Chapter 8: This is DEFINITELY Not a Scavenger Hunt Gone Wrong

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Okay, good news is, school arc is coming to an end and I'm about to go into writing in battle mode. Wish me luck!

And also, even better news is . . . What for it . . . Drum roll please . . . How long am I going to keep this up before I actually tell you the awesome news? . . .

You know what? I think I'll just tell you sometime in the middle of this chapter since most people just freaking skip the words in bold, 'kay?

- The Writer of Awesomeness, Nikki D. Angelo.


Dres groaned and turned to his side as he felt something poke his ribcage.

"Psst! Yo, dude!" A familiar voice whispered. "Wake up, bed-head!"

"Sleep," Dres muttered monotonously, burying his face into the soft pillow he brought with him.

"But you're going to miss breakfast!"

"Don't care," his muffled voice murmured out from under the cushion.

"But we're having chocolate-chip pancakes!" Ricky pleaded.

"Then you can have my share." Dres simply replied.

Ricky huffed angrily and sighed. "And here I thought I was the one who was going to wake you up. Your turn, Matt."

He hesitated. "A-a-are you s-sure this is a-a g-g-g-good i-idea?"

Ricky gestured to the unmovable tent-mate beside them and said, "Be my guest. It'll possibly-no, it will take that and only that to get this horse a-moving out of the hay."

Matt paused for a moment. He hesitated and twitched before sighing reluctantly. "A-a-alright. Sorry a-about th-this, D-D-Dres."

He nervously held out his hands over the lump in the dark blue sleeping bag before him and concentrated. A bit of purple-colored, black-infused Majyk curled upwards in smokey tendrils from his fingers before vanishing into thin air.

Like, as in literally, because that Majyk-mojo stuff has to go somewhere, so that I can write proper detailed detailed description about it. You know me. Same old author, same old frickin' awesome heck of a writer!

Dres' body completely froze as soon as he heard a distinctly venomous hissing noise somewhere beside him. He gulped in fear as something long and heavy slithered its way over his back, up his neck, and over his tuft of raven and snow-colored hair. He nearly fainted as a scaly head popped out from from under the covers. It looked at him curiously upside-down. Dres stared at those unforgiving onyx orbs for a moment with his wide, terror-stricken blue ones.

It sticked its forked tongue out and licked the tip of Dres' nose.

"AHHHHHHH! Get it off me!" He shouted, jumping straight up and running out of the tent, screaming crazy murder like a little girl.

Ricky threw his head back and roared with laughter, slapping his hand down on the plastic-covered canvas floor. "Oh, man! That was priceless! I should've brought a camera for that!"

Matt blushed a little and looked at the tent's blowing flaps. "I h-h-hope Dres w-will be okay. D-did you th-th-th-think we w-w-went a little t-too f-far?"

"No, no!" Ricky replied, holding his stomach while he still laughed his head off. "He'll be just fine!"


"The next time you guys want to use me as the end of prank," Dres lowly muttered, still blushing profusely. "Could you please use something else other than an snake?!"

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