Nick x Charlie x Ftm reader

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Okay sooo a ton of ppl requested for Poly Nick x Character x Male reader so imma mash them all up!

So it's gonna be like Nick and Charlie both have a crush on the cute volleyball player, YOU! And they catch you putting on a binder but you notice and start to freak out but then all the confessing and lovey type stuff happens and yeah :D

So let's get on with it!

Nick's POV
We watched the our school volleyball team kick another teams ass, and I mean hard to "We have some good players" I said which made Charlie smile with a nod "Yeah we really do! Especially M/n" Charlie said making me look over at the adorable but strong volleyball player M/n L/n

Me and Charlie both sighed with lovesick smiles as we stared mostly at the boy instead of the other players "He's so strong" Charlie said "And cute" I said making Charlie agree

Time skip
Me and Charlie were walking around before we heard someone muttering curses under their breath "Stupid facking binder!" The voice muttered making the two of us look at each other before nodding and slowly walking inside to see if anybody was hurt or just upset

We looked around the corner seeing somebody had already put on some kind of crop top of some sort? "Um Hello?" I spoke up making the person gasp turning around and it was both me and Charlie's turn to gasp when we saw M/n L/n "Oh my fucking god what are you both doing here!?" He questioned with an angered look but I could also see a blush on his face as he quickly put on his shirt and grabbed his bag speed walking right past us

We looked at each other in astonishment before quickly catching up to the boy "Why are you both following me?" He asked in an annoyed tone not facing us "Well we uh...thought someone was hurt! Or something so yeah.." Charlie softly said but M/n didn't answer so I frowned a bit "What were you wearing?.." I asked making the slightly smaller boy stop in his tracks

We stopped as well staring at his back before he turned the side of his head around a bit "It's um...something private...ya know probably something a straight boy wouldn't understand" He said with a small frown "Bisexual...actually" I said before looking at Charlie "Y-Yeah! And I'm gay myself" he said after making the volleyball player look at us with tears streaming down his face before he quickly went to wipe them but I grabbed his hand

He looked at me with a small blush and sniffled lightly while I wiped away his tears "It's okay M/ can tell us...or him what you were wearing sense I already know " Charlie said with a smile while standing beside me as I fake gasp with a hand on my chest "Wow! Such a great boyfriend you are Char, thanks for not telling me what it was!" I dramatically said which made M/n and Charlie laugh before we all broke into a fit of laughter

We all finally then calmed ourselves down and sighed "Alright, so you finally gonna tell me what that crop top kinda thing was?" I asked politely as we started to walk "Well it's actually a helps me with my dysphoria and so that it looks like I have no breasts!" M/n said with jazz hands at the end and a small chuckle "I'm gonna have to Google that then" I muttered with a serious face which made Charlie and M/n laugh "What? I'm serious!" I said with a small laugh

Time skip
We arrived at M/n's house and as he was walking up the steps to his door he paused before rushing back down and giving both me and Charlie a peck on the cheeks before rushing back up the steps and running into the door a bit "Wow! Hah Umm yeah g-gotta go!" He stuttered waving his hands before rushing inside and slamming the door shut leaving both Charlie and I red as tomato's

We looked at each other before holding one another's hands jumping up and down "HE KISSED US HE KISSED US YES YES!" We cheered the whole time until we eventually went home giving each other a kiss "Today was something.." I said to myself flopping on my bed as I stared at my ceiling before I closed my eyes and smiled thinking about how I'll see both Charlie and M/n tomorrow once again

I hope this was a good one! There was more Poly requests for this so I'm gonna make a part to of the yandere (only possessive no killing) Charlie and Nick x Male Reader

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