6: Accepting the Heart

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Ms. Kim's Pov

"Because you are acting nervous like you have a girl crush on me or something."

As soon as those words left my mouth Lisa became quiet.


Don't tell me.


No! it can't be.

After a moment of silence, I called for her wanting to know if the girl she was writing about is really me.

"Manoban?" I called her name then she hesitantly looks at me.

"Am I the girl you've been writing about?" I asked boldly trying to hide the fact that I was hoping that it is really me.

"I-uh-I.." she didn't finish her sentence when she immediately went out.

"Ms. Manoban!...Lisa!" I called for her name but she runs fast my tiny legs couldn't even catch up. 




Oh Jesus Christ I don't know what I'm supposed to feel right now. Countless emotions are battling inside my brain. 



Should I give it a try? Give us a try? But what would happen if I did? Will she stay and never betray me? will she love me for who I am or does she only like me because, well let's be real 'cause I'm hot? Will she even accept me and my baby boy? What if she finds someone younger and a virgin in the future what will happen then? I don't want to date someone for the fun, I want to date them because I see a future with them. 

And scary enough I see all that with my student who I only know for a little time. Lalisa Manoban is one scary human. She has made me pique interest in her from the very beginning. I knew she was dangerous but I didn't know she can be this dangerous making me nearly question the future. And making my head hurt by all possibilities and impossibilities that can happen. 

I lean on my table with one hand supporting my weight and the other holding my head. 

"What am I going to do" 

Lisa's Pov

I heard my alarm go off, I sighed and turned it off. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. I didn't want to go to school today.

I didn't want to see her.

I can't show my face to her anymore. It'll be just too painful. The rejection I'll be facing. Her saying my feelings for her are wrong and that I should stop is more painful than getting my dick cut. 

We can't be together and I know that.

I never wanted her to find out. I was going to be able to get through the year if she didn't know, but now that she does I don't know.

It's more painful with her knowing I like her and me knowing we aren't going to be together rather than her not knowing and us not being together.

I probably should just drop the class.

I sighed remembering I need to go to class to graduate which means I can't drop it.


I heard a knock at my door and I sighed knowing who it was

"I'm up mom," I stated and sat up and she opened the door.

"Bam is running a fever so he isn't going to school," she said and I nodded.

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