Chapter 1: The Missing Loftwing

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He was floating in infinite darkness. The black shroud hung around him like a curtain; threatening to keep him wrapped in it forever. Then, there was a low growl. It had come from behind him. As his eyes trailed to look behind him, he discovered that just behind him, waiting with its jaws wide open, was an abomination. It had no eyes; only a wide gaping mouth with many rows of teeth, waiting to tear into his flesh. Its body was covered in shiny black scales; each one being as sharp as a sword's blade.

He took a step back and it was only then that the creature seemed to take notice of his presence. It roared loudly; a soul piercing screech that could make even the fiercest of demons flee and cower in fear. The creature took one heaving step toward him and this set him off into a break-neck sprint. But he felt that no matter how fast or far he ran, the creature only got closer and closer. A voice suddenly began to call his name.

"Link... Link... The time has come to awaken..."

Accompanying the voice was a faint purple glow above him. As he turned his head to look, he caught a glimpse of a figure floating overhead. Blue and violet in color, the figure appeared to be that of a woman.

Suddenly, the floor gave way beneath him, which tore a violent scream from his throat as he fell headfirst into the darkness. This was the exact moment he woke. Cold sweat was dripping down his forehead; making it shine in the dim light of his room. As his eyes searched, he found no sign of the abomination, or the woman. Looking back up at the ceiling, he took the moment to collect himself and gather his thoughts, as well as his breath. It was then that he realized that he'd fallen out of his bed. He sighed heavily and began to sit up.

The sound of something landing on the floor beside him cause him to pause in his actions, and look to his left. There, on the floor, was an envelope. It was tan in color with simple red leaf designs embroidering the edge; an envelope from the academy office no doubt. He reached over and picked the envelope up; lifting the flap and pulling out the piece of paper that was inside. He gave a little chuckle at realizing who it was from.

Good morning sleepyhead! I know how much you like to sleep but you promised to meet me this morning! I guess this letter will be your alarm clock this morning. Did I guess right?

"Nope..." Link said to himself quietly before continuing to read.

The Wing Ceremony is today so please don't just go back to sleep! And don't keep me waiting either!


Link chuckled quietly with a shake of his head as he stood up. He grunted as his back popped while he stretched. He then proceeded to pull the rest of his clothes on, as he had been sleeping shirtless. As soon as he was finished, he walked over to his bedroom door that led out into the main hall of the academy. As he walked, he caught sight of Fledge trying to lift a barrel that was nearly as heavy as him. Link walked over and tapped the boy on the shoulder, receiving a startled squeak in response.

"Oh! Good morning Link!" Fledge responded quickly, trying to cover up the fact that he'd squeaked.

Link, deciding not to tease him, returning the greeting, "Mornin' Fledge. What are ya doing?" Link then asked.

"Oh uh... I'm supposed to be moving these barrels into the kitchen but they're way too heavy for me..." Fledge explained.

"Do you want any help?" Link asked, cringing when Fledge tried to lift the barrel again.

"No... thanks...!" Fledge replied groaning out each word.

"Ooookaaaay...." Link drew the word out, cringing once more when Fledge groaned as he tried to lift the barrel.

Hero's Wings (A Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword AU)Where stories live. Discover now