17: A Love like this

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I'm wasn't even in dismay that they were getting a divorce. For one thing, my mother hasn't been giving me the love a mother should have and two I think it will be better if they divorce, at least dad won't feel bad anymore for feeling betrayed.

I'm okay but I am worried about my brother. How will he react? Even If I don't want him growing up in a house filled with shouting and anger, he still needs a complete family. A Father who will defend him and a Mother who will give him warmth.

Yet I guess I can be both to him I'm just lucky that I am now not alone anymore.

Jennie Kim is now in my life and not only as a teacher or friend but as my lover.


Her name is so perfect. She's perfect. I cannot even describe how amazing she is. She's just perfect.

I miss her, like always. That's why I'm going to her house right now and I am going to surprise her with her favorite flowers.

I push the button near her white doors and rang the bell.

I know where the key was but I still wanted to experience the feeling of your girl opening the door and looking as natural and beautiful as ever. 

I waited for a few minutes and the door opened with the embodiment of Greek mythology. In front of me wasn't Athena, Artemis nor Aphrodite herself but Jennie Fucking Kim. 

Her beguiling eyes pierce directly through my soul with the combination of love and startlement.

"Babe? what are you doing here?" she asked hugging herself to keep her body warm. I didn't answer her but instead, I put my hands that were holding the flowers in front of me and smiled my brightest smile.

"Bouquet of flowers to express my love for you. Rose to symbolize my affection, Aster to symbolize my patience of always waiting for you, Calla Lily to symbolize how magnificent you are, and last but certainly not the least The Hyacinth, the flower of your birth month, the flower that to me symbolizes the day a goddess was born" I looked up to her to see her looking at me with an indecipherable look. I thought of the worse scenarios that can happen. 

Panic began to surface on my face, "Was that too corny? Did you not like it? I knew it was too corny and stupid, I'm sorry. But I wanted to surprise you and thought you like flowers but of course, you don't like childish things like this. I'll tak-" before I could embarrass myself even further a pair of strawberry lips was placed on my own shutting me off my rumbling. 

She hangs her head low after kissing me and moved to place her head on my shoulder. I still stood there without any thoughts of what's happening. 

I only stop being a statue in my shocked state when I heard a cry being made on my shoulder. Then it dawned to me that the love of my life was crying and hugging me for her dear life.

I hugged back just as tight. 

"That was so sweet Lisa. I love it. No one has ever said sweet things to me before not even my ex-husband. He can never amount to you. No. Nobody can ever amount to how you make me feel. And.... you're making me fall for you more and that's worrying me." She back away from me for a bit then looked straight into my eyes. I stiffen. 

What the fuck


Did she say fall?

As in Fall in love or just fall in like? 

Does that phrase even exist? 

But she loves me?


She saw how I was lost in thought and I guess that made her question things in her mind too. 

"I love you. I really do and I know it's too soon seeing that we've only been dating for weeks but I can't help but fall for you, Lili." I couldn't help but smile at her rumbling and before I know it, tears began to pool in my eyes. My feelings began pouring like a typhoon. She looked at me shocked. 

"Baby, was that too soon? I'm sorr-" before Jennie could panic even more I caressed her cheeks with my right hand while the other still holds the flowers.

I look at her feline eyes that captivated me and used my thumb to wipe the evident trail of tears in her chubby cheeks.  

"I love you too." the flowers fell from my grip as my hands came to pull her to me. I attached my lips to hers and gave her a passionate kiss. 

We stayed in each other's embrace in front of her house, both crying in peace. 


"So what are you doing here Lili? not that I don't mind but shouldn't you be bonding with your family?" she said after we calmed down. We went to her room and cuddled, with snacks and chocolates to my side ready to be eaten later for movie night. 

"I don't want to burden you by telling this but I can't really hide anything from you. My parents are filing a divorce" I sigh with a heavy heart. I never was open to anyone, not even my brother because I know he will worry but with her, I can't help but tell her everything. 

"Oh baby, I'm sorry" she held my face which was beginning to shed tears for the second time. She gave a quick peck making me smile. 

"It's alright I already saw that one coming but I'm more worried about Bammie, how will he react?"

"Babe I don't really know what to say but always remember that I will always be here for you. I love you" she kissed me with all the love she has.

I kissed back giving the same feeling.

We separated when breathing became an issue.

"And I have been thinking about this and since you are always here and you know your parents are getting a divorce what if you, you know uhm- if you want to maybe- but if your not comfortable because we've only been dating for a few weeks and everything is already fast with us but not really, but if you want to which would make me really happy-uhhhhh just forget about it" she starts to rant.

I hold her face with both my hands

"Baby breathe, I can't understand a thing about what you're tryna say, Tell me baby" She held my hands that were holding her face and breathe in deeply. 

"Doyouwanttoliveinwithmebothyouandbambam" she said that way too fast for my ears to catch on.

"Slow down nini. Take it slow" she breathe in then out again.

She looked at me in the eye

"Do you want to live with me? both you and bambam" She was waiting for my reply but I didn't give any because I was still too shocked. 

"but if you don't want to I underst-" I heard her ramble again which woke me up in my stance. I kissed her with all the passion in me


She push me gently and looked at me. 

"You really will live with me? You and Bambam?" I held her hand in mine and put it near my lips to kiss her knuckles.

"Only if you allow it" She smiled her gummy smile and hugged me tightly. 

"Nothing can make me more happier" I laughed at her childishness and hug back just as tight. She straddled my lap and pulled away from our hug suddenly. She looked at me while I lick my lips. Then she kissed me.

 Park Chaeyoung on Met Gala can choke me😫 our girl looks so happy and that makes me happy also! 

oh and also Do you know what will happen next chapter? 😏 

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