Chapter 2: First Day . . .

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Alright, now everyone better be thankful because I managed to post a different copy with all my jokes with Dres's friend knowing. While typing, I made two copies of the same draft once I finished: the original without any humor which I presented to Dres's friend, and the second one that is below. Now you shouldn't tell anyone about this, because you never know where she might be. So please do this sick author a favor and clamp that mouth shut!

On with the classes!

. . . Maybe I should start with something funny before I endure you into Creature-Bio. Just ignore this part and the story will officially continue in the sentence down below.


. . . Failures. Yes, I typed it. First Day Failures. You all know the feeling. Being subjected to your first day in a new school, nervous about how everyone acts, hoping you won't do anything to mess this up, trying to impress everyone.

Yeah, that never works. I tried that once, and do you know what happened? It totally blew up in my face. My advice, just stick to what you do best. Be it drawing, writing (authors, unite!), experimenting, playing soccer, striving to be the best, or in my case, being certifiably insane! Ha, ha. But I'm guessing you guys already found that out from the prologue. Oh, and a note to a few of you out there: I am completely aware of those who skipped to the first chapter! Do you know how long it took me to type that down?! Fifteen minutes, I tell you! Fifteen! Fifteen FlapJackin' fried minutes!!

Oh, right, getting off track here. So you know about Dres, right? Well, four such a special case such as Dres, I would have to say that he wasn't as lucky as most students. How? Just keep reading. He does have something different about him, but not exactly in the best way possible. Because if you happened to be a Castor in the same class as Dres, you would've packed your bags and ran away before anyone even realized what happened.


Beep! Beep! Ring! Click! Beep!

Dres groggily opened his eyes and immediately narrowed them in annoyance. His mouth stretched into a line that could only be called a grimace as he covered his ears with his pillow to block out the incessant noise that was blaring in the background. Normally, he wouldn't care that much about alarm clocks (sort of). But then again . . .

Dres pulled his covers over his head when the symphony of annoying clocks pierced through his pillow defense.

Waking up to the noise of one alarm clock was bad enough. Now multiply that by about a dozen times because of the dozen alarms clocks that have been set up all over the room. Especially if it was by the courtesy of an overly-excited roommate, who made the noise level high enough to even royally tick off a Himalayan monk.

"Wake up Dres!" Someone yelled.

Dres groaned and buried his face deeper into his pillow. He knew that super cheery and extremely loud voice anywhere. "Let me sleep! It's way too early to start up for school."

"Too early?!" Ricky shrieked. Dres grimaced. Why did Ricky have to have such an annoying screech? Take note: need to buy a pair of earmuffs as soon as he can find out where the local mall is.

"School starts in less than three hours, dude! How in the world is that considered early? On second thought, why aren't you excited as I am at this point? I mean, come on! We get to use Majyk! Majyk I tell you! How can you not consider that as awesome?!"

"Knowing how good I'm going to be with this, not very." Dres muffled out.

He heard a huff from the latter at his answer. "Yeesh. If that ain't pessimistic, then I don't know what it is. Now hurry up and get your butt out of bed so that we can get ready!"

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