Chap 1 "Next"

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Vee's POV

I was headed up to Jake's apartment. When I got to the door I heard shouting. I got out my key and opened the door. It was Jake and his ex-girlfriend, Katie. "What is this?" I asked.

"It's not what you think," Jake stated.

"Oh, it is exactly what you think," Katie replied.

"I'm starting to think if you've ever really loved me these past two years," I nodded.

"Leave," Jake stated as he looked at Katie. She brushed passed me. "Babe, it's not what you think."

"Jake, the first couple times, I thought it was because she wasn't over you. I tried to ignore it, but then it became a constant thing after two years," I looked at him. "You try to reassure me, but, now I find her in your apartment. Please tell me I'm not gonna find anything of hers if I walk into the bedroom."

"You don't want to do that," Jake sighed.

"You slept with her?!" I asked. "Five weeks before our marriage and you went and slept with some other girl?!"

"She's my ex, and I said I was sorry," Jake replied.

"Yeah, not sorry enough," I nodded. I took off my ring and put it on the table. "We're done." I drove home, hoping I would be able to catch a ride with Hondo. I sent him a text and sat on the couch. "Why me?"

"Victoria," Hondo walked through the front door. "I thought you went to work early."

"I went to see Jake and Katie was in his apartment. They were arguing," I replied. "Uhm, he admitted be slept with her last night and I broke up with him." I looked at Hondo with tears in my eyes. "It's gonna take me a little bit longer to move out."

"Hey, it's okay," Hondo gave me a hug. "You are always welcomed here. I'm not going to kick you out."

"Thanks," I nodded. "Do you mind taking me to work?"

"Do you want to go to work?" Hondo asked.

"Yeah, I want to be focused on something other than my life right now," I nodded. Hondo me to work. I worked half of my hours before going to Eddie's office for lunch. "Hey."

"That didn't sound too happy," Eddie looked at me. "Are you okay?"

I'm fine," I nodded.

"Come on," Eddie replied. "You know you can tell me."

"I broke up with Jake," I stated.

"I thought you said he was a great guy."

"I found he was sleeping with his ex."

"I'm sorry, Vee. Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," I nodded as I handed him his sandwich.

"Do you wanna do something after work? We can go get Christopher and go get some ice cream."

"I actually have to go and burn the stuff he got me."

"I can be there to help supervise. I am a firefighter."

"I'll text you my address."

"I can drive you home if you need me to."

"My brother drove me because I didn't wanna be alone in my thoughts. I also told him to pick me up," I stated. "Rain check for sure, but I gotta get back to work. I'll be starting at six and we can have s'mores."

"I'll bring Christopher and the supplies."

"Bye," I replied. At the end of my shift, Hondo picked me up. "Thanks for keeping me company today."

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