Chapter 1..

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"Brinkley wake up honey, Tasia will be here soon, don't forget to take your meds hon" I let out a long sigh and got out of bed anyways. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, I brushed my teeth before sliding off the clothes from the night before. I step into the warm air of the shower and wash away all of the anxiety for school this year. once I get out i throw on some mom jeans and a plain tee, throw on my sneakers and brush out the tangles in my hair. I dust on light face makeup and throw on some mascara before grabbing my bag and phone and walking downstairs. "Finally Brink, i was beginning to think you weren't coming down" I laughed and grabbed a piece of toast before waving my mom bye and heading outside of the house. We climb into my slick black convertible and head off to school. "I still don't understand why you get your mom to drop you off at my house in the morning" she rolls her eyes and laughs. "Um.. because it doesn't look as cringe showing up with you, duhhhh" i laugh and pull into a parking spot in front of the school and throw my car into park. "You okay Brink? everything is going to be okay i promise.." I take a few deep breaths and grab my bag from the back seat and step out of my car. "Yeah, i've got this. Okay, see you at lunch Tasia, love ya." She returns the love and walks up to the doors of the school. I grab my bag and make sure to take the little blue pill before i walk in there, atleast i'm taking some form of medication. This is going to be a long year.

"Oh muh Gurd Hey Brinkley, are you like, okay? i know all that shit happened last year but like, we're all here for you girl!!" I smile and nod before walking towards my first hour classroom. I walk in and lock eyes with a gorgeous pair of green ones. I look away fast and find my seat in the back of the class. "Ms. Jones, how are you today?" everyone in the class turns around to look at me except for green eyes. "Oh i'm good Mr. Linder" he nods and smiles before telling everyone the classroom rules. "now for role call" he starts calling peoples names and i put in one of my airpods and turn on Tyler. "Hendrix Mcclur?" i hear a deep voice say "Here"  and look back at me with those same green eyes. I've never seen this boy before in my life, and i've lived here my whole life.

"Hey" I say and see Tasia turn around and smile at me. "Hey Brink, and... you are?" I furrow my eyebrow and laugh. "Tasia what are you talking about?" she looks behind me and I turn around. "do ya need something? I don't think i've ever seen you around here." He smiles and i get to see perfectly aligned pearly whites. "Uh, yeah sorry, i'm Hendrix, Uh Hendrix Mcclur, I was wondering if I could sit here with you guys for lunch? I don't know anyone here." He looks super nervous. "Of course you can" Tasia looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, my boyfriend Maddox will be here in a few minutes i can introduce you two." He nods and sets his tray down. "So why did you ask us?" i shove her a little and she looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Well Brinkley is in my first period english class." He smiled and looked at me. I could feel myself blushing. "Hey girls, and guy?" He chuckles and kisses Anastasia on the forehead. "Hey Maddox, this is Hendrix, He's new here and he's in Brinkleys first hour." "Sup dude, Im Maddox Murphy, Nice to meet ya man" He dabs him up and Hendrix introduced himself  as well. This year doesn't seem like it will be half as bad as i imagined.

As i start walking back to class i can feel life slow down a lot. I finally reached the peak of the little blue pill. I sit in class and see Hendrix walk in and take a seat in front of me. "Hey you okay?" I look at him and I just know my eyes didn't move as fast as my head did. "Uh, yeah, just tired, didn't get much sleep last night." I'm used to this feeling, and all the interrogative questions that come with me doing it. My mom thinks it's my medication that makes me feel and act this way, which is half true. "Oh okay, you just look fucked up, are you sure you're okay?" I roll my eyes, what's his deal? "I'm okay, can you stop interrogating me now?" He nods and turns around. "Oh yeah, Maddox asked me if I wanted to hangout after school today, He said that him and Tasia usually go to your house afterwards, is that okay with you?" I nod. "Yeah, I don't mind, i'm glad you're making new friends."  He smiles and turns around as the teacher starts talking. I Lay my head down and fall fast asleep.

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