Chapter 16: Adamas

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**(note: this chapter contains references to forced drug use, non-consensual touching, elements of sexual assault, and profanity)**


I am never eating strawberry ice cream ever again.

That was my first thought as I opened my eyes, the taste of strawberries and cream heavy on my tongue. It was a weird sensation. To my knowledge, I hadn't eaten any of the sweet dairy products. Yet there it was, the sweet taste tingling against my parched lips.

Glancing around the dazzling star-filled space, I realized I had once again returned to the heavily lavished pink room. Instead of the bed, someone had laid me on a comfortable gray lounge sofa. Rage coursed through my chest as I remembered the face of the white-haired man who'd drugged me.

That fucking psycho.

If I ever saw him again, I'd be sure to wipe that condescending frown off his face. Until then, I needed to find a way out of here.

My head throbbed from the remnants of a migraine. Groaning in frustration, I slowly sat up, fully expecting my ribs to scream in agony. To my surprise, I couldn't feel an ounce of pain. Looking down to examine my chest, I stopped short as my eyes fell upon my current wardrobe.

"What the hell?" I huffed out, my fingers smoothing over the glistening fabric encircling my waist.

Gone were the comfortable white clothes from earlier, replaced by a soft sheer light pink dress. It flowed delicately around my slim figure, seamlessly hugging my legs and hips. The fabric twinkled in the dim lighting, as though it had been woven using the stars themselves. While it was an incredibly gorgeous dress, probably worth thousands of dollars back on Earth, I wasn't quite sure why I was wearing it.

"Are you feeling better, my lady?"

Whipping my head around, my gaze landed on the face of a young girl. Her silver hair was tied back into a bun, misplaced strands sticking out wildly as though they refused to be tamed. Light blue eyes stood out beautifully against her brown skin. The long-sleeved dress shrouded her figure, but I could still tell that she was very thin by the frailty of her face and hands. She looked too young to be working as a servant in this crazy place.

I realized belatedly that this was the girl that I had shoved while trying to make my escape earlier. "Uh, who are you?"

The girl curtsied with remarkable grace, her slender face dipping politely. "My name is Synth Cofellia, Your Eminence," she responded meekly, keeping her eyes downcast. "I am here to serve you however I can until His Highness' Adamas's arrival."

Terror crept into my heart like an unwelcome guest and I sprung off the couch as though I were sitting on hot coals.

Holy fuck, the Emperor.

I'd forgotten. That golden-eyed creep from before had mentioned that he was coming. A shudder traveled down my spine, the idea of meeting the maniac behind my kidnapping making my stomach turn.

"Goodness, are you okay, my lady?" Synth asked, white eyebrows wrinkling in concern as she reached out to me.

Peddling backwards to avoid her outstretched hand, I shook my head. Her words barely registered to me, my breathing erratic while my heart thumped wildly in my ears.

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