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Long ago, the three goddesses descended to the chaos that was the land of Hyrule. Din, using her flaming arms, cultivated the red earth. Nayru, with her infinite wisdom, brought order and peace to the land. And finally, Farore. With her great heart, she created living beings to uphold the peace and order.

The goddesses, with their task complete, returned to the heavens; leaving behind a most precious object in their wake. It was an object of great power, the power to grant one's wishes and recreate the earth in the image of one's own heart. If a good heart wishes upon it, the land will flourish and thrive and be led forth in peace. If an evil heart wishes upon it, the land will be consumed by evil and darkness and chaos.

For centuries, humans and demons alike fought over the sacred object, each wanting to possess its power for their own selfish desires. One being in particular was exceptionally desperate, Demise. He had emerged to fight the goddess Hylia and take the object for his own. The battle went on for weeks. Eventually, Hylia and the remaining humans had been backed into a corner. With no other choice, she gathered the remaining humans onto an outcrop of earth and sent it skyward; high out of the Demon King's reach, higher than even the clouds. Then, with the last of her power, Hylia defeated Demise and sealed him away.

Centuries passed, and the Demon King remained confined in his prison. However, the time came where he would very soon break his binds and free himself. But with the rise of evil, comes the rise of good. This is where the young hero's story begins...

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