Chapter 2: The Wing Ceremony

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Link jogged up to the academy doors and moved to open them but was stopped by Karane, one of the upperclassmen.

"Link? Is everything okay? You look a little distressed." She asked, her concern genuine.

"My loftwing is missing," Link stated quickly before opening the doors and hurrying in, giving Karane no time to respond.

He jogged down the well lit hallway toward professor Owlan's quarters where he was sure the man was residing. He knocked politely before receiving permission to enter. Owlan was busy inspecting one of his many plants that he kept in his room. Link shut the door behind him before clearing his throat.

Owlan turned and gave Link his full attention before asking, "Link? You look rather pale. Is something the matter?"

Link swallowed before he explained what had happened that morning and that the headmaster had requested to see him.

"I see. Very well, we will delay the start of the ceremony long enough for you to find your bird. In the meantime why don't you ask some of the other students if they've seen your bird this morning," Owlan suggested.

Link nodded and turned to leave but was stopped by Owlan. "Link I did happen to see Groose and his friends heading toward the plaza. I may seem strict and uncaring but I do see that bunch constantly picking fights with you. I have a hunch they may know something about your loftwing's disappearance," Owlan informed.

Link smiled and nodded, glad to have received some help in his endeavor. He heeded Owlan's advice and made his way toward the plaza. As he walked, he tried to sense of his bird might be anywhere nearby, but to no avail. He continued his jog, passing by a few children trying to catch bugs that inhabited Skyloft. He let a brief smile make its way onto his face as he passed, remembering how he felt at that age. The moment was fleeting however, Link had made it to the plaza where he could see Groose and his buddies sitting near the tower. He approached them from behind none of them seemed to take notice. Link then heard some rather interesting information from the boy called Strich.

"You know, Groose, that was a pain. What with all the scratching and pecking..." Strich groaned.

"Of course it was you idiot. What? You thought a big Crimson Loftwing like that was gonna go down without a fight?" Groose snapped at him before continuing, "Besides, I don't care how tough those birds are supposed to be. He's not getting out of that pen anytime soon boys."

It was crystal clear now why his loftwing hadn't shown up. Groose and his goons were trying to keep Link out of the race so he wouldn't have the chance to graduate to the senior class. And in order to do that, they needed to take away his only form of transportation. With his confrontation ready, he approached them. The two smaller males noticed him first, backing away with expressions paler than a ghost. Groose then turned around and jumped backward, startled by Link's sudden appearance.

"Whoa! Link! So uh... just how long you been standing there...?" Groose tried to brush off that he failed to notice Link was there until it was too late.

"Nice try Groose. I know you hid my loftwing," Link accused.

"What? Me? Hid your loftwing? You must be joking," Groose laughed before continuing, "You couldn't prove it even if I did," Groose teased, walking in circles around Link.

"Besides, I can't let some spineless whimp like you win and get to be alone with Zelda up on the statue of the goddess!" Groose exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Link's chest.

"Is that what this is about?! You kidnapped my loftwing so you could win the race and be with Zelda on the statue!?" Link yelled, outraged that this was even the reason for hiding his bird in the first place.

Hero's Wings (A Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword AU)Where stories live. Discover now