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The bell rings out and just as fast most of the students at Nikola T high school rush out to go about there daily life outside of school. However not Ward. A struggling student ward is extremely stressed and just as much caffeinated. He has an upcoming history test that he needs to get exactly 100% in to pass his class.
As he sits there looking at his book with a mix of drowsiness and regret 2 people walk over to him. He looks up with bags under his eyes that could carry a full week of shopping to see his two friends Don and Frack.
"Hey man, watcha up to aye" Don says slinging is arm around Ward. "You going to volleyball practice today man it's been a while" Frack said taking a seat on Wards table.
"Not today guys" Ward said exhausted "I gotta study for this test or I'm done for"
Don laughed and stood up taking his arm off of Wards shoulder "suit yourself man just make sure you don't get too boring on us aye". Ward looked up with a smirk" I'll try big man"
"O yeah ward!" Frack said as the pair made there way out "don't stay too long you know those rumors of a ghost that haunts this building" "you don't accually believe that do you Frack" Ward said half laughing. Don piped up again "yeah rumor has it that she died in the 1800s" "anyway we'll leave you be man. Don't stress to hard aye".
As the pair went out the door and down the corridor ward looked back down and started taking notes on the subjects when a cold chill entered the air.
Ward looked around to find a window to close only to find that they were all already closed. He went back to look at his notebook when a horrified expression crept over his face. 2 full pages of notes were written.
Ward scrambled to look around to see who could have done something and how they could have done it so fast. He searched high and low in the class and couldn't find a soul untill he felt a cold hand be placed on his shoulder. He look behind him shocked to see the ghost of a girl. She appeared to have white hair and freckles however she was transparent.
Ward let out a scream "GHOST GHOST THERES A DAM GHOST!" he tried to run out of the class however the spectral got there first and shut the door before he could escape.
"That's dangerous you know" the ghost said with a sassy tone "your dam lucky no one heard you". Ward looked at her in shock speechless. "Did you see the notes" the ghost asked. Ward just stared speechless unable to answer " did you hear me dumbass." The ghost said getting impatient. Ward managed to let out a "uh uh y-yes" still in pure disbelief.
"I'll make you a deal skinbag" the ghost said "unlimited notes and cheatsheets for any test you could ever have but on one condition. You have to be my friend"
Ward looked up surprised "uh I-i-i think I can do that" he said
The ghost looked at him "I'm glad" they replied "this place gets boring".
Ward paused for a second "soooo what is your name ghost lady? "
She paused for a second and replied
"You can just call me Z"

the surprising ghost of Nikola T. high Where stories live. Discover now