Ben x Female reader

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Title-Enemies to lovers
Genre-Fluff and a bit of angst
Side note📝-Idk I'm bored and someone requested a enemies to lovers chapter for Ben so here ya go! :D

Your POV
I stood in front of the boys school building with  my arms crossed as I stare at the only person who bullies me more then anyone "What do you want Ben.." I sneered softly while Ben just stared at me before he cleared his throat "Could you meet me in the library" he asked which made me look at him like he was crazy WHICH HE WAS "Pfft! Are you dumb or something?! Why would I meet up with my bully somewhere private where no ones gonna be there?!" I yelled at the boy

There is just so many reasons why I hate him and I don't even go to the boys school

I fell on the ground holding my stomach in pain as I groaned lightly "Thats what you get for tryna talk back to us" Harry spewed out as the others laughed and Ben crossed his arms staring at me with a smirk "How bout you all leave, I'll finish her off Eh?" Ben said cracking his knuckles which made my eyes widen as I swiftly look up at him but I held my head because of the dizziness

I looked back up to see the everyone was gone and it was just both me n Ben "What are you gonna do now idiot?" I spat at him with venom in my tone as he got close to my face with a cheeky ass grin on his face "Nothing much mate, just teasing ya" he said and that's when I knew I'd be in for one hell of a death ride

End of flashback

Ben rolled his eyes "Just do it...please" he softly said as we looked into each other's eyes which made me blush a bit but I groaned and looked away "...Fine" I growled under my breath which made Ben nodded and then walked away but not before roughly bumping our shoulders "Ugh! Facking prick!" I yelped holding my shoulder but Ben just walked right over to his friends and I fixed myself before going to my school for the day

Time skip
I walked around the boy's library with a small smile "Such a cozy spot.." I muttered as I was walking backwards but then I bumped into someone and I almost tripped but the person wrapped their arms around my waist to help me  "Wow!" We said at the same time making me recognize the voice as I turned my head around before shoving the boy off me "What do you think your doing!?" I asked with a frustrated face but was also flustered

The boy had a small blush on his face to but just cleared his throat while wiping his hands on his school uniform shirt "Well umm..thanks for meeting me here, I guess" he said holding his hands together while my arms were crossed over my chest "Your welcome, I guess" I mocked a bit glaring at Ben "But what exactly did you want to talk about here? Alone.." i wearily asked "Well I...I um.." he stuttered which was a shock to me cause the big bad bully Benny poo never stutters! Omg I said that weird ass nickname in my head omg.."You what Ben?" I asked now just getting pissed "I like you!" He finally blurted out


"You what?!" I yelled with wide eyes and my face was very red it felt hot in the library all of a sudden "I..I like you a lot Y/n..a-and I'm sorry that I never shown it, well I have! Just not in the most lovable way I guess" he said which made me finally connect all the dots "So you bully me..cause you" I slowly asked pointing a finger at myself which made Ben nod "Yeah, I'm also really sorry about all that" he said starting to walk up to me which made me slowly back up as well "W-Well how do I know your not..lying" I spoke in embarrassment and fear

I then backed up into a wall making me swiftly look at it before back at Ben as he stood in front of me our faces so close that our noses were touching one another's "Well, I can show you? And then I wouldn't be lying" he said staring at my lips which made me stare at his lips "..S-Sure?..." I softly spoke as Ben was leaning in I started to lean in as well then...we kissed

It felt amazing, his lips were so soft and a lushish pink to his lips also tasted like hot chocolate and mint which made me want more so I wrapped my arms around his neck and Ben wrapped his around my waist as we kissed harder before we broke the kiss when we heard someone "Shit" we both panicked before grabbing our bags and rushing out the room holding each other's hands as we also laughed when we heard a guard trying to catch up to us but they couldn't

We finally made it away from the school and started to walk with smiles on our faces "Soo..Ben Hope likes me? The girl he bullies every time he gets a chance to!" I asked with a smirk on my face "Oh please you look like you started enjoying the teasing and bullying from me anyways" he said back making me gasp and playfully shove his shoulder "Liaaar!" "Am noooot!" We said with laughs "...But what about your friends? What are they gonna think about this...?" I softly asked holding Ben's hand "Well...they'll just piss off then!" He answered before picking me up "Ah wait Ben haha!!" I laughed out holding onto him "How bout you come round my place?" He asked smiling at me which made me smile and I nodded "Yeah sure!" I replied before we both kissed one more time and went over to Ben's house

🫂 idk what to put here lol my minds been really blank today for some unknown reason🤷🏾‍♀️

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