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Challenge No.57 - In Living Colour.

Write a scene or story that makes mention of a colour.


There had been a mugging and Zack was a witness, more importantly, he was a partial victim as the criminal had bumped into him as he made his getaway. The police had come, they'd taken notes. They'd taken lots of notes. Once the EMTs were done with him, they'd interviewed Zack.

"Good evening, Mr Blackman." The policewoman approached.

"Call me Zack."

"Zack. I'm Lieutenant Liv Baldwin. You can call me Liv." She countered. "That's my partner, Lt Fitz, over there." She pointed at a big, burly, black man.

Zack nodded.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was looking at the Christmas display in the window when I heard a shriek."

"Anyone else on the street?"

"A few folks in the bar across the street, but not on my side."

"Okay, go on." Liv was busy taking notes.

"Well, as I said, I heard the scream. I turned and he was already on top of me."

"So it was a male."


"Take your time."

"Yeah, it was a guy. He sent me flying."

"Did you get a look at this guy?" She was going to say creep but her Captain would have a coronary.


"Was he tall?"


"Think of it this way. I'm a tall woman. Was he my height?"

Zack considered the police officer. "About your height."

"Bigger than me or skinnier?"


"Good. See? We're making progress."

"Long hair?"

"Short. Like military."

"Did you see the colour of his hair?"

"Too short to tell."

"No worries. Did you see his face?"


"Could you tell his skin colour?"

"No. The light was funny but he had a snake carved on the back of his left hand."

"You saw the scare but not his skin colour?"

"That's right."

"I don't suppose you know what kind of snake?"

"Well no. But its head was puffed up so I think it's a cobra."

"Anything to add, Zack?" Liv prepared to close her notepad.

"Yeah, he dropped this." Zack held up a gold bracelet.

Liv grinned.

"I think I know who we're looking for. I'll set up a lineup. Let's see if you can stop the perp."

"Sure." Zack agreed.

The next day at three, Zack was led into the ID room.

"They can't see you," Liv assured him.

"I know."



Liv pressed the intercom. "Ready."

A door opened and one by one, a representative from each clan that lived under the rainbow entered: Red, Orange, Yellow, White, Green, Black, Blue, Indigo and Violet."

"Do you see him?"

They were all of similar height and physical build. All wore gloves. But Zack knew the one was the culprit. "Indigo."

"You sure?"


Liv who was blue gave her orange-skinned witness a quick nod then exchanged a look with her black partner, grinned and said. "Gotcha!"

© 26 April 2022


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