Chapter 7: A Crow Born

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Dreams ripple through memory, a white castle, children running through the dining hall, a young man with his mother as she heads to him.

The Father, holding his eldest son and eighth daughter in his arms, laughing at something that was said.

Everything was wonderful.

Everything was perfect.

But that night...

That horrible, life-changing night.

The horrible mind-breaking torture.

Barley is alive, trying to run through the snow just on the outskirts of town, his sister in hand.

"Reality knocking at your door."

"Death to De Rolos."

His Family was slaughtered all around him.

His sister was shot in the back and collapsed in the snow.

Collapsed to his knees as something...

Something dark slithers through the wood

Right for him.


Percy snaps his eyes open, finding himself back in his room in the keep, he shot up, panting, cold sweat covering his face as his hand went right to his neck.

His breathing shook as the memories of the past still haunted him, but collects himself, taking a deep breath as he pushed the covers away and stood to his feet as they lead him to the door and out of his room.

He wanders past the rooms of the others as Vex steps out of hers, "Bad dream?" she asks, making him stop. "Is there any other kind?" he said and walks away. Leaving her by her door.

He walks down to the kitchen but came to a stop as he spotted his witch companion she was dressed in her black nightgown, a shawl over her shoulder, her hair pulled into a side pony, and her hair, still down like always, and her choker just missing from her neck as she sat at the window, a warm steaming cup in her hand as she just looks out the window.

"Kyria?" he calls out, she blinks, snapping out of her trance, and looks over at him, "Oh, hi Percy," she mutters. "What are you doing up?" he asks walking over to her. "Can't sleep, restless," she answers, pulling away from the window. "You?" she asks.

He sighs and took a seat, "What are you drinking?" he asks, deflecting the question, she arches her brow, flicking her eyes to the cup in her hands. "Cinder sage," she answers, then turns to the stove and points at the pot. "Just made a batch." placing her cup on the table, "Do you want some?" she offers.

Percy drops his hand, "One cup please." he answers. She nods then walks over, took out a cup, and pours in some of the cups, then held it gently as she began to warm the tea, making it the perfect temperature.

Then turns back, sits at the table, and places the cup in front of Percy, he looks at it with suspension. "Is it sanitary?" he asks. Making her frown at him, "Do you want the tea or not?" she snaps.

Percy just frowns and took the cup from her, and sips it. Almost surprise as the taste hits his tongue. He pulls back, looking at the cup and back to her, "Gotta love Ashari tea." she answers and sips her cup.

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