38: Coffee Date?

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"What you're telling me is that your ex douche of a husband knows about your relationship with Lisa and is blackmailing you?" I sigh and placed the marked papers on my table as I faced my cousin who has been nonstop questioning me.

"For the last time Jisoo, yes" she scoffed and sat down on the coach loudly. The only thing I can do was to shake my head and continue marking the poorly written papers.

"And why are you not acting like I am? You should be angrier than what I'm feeling!" She flared her hands in the air.

"I am but I have this feeling that everything will be okay." Dahyuns papers are impressively improving aside from the grammar and structure.

"How are you sure 'everything will be okay'" if I was not so stressed with these papers I would have immediately smacked her head upside down from her sarcasm.

But I need to remember she's only looking out for me.

"Jisoo, I know since I trust Lisa and she told me" I smiled at the memory of what happened that night.

It's all mixed emotions.

"Fine" she groaned and crossed her arms.

"I'll still get worried Mandeukie" I looked at her "you are my favorite cousin and you're giving me another niece so of course I'll get worried" I stared at her gratefully. It's not common seeing her this lovingly.

"Niece? how do you even know it's a she" I shooked my head and stood up. Lunch is ending soon and I have to get prepared for my next class.

"You're moodier now compared to when you had Daehanie and have more of a different glow but I think good dick does that to you" I went in front of her and smacked her head.

"Ow bitch-Again!"

"Language!" she glared at me and rubbed her head and the area I smacked.

"it's not like you don't speak it" I heard her muttering to herself and my hand was ready but I didn't continue.

Lucky for her.

"But for real, I feel it's a girl and that's that" I laughed and looked at the time.

"Anygays, why isn't Lisa here googling eyes at you? Is she already having a mistres-JOKING!" I glared at her.

"She had to talk to someone about you know what" I gave her a signal.

"I see, I see. Well, I need to go my merry way and find my dear chipmunk" I nod my head and took my bag from my table.

"I'm coming with you, I need to find Lisa and talk to her"



"SHIT! Thank you so fucking much Oppa! If I'm there right now I would literally hug you and give you a shit ton of those spicy snacks you love to binge on" I jumped around excitedly at the news of what he had.

Everything is going to be alright and it isn't a dream.

"You better be done with your call or you'd be getting caught by the discipline committee if you don't run to your class now" A voice from behind me made me startle.

Lunch is over already?

I haven't even seen Jennie fuck!

I ended the call and shoved my phone into my packet

"Thanks for that, I owe you one" I packed my bag and turned around to see Sunmi smirking at me.

"Yeah and I'll be needing a form of payment for that baby" I look at her bewildered. Let me not be nice, please.

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