Tao x Non-Binary reader

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Title:Why not me?
Side note📝:sorry I haven't wrote anything in a small amount of time lol, here's something small for now!

Your POV
I was hanging out with my best friend Tao Xu, we were drinking milkshakes just having a happy time together as normal loving friends until all of a sudden "Oh my god, is that Elle and the girls?" He spoke up glancing over to the other side of the small park making me look over his shoulder to see Elle with Darcy and Tara "Oh it is!" I said excitement running through my body as we looked at one another before laughing running over to the three girls who were taking a nice calm walk before chaotic shit had happened "Well isnt this a surprise!" I said once we caught up to our friends making them quickly laugh "Oh my gosh, Y/n and Tao ahh!" Darcy playfully shouted waving her hands while Elle softly chuckled and Tara snorted a bit

Me and Tao laughed along side the three before our laughter had finally downed out and we tagged along with them on their walk "Sooo! What, are you two like on some date now?" Darcy said in a teasing voice which made my face turn warm from embarrassment while Tao's eyes widen before he cleared his throat "Nope! Just here as, normal buddies" he confirmed smiling at the playfully blondy, though I felt a hurtful pang in my chest that just wouldn't go away after he had finished speaking but I just tried to shake it off instead I think it's best to do that


Time Skip
The whole time we had a walk, went to go eat, played at an arcade, and so much more but Tao's eyes were never on me..never! They were always looking towards Elle's with some stupid happy glint sparking in his eyes which made me furious at the thought of those two getting together I wanted Tao all to myself, I wanted him to love me and me only but I see none of that will ever happen when she's around! I guess I'll never get to be with the one I l- "Oi, Y/n you Ight pal?" Tara softly spoke as she looked at me filled with concern when she barely heard me talk anymore "Um..y-yeah, yeah I am a-okay" I said a small weak chuckle at the end before I looking up seeing Tao and Elle super close together their faces touching one another's, it made my blood boil and I mean boil a ton this shouldn't be happening Tao should be with me, Tao should be loving me not ELLE!

I shook my head a bit frowning with tears trying to break though "I...I need some air" I said with a frown as I made eye contact with Tao before quickly rushing out of the game place tears had broke free now streaming down my cheeks even falling to my neck as I ran, I just kept on running not paying attention to anything around me whatsoever "I-I should've been with Tao not here!.." I muttered to myself with anger starting to slowly die out and then bubble up over and over again before I had eventually stopped next to a beautiful large tree, I frowned and cried as my legs gave out making me fall down then lay against the tree just continuing to cry out holding both my legs to my chest

I just cried and cried and cried until I felt a bit better then what I had felt earlier "Why not me Tao...why not me?.." I mumbled to myself with a frown before getting up with a shake of my head as I swiftly walked away back to my house with a blank tired look plastered on my sweat and tear stained face "Fuck it.." I said to myself with a smirk making it's way to my expression sense I figured out that I really had some dumb little meltdown over some guy that didn't like me? That's so fucking dumb and I'm over it, very much over it and I'm glad because I don't need him for shit..

I can be myself

I can be who I wanna be

I can be a bomb ass god for my whole LIFE

HELLOOOOO!! Hey I hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter it's kinda short but I woke up around 2am so yeah lol

𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤. 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now