglia's mom smiles brightly.

You let out a long sigh walking in, your mom gave you a glare as it was kinda disrespectful.

Suddenly you hear a gasp behind you, and before you got to turn around you almost fell over.

"(Y/N)!  I haven't seen you in forever!!  How have you been?"  Tonia asks.

You smile, "I've been good Tonia.. Wow, you look so much different from back then!"

She giggles slightly, "Hehe~ You too!  You look so much more muture than me!"

And thus you two have your slight conversation.  Before Teucer gives you a big hug.  Telling you he misses when you and big brother would play with Mr. Cyclops with him.  You scratch your neck nervously. You do not want to talk about that man right now.

(Tartaglia's mom's name will just be Vera.)

Alas, that was the whole reason as to why you're here in the first place, not just to visit his family.

"Ah.. Uhm Mrs. Vera.."  You speak.  Her head perks up, as she was looking at Teucer.  "Yes (Y/N)?"  She smiles.  "Where is Tartaglia..?"  She looks at you a little weirdly for calling him his other name.  But then shock appears on her face.  "Ah!  Ajax must be in his room sleeping!  Ajax is usually downstairs, and here when someone shows up at the door just in case it's someone dangerous.  I just noticed he wasn't here.."  She says worry falling on her face as she rrealizes she almost forgot her own kid.  "Ah.. He grew up so fast.. Oh! (Y/N) would you be a dear and grab him for us?  Or atleast try?  His room should be the one all the way down the upstairs hallway."  She explains.

You nod, "Sure."  "Ah, thank you!"  She says before you go upstairs.


'Their house is huge..  Damn this shit look hella expensive.. Oh, there's his room.'

*knock knock*

"Come in..?"

You sigh not really wanting to but, whatever.  You almost hold your breath as you walk in.  Luckily your eyes don't meet immidieatly, as he's turned around playing a game. 

'Is he.. Is that bitch playing Val??'

You feel like clearing your throat to get his attention.  Yet nothing comes out and instead you just kinda sit there quietly.

Once the round is over, he places down his headset and gets out of his chair.  Yawning and turning off his PC.  Closing his eyes, stretching he says, "Why are you being so qui.."  He looks at you shocked.  Just standing in utter shock.  Suddenly shock is turned to what appears to be happiness.  Not sure if it's genuine or not, probably not, but still happiness. 

He quickly runs and gives you a big tight hug.  Almost acting like a dog..  "(N/N)!  You finally visited!  Was is to see me?~"  He gives you a playful smirk.  To which you shot down immiediatly.  "No, idiot.  Me and my mom were visiting your family and you were too busy playing Valorant to hear the door.  So your mom told me to get you downstairs."  You explained.  "Like I'd ever willigly visit YOU.."  You mumbled loud enough for him to hear.  He chuckles, "Is that so?  Shame..  Here I got all excited.."

You click your tongue.  "You think I'd want a man who is too busy playing Valorant to be MY boyfriend?  Tough luck that's my job."  You cross your arms.  He laughs. 

"Well, anyways, my mom is waiting for me to go downstairs right?  So let's go-"


Tartaglia checks his phone and immidieatly starts texting.  He grins a bit at his phone.

"Who are you talking to?"

"A girl."

He says not even glancing up to look at you.  He just kept texting and grinning to himself.  And for some reason every time he does there's this pang of pain that suddenly sparks in your heart. 

'Am I.. Jealous..?  No!  No way, no how. I could never be jealous because of this fucker.'

(Am I.. Better than everyone?)

You play with your shirt/skirt rim anxiously thinking about the jealousy you suddenly felt.

This did not go unwatched by Tartaglia. 

He smirks.  "Something wrong..?~  Am I so attractive that you can't stop fidgeting around?"  He says, putting his phone in his pocket.  You look away.  You blush a little before saying, "It's rude to text other woman in front of the woman you're spending time with, y'know.."  You bite your thumb nail.  Of course, Tartaglia see's this as another oppurtonity to tease you.  "Oh? Is someone jeal-"  "Can we go downstairs already?!"  "Fine~"


"(Y/N)!  You're finall downstairs with big brother.. What took you so long?  ..No!  Were you two-"

"Hell no, Tonia."

"Why..?  I think you and big brother would be a great couple!  He only talks about you every da-"

"That's enough, Tonia."

The ginger man next to you blushes covering his face.  This time it's your turn to smirk.

"Does he now..?"  You glance at him and he looks away.  "Mhm!  He's always talking about you're just acting and being hard to get.  But big brother really wants to date you and thinks you're really cute."  She almost explains everything with a small evil grin.  She explained them so innocently, but everyone knows she was out to expose her older brother.  "Tonia.."  "Haha!  That's what you get for exposing me infront of my crush!"  She snickers.  "Tonia!-"

~Modern AU~ Tartaglia x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now