35: Tears

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JENNIE's pov

"Lisa? baby, you haven't answered my question yet" I asked as I noticed she was staring at me with a smile on her face. 

"o-oh...OH! y-yes, s-sorry I got distracted by your pretty face" I playfully pushed her shoulder as I tried to hide my blushing cheeks. Even when things are down for me she still tries her best to tell me I'm pretty. 

"Stop it" I muttered and hide my face in my hands. 

I heard her laughing as she took my hands away from my red-cheeks and kissed them with lots of kisses in them. 

"Now, don't hide that face from me or I'll die" I glared at her. 

"W-what" she put her hands up in surrender. "It's the truth-" before she could finish her sentence I cut her off, "don't ever say you'll die ok? never" my eyes were still glaring at her soul, threatening to- to- to just threatened her for goodness sake!

I don't want to kill her God NO

Lisa let out a tiny chuckle as she took my hands in hers again. 

"The only way I'll die, is if you are not by my side anymore. It's very toxic but I really would be helpless without you in my life Jennie Kim" she looked at me, directly in my eyes but with hers screaming of nothing but sincerity and love. 

I couldn't utter any words. 

"Now...you asked why I did all of this." I nodded my head in agreement. My hands made their way to the back of her neck as hers went to my waist. 

We were close but we still had a space to talk and look at each other. 

"Don't laugh at me but uhm...I...I wanted to put a smile on your face" she told me shyly. I looked at her in question as my left eyebrow rose and gave off a 'what' look. 

"You did this because you wanted me to smile?" I tilted my head in confusion. She did all this work because I haven't been smiling lately? 

No one, not even my ex, would put this much effort into me. Some would only do this when it's an important date but not for Lisa. She is willing to skip class and do all these romantic gestures because she hasn't seen me smile. 

My heart warmed at her.

"You like it?" she looked hopeful. My fingers began playing with the baby hairs at the back of her neck. I rested my head in the crook of her neck and just stayed there without saying anything or answering her.

"Baby?" she asked but I still didn't answer her. I know she needs a form of recognition but I'd like it for us to just be in silence and embrace each other like it's the end of the world. 

I don't want to let her go.

I want us to stay like this forever.

I wish for the time to just stop and give every second to us. 

No negativity. 

No other people involve. 

Society be damned for all I care.

I don't care about whatever happens anymore.

I just need her to be here with me, by my side.

"Jennie? a-are you crying?" she let go of the hug and abruptly looked at me. Her image was blurry as the tears that is coming out of my eyes were preventing me to focus. 

I didn't even know I was crying.

"Please tell me what is wrong honey" she looked at me with worry in her words as I began to sob in front of her. She hugged me again and did her best to comfort me. She leads us to the couch and let me straddle her while I bury my face in the comfort of her neck. 

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