CHAPTER 18: Feelings

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"Who the hell gave you permission to quit!?"
My voice echoed throughout Porsche's living room. He stood still pinned on the floor, looking at me flabbergasted. I stomped inside his house furiously and he instinctively took a
step back. The apprehension on his face is something I didn't get to see every day. The slyness and even his arrogance are nowhere to be found.
He softly muttered, making me pause. I stared at him for a second and that is all it takes for me to immediately realize how different he looks now, so unlike before. Having a fever after
his first time doing it with a guy is common, but that wasn't the only case.
He's definitely hiding something from me. And I am here to find that out.
"I said, who gave you the permission to quit!?"
Even thou the expression in his eyes is pulling at my gut, I couldn't contain myself anymore.
I'm feeling guilty all over again damn!
Earlier, when I came back from the university, Pa summoned me to his office and asked me about Porsche. He interrogated me if I'd done something to Porsche that made him decide to
quit the job.
I didn't even let my father finish his query and immediately drove fast, arriving in no time at Porsche's doorsteps. My blood is boiling. I ticked like a time bomb who's ready to explode
anytime, and he is the trigger.
"Don't you dare do anything to my brother!"
I was a step away from getting close to Porsche when a young boy appeared before me. It was Porché, Porsche's younger brother.
"Porsche! What did Vegas tell you!?" I said in anger, not paying attention to his brother that keeps blocking me.
"'Ché, go up first."
He averted his gaze from me and directed it to his little brother. Gesturing him to go up the
"But hiia who is this bastard!? He just barged in our house and now he is threatening
The younger boy protested and hold his older brother's hand.
[T/N: Hiaa or เฮีย-term used also as elder brother in Thai.]
"It's nothing! Just do what I ask of you, okay!?"
Porsche said in a commanding tone.
"Do as I say!"
Porsche insisted. His brother was taken aback and glanced alternately between me and him.
Porché was about to say something again but realized what his older brother said and
stomped his way to the upper floor.
As soon as the door from the second-floor closes, Porsche walked past my direction hitting
my shoulder with his.
"Where the fuck are you going!?"
I asked while following the bastard.
"Can you shut up!?"
he replied rudely. And when we finally reached the front porch of his house, he turned to
look at me.
"Let's talk here! I don't want my brother hearing us."
"Who the fuck gave you permission to quit!?"
"Can you stop yelling at me?!"
he replied with irritation.
"It's because of Vegas, right? He convinced you to come with him and you agreed.
That's why you're gonna quit!"
I said in frustration.
Porsche only gave me a disapproving look as I feel my anger rushing towards my head. The
moment that I learned about him quitting, I just lost control of my emotions.
That time when I saw them talking at the garage of my club, is not the first time that I felt this
anguish. And the mere sight of how Vegas gave him suggestive looks, is enough to make my
blood boil and send my emotions on the outburst. Most especially the fact that Vegas is a
psychopath, who doesn't care for someone's death and even kills while looking them in the
I'm already willing to acclimate to whatever terms Porsche may like just to keep him away
from them, but that bastard is way too cunning and this one is just utterly stupid.
"What does this got to do with Vegas?!"
He gusted while furrowing his brows at me. Confusion and irritation fired his eyes looking like a set of flaming black balls.
I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I don't know if this bastard is pretending or just completely
unaware of what I am saying. But after the situation at the shooting range, I ordered Pete to
follow Porsche around wherever he goes.
"Then if it's not about Vegas, why would you quit!?"
I gnarled in reply, staring at his aghast black orbs with my seething ones. He didn't let go of
my gaze as if I'd done something wrong to him. I only stared back, waiting for him to reply.
The bastard slightly turned while clenching his fist tight, averting my gaze and murmuring
incoherent words-probably curses, to me. My ears tingle as the level of angst in my mind
escalated with every erratic move Porsche makes.
"Porsche answer me."
"Answer me!"
I shouted and yanked him close to me.
"It's because of you!"
He pushed my hands away together with a nudge on my chest, as he grips my collar in full
force. I staggered back and looked at him bewildered.
"How is it because of me-"
I wasn't able to finish what I am going to say when Porsche's fist intercepted my broad cheek.
A searing sensation immediately creeps through the sides, down to the rims of my jawline.
"That's right you fucking bastard! It was all your fault! How dare you! How fucking
dare youuu!!!"
Porsche took a fist again and was about to aim it back at my face, but I grabbed him tightly
by his wrist and pinned him to the wall.
"What the fuck did I do to you!?" I asked, thou I know quite well what he's pointing out.
"You still dare to ask me!? You fucking asshole!"
Porsche flicked my hand and succeeded in getting out of my grasp.
"If this is still about last time, you know that I don't have any choice."
I replied in my defense. Reaching out to grab Porsche's hands again.
"You don't have a choice!? Then what about last night!? Is that still considered 'no
choice'!? You're completely aware that I'm against that shit, but you still continued
messing me up!!"
He snapped back at me, jerking my hands every time I tried to grab his arm.
"Why do you still overthink about it, Porsche? It has already been done. And we can't
do anything about it anymore."
"I know! I fucking know! It's done and we can't do anything about it! But you can't blame me if I can't bear to see your face, thinking that.. that shit.... that fucking shit
really happened!"
Porsche's voice echoed through the pavement of the front porch, making his neighbors
silently open their doors and peek at us. I tried to calm him and hold his hands, but he refused my gesture and swat them away.
"Porsche, I think you should calm down.”
I said in a low voice, enough for him to hear, but Porsche seems so angry that he didn’t pay
much attention to what I am saying and continued ranting, cursing, and pushing me away
every time I tried to get closer to him.
“How could you? How could you do this to me Kinn? My body, including my dignity,
was ruined because of you!”
Tears started to form at the side of his red-rimmed eyes that look at me full of disgust. I
stared back at him speechless. I couldn’t do anything; say anything that could ease his pain.
When our eyes met, I knew that I completely fucked up.
I used to treat my new lovers heedlessly as I would treat a toy car, never giving so much
attention to their feelings because it is their body that I only wanted. But this time, it’s
different. Porsche is different.
I don’t want to lose him like my previous boy toys.
I am so possessive of him that every time I see him talking with someone or ignoring me
because he is too preoccupied, it annoys me. I can’t figure out this feeling yet, but I know it’s
far from just being concerned. And now that I have done something inappropriate to him, I
have no idea what to do.
“Porsche, I’m sorry, I didn’t think that you’ll feel bad like this-“
“Every time I close my eyes and tried to sleep. It haunts me. And even when I’m wide
awake. It’s always there, lurking in my mind. I tried so hard to bury the memories
Kinn, but I just can’t do it! It wouldn’t stop. It wouldn’t leave me alone. So, stop forcing
me to act normal cause this is already driving me insane!”
Porsche’s raspy voice hits me differently this time. It made me feel the guilt deep down to the
core. His teary eyes barely hanging on a thread, and he grips his head, resting his back on the
wall weakly.
“Hey, listen to me. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Porsche, Please listen to-“
“I don’t plan on ditching my work because I make a deal with your father. But don’t
you dare touch me again! You are fucking psycho!”
“Porsche, calm down.”
“Let me go Kinn! I can’t stand seeing you right now. So please just go!”
My patience snapped. Took a grip on Porsche’s wrists and slammed both of it on the wall. He
tried to resist, but every time he did, I just pushed him even harder. Unable to compete with
my strength further, Porsche rests his head weakly on my shoulders.
I called his name again, with a gentle tone this time. I want him to know that I am concerned.
He didn’t reply and just stayed silently on my shoulder. Porsche was too close that I can feel
his breath on the hollow of my neck. I immediately shivered from the sensation and would’ve
called his name again if not for the searing pain that I felt after.
I shrieked coz he fucking bit me.
“I hate you.”
He muttered as his face was still buried in my neck.
My gaze never leaving his nape, I realized that those were so thin as if they’ll break in a
single touch.
“Come back with me.”
I said as my hand traveled behind his neck, gently running my fingers into the soft curls of
his baby hairs. My focus was all on him when I noticed an unfamiliar face watching over us
from my peripheral vision. Porsche stiffens and probably recognized my gesture as he slowly
raised his head, meeting my eyes.
“You see them too, right?”
I whispered to Porsche.
“You’re not with them?”
He asked in an equally low tone.
“I came alone.”
I said gripping his arm tightly. My eyes wandered from left to right as I discreetly scan the
area to know if that person is alone or with someone.
I admit to being careless when I thoughtlessly stormed out of the house without a single
bodyguard with me. I got scared that the thought of losing Porsche is so frustrating, I never
thought about my safety and him. This wasn’t the first time that my men quit, but this is the
first time that I overreacted because one happens to think about quitting.
How crazy was that?
After scanning the area, my eyes fell on Porsche’s face, his cheeks were flustered, and his
ears are flaming red even though he already calmed down.
“You’re still sick Porsche. Please come home with me.”
I said looking at him still, but his focus wasn’t on me anymore, instead, it was directed to the
situation that we are facing at the moment.
His eyes fixated on the main road, his body stiff and suddenly in a fighting stance. I do the
same when I saw a group of five people immerged from both sides. They were armed with
knives and rushed over to attack us.
As soon as one of them managed to get close, I landed a punch on his face making him twist
his jaw from the impact. Porsche did the same, kicking and jumping all over the place as the
bastards roll on the ground one by one.
The front porch of their house became a battleground in chaos as a mixture of grunts and
groans was masked all over the place. It’s raining punches and kicks. The neighbors were too
afraid to interrupt as they see the armed bastards, they just kept yelling and screaming inside
the safety of their houses.
Porsche and I were both distracted, managing to way off these bastards when suddenly
footsteps from inside the house came into the scene and we were halted from the fight
“Hia! What’s happening here?!”
His younger brother yelped. Completely shocked by the situation we are currently in.
“Go back!”
Porsche shouted to his brother while throwing punches at the men. One was thrown to the
wall and was about to run towards Porsche but I grabbed the bastard by the arm and tossed him to the side.
"But Hiia!! I’ll help you! "
Che' said and I immediately halted him, holding his shoulders fast. I came closer and
instructed him on what to do.
"Your brother’s phone is inside right? Open it, find Pete's number and call him to come
over. As for you, escape from the backdoor as fast as you can, if you wanted your
brother’s safety, just do as I say. Now Go!"
I tell him in detail, emphasizing that his brother’s safety is in his hands. He was hesitant at
first, but we didn’t have much time to waste so I shove him inside the house, and locked the
door from the outside. The younger banged the glass door, but eventually realized the
situation and left to do my bidding.
I turned back and saw Porsche barely hanging on while holding up two guys with each hand.
He was trying his best to prevent the bastards from reaching his brother and me a while ago.
"You're good."
One man said wiping his bleeding mouth with the back of his hand. I picked up the spare
knife from the ground and was about to charge when I caught a faint scent of steel.
"Put down your knife."
A voice from one of them echoed through my ear and when I turned around, I saw a gun
pointed at Porsche's head.
My vision went blurry with the sudden surge of anger that runs cold up from my fists to the
blades of my shoulder and as I get ready to charge forward, I felt a gun's tip brush over my
"Drop it."
The man from behind me yelled.
With gritted teeth, I followed him and slowly drop the knife to the ground, gradually holding
my hands up.
"Heh, that was too easy."
After his sentence was said, I felt a heavy force jabbed at the back of my skull, knocking me
out as I fell to the ground. I heard Porsche being hit too and I grunted helplessly.
How I want to break this bastard’s neck from doing that to him. They seem to be unsatisfied
that they started to rain kicks and punches on us. I am furious but I can't do anything as I
crouched weakly on the ground. I felt my guts being hit multiple times until I felt numb and
lost consciousness.
"We were ordered to take Porsche alone. Why bring Kinn with him?!"
"Ha!? Why? It’s just like hitting two birds with one stone! You should be happy I took
Kinn too!"
"You fucking lunatic! What would you do if the boss gets angry? huh?!"
"Come on, I assure you, Boss will be delighted to see both of them."
"If boss throws you out, don’t get me into your shit. I just caught Porsche alone and you stupidly drag Kinn along with him."
I slowly opened my eyes to the bickering of two unknown men. The back of my head is still
sore from the hit a while ago, but I managed to regain my consciousness and start to assess
the surroundings. I squinted my blurry eyes, trying my best to get a grasp of the situation.
We're inside a moving car, where the windows were completely tinted with black curtains.
The stench of mixed sweat and leather made me dizzy. I lingered my gaze a bit more until I
realized that both my wrists were tightly tied, a piece of cloth nuzzled across my mouth. I
tried to look for Porsche and saw that he was still unconscious in the same situation as I. The
ride was bumpy and shaky, giving me the impression that these bastards are taking us uphill.
Slowly, I reached for Porsche. Feeling hopeful to wake him up by poking my fingers on his
arm. The bastard immediately sensed my hands and gradually narrowed his eyes.
He was about to look around the space that we are in, but I halted his movement and gestured
for him to lower his head because the men that kidnapped us were just a wall away.
"Hey. I think they're already awake." The other man said, and I immediately pressed
Porsche's head down.
The other man hummed then poked his head to look at us. Porsche and I shut our eyes and
pretended that we were still asleep.
"No. I think they are dead."
"Bastard! Kinn dying doesn’t really matter. But if Porsche did, we're better off dead!"
"Hey! Don't say that! Kidnapping Kinn is just the same as getting Porsche! His men
could've killed us!"
"Oh brother. Stop worrying too much! And just think of the extra salary we might get
because of what we did!"
The two bastards laughed like a bunch of hyenas lurking around their prey. I looked at them
again and made sure that they were too preoccupied with themselves before turning my gaze
to Porsche. He raised his head and immediately his brows frowned tighter than before. It's
clear as blank paper that Porsche was thinking about what the bastards talking about a while
ago. And I'm not going to lie, I too was curious as well. This wasn't the first time that Porsche
was targeted by those people, and I badly wanted to know who the fuck was desperate
enough to meet Satan and try to take away Porsche from me.
My eyes met Porsche and we both nodded in sync. Planning our escape now is better than
reaching the location these louts are taking us to. Because if we plan later than this, we will
definitely be screwed.
I then reached out to untie Porsche's roped hands and he do the same to me as well. The
bastards tied Porsche's hand way too tight, but I still managed to remove them from the knot.
He then took time to untie mine and when he already did, we positioned ourselves. Waiting
for our chance to charge.
I silently got up and gestured Porsche to do the same, he managed to rest his other knee on
the floor, but the bastards outside caught us and pressed the car breaks hard. We both stagger but are still able to stand up.
"Fuck! Those two were awake all along-"
The bastard didn't even finish his sentence when Porsche grabs him by his neck and twisted it
hard. I then took the liberty of gripping the other one on his hair and slammed its face into the
glass window. The car was in chaos as the other men try to hold us around. I kicked the other
man's face and Porsche punched the other.
"You fucking bastard!"
A deep voice echoed from a man and he was about to pick up a gun, but Porsche kicked him
by his wrist and the loaded gun was thrown to the ground. I immediately picked it up and
pointed it to them.
"Don't move! Or I'll shoot every one of you!"
I shouted, then pulled Porsche out of the van. The bastards were startled and didn't move an
inch, afraid that I might really shoot them dead.
Much that I want to do that, but Porsche's safety is my number one priority. I pointed the gun
at them, turned my gaze behind, and saw that there was no other view but trees and a forest.
We stepped back even further from the car and hurriedly ran towards the forest.
They were dumbfounded for a second when suddenly one of them gained his sense and
shouted over the other men.
"Bastards! What are you all waiting for!? Follow them!!"
They pulled out their guns and hurriedly followed us into the forest. I grabbed Porsche by his
wrist and ran towards the side of the forest to find cover. The bastards didn't let us go and
even exchange gunshots whenever they have the chance. The sky was dark and there was
definitely a chance of rain so my main goal is to find a place for both of us to take shelter and
"Kinn! It's too dark!"
Porsche spoke to me in the middle of continued running and gunfight.
I huffed and just kept on running to hopefully wave these bastards off. Their footsteps and
even the sound of their voice is getting close to us, so I hasten my pace. I was busy dodging
and dragging Porsche to safety that I didn't even notice where I am heading.
I stumbled on something hard and in a blink of an eye, my body was falling. My hands
immediately reached for Porsche, caging him in protection with my arms. Sounds of cracking
branches, a mixture of grass, and the scent of dirt hit my face as we roll down a stiff path. My
arms were fixed around Porsche until a solid matter hit the back of my head and left me
"Fuck! You killed them!!"
"I only told you to shoot to stop them, not to fucking kill them both!!!"
"We're so fucking screwed!"
"You are screwed! You fucking bastard!"
Fuck! How many times will I be losing my consciousness before I learn who the hell is trying
to abduct us!?
I grunted as rays of the sun hit the lids of my eye. I slowly opened them and was immediately
greeted by the pain rushing through my body. But what hurts the most is the back of my head that I probably hit on something hard again. I let my eyes adjust to the light and scan the
Took my gaze from left to right and slowly upward. I can't believe how in the hell did I
survive. The height of the fall was quite high and the impact could've broken my bone but
luckily it didn't. I was about to stand up but noticed that there is something heavy, pressing
me to the ground. I tilt my head slightly and saw Porsche lying on top of me.
I shook his hands vigorously and immediately took a hold of his pulse. I sighed in relief when
I realized that he was still breathing. But when my hands touched his head, something is not
right. His skin is burning.
"Porsche! Porsche, wake up!"
I nudge him again and shook his arms.
He softly mumbled.
"Are you okay?"
I asked him.
"What happened?"
He muttered while slowly lifting his body up.
"We were chased and fell off a cliff."
I replied and help him raise his body from me.
"Are you okay?"
I added.
"My arms hurt a little."
Porsche replied. My gaze then turns down to his limbs and saw that both were covered with
scratches and bruises, probably because he only wears a t-shirt. A long sleeve could've
prevented this from happening but that wasn't the case now.
I was busy checking Porsche up when a horde of footsteps came from above. I immediately
took the gun from the ground and hold Porsche's body close to me.
"Did you see them!?"
"No signs of Porsche and Kinn yet brother."
"Then get some ropes and go down. If you didn't find their body, then that definitely
means they are alive!"
The bastard command his men and every one of them followed.
My eyes glistened in anxiety and get my attention to Porsche, who is currently leaning
against me.
"Can you walk?"
I whispered to him. Porsche looks so tired and exhausted but still nodded to me.
"Let’s go over there."
I said while holding Porsche by his wrist, slowly walking and scanning the site cautiously.
"They're not here too!"
"Then find them! They won't get that far!"
As soon as I heard the man's voice, I took Porsche's wrist and hasten our pace to hide. I didn't
waste any time because I know we can't take them, especially not in this state.
Porsche suddenly grunted, making both of us halt on our steps.
"What happened Porsche?"
I asked in concern.
"I-I can't.. It hurts."
He took a grip on his arm and stagger a bit with his walk.
I look at him helplessly, concern building in my chest. I'm undecided about what to do. If we
stop here they will definitely get us but if we continue, Porsche will surely suffer.
"Hey! That way!"
The voice of one of the bandits echoed as if they are already around us.
I was startled, leaving no choice but to place my arm around Porsche's waist and lift his arm
to my shoulders. We then made our way as fast as I could to be able to find a shelter we could
hide and stay in. I kept on running even if I don't know where this path would take us and at
the same time checked on Porsche. He was panting hard and his face is as pale as hell. When
we got far enough, I relaxed my pace a bit and took hold of Porsche's face.
"You're hot again. Did your fever come back?"
"I-I don't.. know.. My arm.. It still hurts.."
Porsche muttered between deep pants and eventually give up and fall to the ground. I was
shocked by the sudden movement and immediately hold Porsche on my shoulder to support
him. My gaze then wandered over the place, checking if the bastards from a while ago saw
"Porsche just hang in there."
I said to him. But he only shook his head, while breathing hard from his mouth. I looked at
him with pity and suddenly the harsh rain poured down. Making the situation we are in now
even worse than before.
"Porsche please, just a bit more."
I told him again, but he stayed seated on the ground tiredly. When I realized that he won't be
able to stand up anymore, I grabbed him by his arms and slowly lift him up to my shoulders.
We walk for almost half an hour and were glad that my luck hasn’t run out. A nearby cave
appeared before me, so I didn't waste any more time and headed in that direction.
When we reached the cave, I then slowly put Porsche down and he instantly leaned in to take
a rest on one of the rocks, not minding if it was clean or not. As for me, I took off my shirt
and squeeze the water out before placing it over the nearby rock. I looked over Porsche's
direction, paced close to him, and remove his top as well.
"What the hell would I do next?"
I muttered but Porsche was too busy rubbing his arm between his skin to warm up. His gesture immediately gives me an idea and gather some materials to start a fire.
It was raining heavily outside, so the possibility of me getting woods out there is negative. I
took a good look around and was glad enough that there are a couple of dry branches located
inside the cave. I gathered those and line them up to start a bonfire.
With every branch already set up, all need now is to start a fire. I then rethink what I've
watched on the TV that they use stones to start a fire, but the rain was too heavy, and it will
be impossible for me to find a dry one. I looked at Porsche again and remembered that he
smokes whenever it’s their free time.
I tried to pry on his pants and my hands quickly met with his lighter. It was wet because of
the rain but it's a lot better than nothing.
It took me quite some time for the fire to finally set up. And grabbed a bunch of small sticks
and let it burn first with the fire before placing the larger ones. I stood up, rest my hands over
my waist and let out a victory sigh. A smirk played on the corners of my lips.
Way to go Kinn.
"So cold..."
My mind was torn from my thoughts of a victory dance when a hoarse voice came out from
the lad beside me.
I came closer to him and lead my hand over his forehead. Those were too hot as if he was
poured in with hot water all over his body. I frowned and looked around, trying to find
something to cover him. My eyes landed on my clothes, but those were too wet to help
Porsche dry. I pat his shoulders and gesture for him to come closer to the fire.
"I set up a fire. Come closer."
I told him but was only greeted with half-opened eyes and a droopy mouth.
"Its.. so.. cold..."
Porsche muttered again, making me frustrated as hell.
"I know. But please don't be stubborn like this because I don't know what else to do to
help you, Porsche."
I replied in frustration while looking at him in pity.
Porsche threw a glance at me and then turned his head to the side, still caressing his arms to
keep him warm. I sighed. Then make my way further closer to him and sat beside his
shivering body. I grabbed his waist and slowly guide his body into mine. I let him rest his
head over my shoulders and wrapped my arms around his upper body to keep him warm.
I asked him in a soft voice. I was expecting a protest but was surprised when he nodded and
even nuzzled his head further into my neck.
I gasped.
He kept silent and then eventually fell asleep. I recollected my thoughts and let the past
events sink in. This wasn't the first time I saw him in this state, but it is the first time I saw
him looking this vulnerable.
I admit, what I've done to him is wrong and I don't have any excuse for that. I'm completely
aware that he's straight but still have my way on him. I don't know what got into me that whenever he does something, it always throws me on edge. It is known to me that he wasn't
my type, but I cannot deny the thrill that I felt when we make out.
His smooth tan skin, his plump lips, and even that tattoo.. especially that tattoo. Just the mere
thought of it makes my mouth water and it’s driving me crazy. I want to touch him, do nasty
things to him, make a mess all over his body but at the same time... I want to take care of
him. And do things that'll make him comfortable and healed.
I know I succeeded in taking him, but this wasn't a victory that I want to celebrate at all.
Ahhhh. Fuck Kinn, what the hell did you get yourself into?
I was in the middle of my mental dilemma when Porsche softly muttered...
"Pa... Ma.... Please help Porsche..."
I tilted my head to look at him,
He softly said, making me shut my mouth tight. He was sleep talking, and it was all about his
late parents.
The way he sounded, pleading for his parents to come pulled something in me.
My gaze never left his face as he reiterates every word, he wishes his parents could've heard.
His face has every inch of it covered in sadness and I unconsciously grabbed the back of his
head to hold him closer to my chest.
I let my hands rest on his nape and gently caress it every time he furrows his eyebrows. A
faint smile is masked on my face as I gaze down at the sleep-talking Porsche. Realized that
even he's stubborn as hell, he still has a soft spot on his heart. I can't believe that the
outspoken, bad-mouthed, and headstrong Porsche could be this soft.
"You missed them. Don't you?"
I whispered in his ear and added,
"Don't worry. I'm here."
Gently pressing a kiss on his forehead, before fixing our position to sleep.
I still can't believe that with a build like this and a cruel tattoo to boot, Porsche is like a small
kitten when he sleeps talks. But what I can't believe the most is that whatever he does, I can't
take my gaze off him. I stared at him for the last time and rest my chin on his head and said...
"Good night. Porsche."
I woke up in a daze, as my eyes slowly wandered around and found myself rested on
somewhere dim, like a medium-sized cave. There is a fire pit nearby and the sky outside was
completely dark with tiny beads of raindrops falling.
The warmth from behind made me slightly frown and was about to lift myself but was taken
aback when my body was held tight. Someone's legs were stretched across my body as I tried
to push them away and lift those up. I then turned my head to my back and was immediately
greeted by the sleeping face of Kinn.
"Shiaa Kinn!"
I called the name of the person behind me, and my gaze abruptly shifted from his body to
mine. I am naked as well as Kinn. My mind is in complete shock as my eyes linger on Kinn's
statue while only thinking of one thing.
Have we done it again!?
"Uhmm.. You're already awake... Did the rain already stop?"
Kinn pushed himself away from the rock and rubbed his eyes while facing my direction. He
then turns to see the burning fire, stood up, and walked over to get some spare wood to let the
fire continue burning.
"It's still cold outside."
He muttered while crouching beside the rock, trying to light up the bonfire.
When did this bastard take my lighter?
"Where is my shirt?"
I asked him. He then pointed at the other side of the rock with his clothes and mine resting
beside each other.
"It's still wet. Don't wear it yet," said Kinn and yawned.
"What did you do me?"
My eyes dig deep into his back as accusations run down with my tone.
"What did I do? "
He replied and tilted his head to look at me.
"My clothes were there and when I woke up you were hugging me. What's up with you
"It got wet because of the rain. And then you complain that it's cold even I already set
up a fire. I don't know how else I would help you warm up, so I sat beside you. And
share my body's warmth."
At the last word of his sentence, Kinn gave me a cunning look. Wishing that I can extend my
foot and slam it directly into this bastard's well-built face. But my body said otherwise and
still felt a little dizzy at the back of my head.
"And w-who told you to do that!?"
Fuck! Now I remember! I remembered that we were driven into the middle of the forest by a
bunch of unknown men and suddenly the rain pours out. I felt the cold air rushing to my
body, and I couldn't stand it. And then I remembered Kinn.. he was asking me how he would
be able to help me so...
FUCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!Again?! Porsche?!Really??
"Porsche, do you think I'm still in the mood to do anything to you? Look around you. I
don't think someone will be turned on with this kind of situation."
He said while laughing, but I didn't mirror his gesture.
"Who knows? Maybe people like you love the thrill of getting caught in situations like
"Ohoo. You can run your bad mouth now huh? That probably means your fever
already went down."
He muttered while facing the fire again.
"Damn it! Where the hell are we?"
He added, but I didn't pay attention to him.
I just hugged my knees and focused on the burning fire. Figuring out why the hell am I stuck
with this bastard again.
"Fuck! my phone was lost too. I just hope Pete will be able to find us before those
bastards do."
Kinn walked to the front of the cave and reach out his hand to check if it was still raining
"I'm thirsty.."
I muttered to myself and tried to look for things around me to catch some water from the rain.
But the bastard must have heard me and answered.
"What are you going to do? There is no glass."
I turned to look at this Kinn with a frown.
Of course, there's no glass here because we're in the forest you fucking dumbass!
"Get a big leaf and clean it. Then find a water source that is flowing over a clean leaf."
I replied in detail hopefully this bastard will get my point.
"That'll be hard because it’s raining hard outside."
I rolled my eyes in reply and ignored what Kinn said. I just kept on looking for other things to
build up our camp, but there's nothing here but branches and leaves.
"But if you're really that thirsty... You can drink on mine first."
The bastard said and I looked at him confusedly. I was in the middle of processing what he
just said when the bastard lean down his head and poke it in the middle of his crotch. His
gesture immediately registered in my mind and gave him a disgusted look.
"Fuck you!"
He cunningly giggled before walking outside the rain. I looked at him in surprise and watch if
the bastard gets what I've said. He was gone for a minute or two and suddenly came with four
or five large leaves rolled into cones.
"Here. "
He held one in front of me. I gave him a look first then eventually took and drank it away.
After some time, He took him and drank it as well.
"What's up with you? Do you have to wait for me before you drink yours? "
I asked him when I noticed that he didn't open his until I'm done with mine.
"I'm just checking if the water is safe to drink. If you die then it's not, but you seem
okay so I just drank it."
This fucking asshole tricked me and let me drink mine first before taking his. Am I a fucking
cupbearer? That's why he kept on looking at me a while ago.
Wait 'till we got home Kinn. I'll fucking poison you myself!
I moved closer to the fire and hold my knees tightly. Questioning why my whole damn life
has to be this tragic. Being chased by bandits was enough but getting stuck in this forest with this bastard of a Kinn is just way too much!
"You heard what they were talking about in the car right?"
Kinn came closer and sat across the bonfire.
I silently replied, without looking directly at Kinn's location. I just regard him in my
peripheral vision and saw that his eyes were fixated on the fire. I was not directly in front of
him so a sneaky attack on his face would be just a piece of cake. I just wished that we were
not in this kind of situation so I can just smack him right upon his face.
"They specifically wanted you, and not me."
He said in a still voice.
"I don't have enemies anywhere. Except you."
I answered, still not looking in his direction.
"Hahaha. You really are stubborn Porsche."
Kinn laughed and again, this time I gave him a look.
Why does this bastard play casually on me even if he's completely aware of everything he has
"It has been two times in a row that unknown men tried to abduct you. If it was me, the
reason will be crystal clear. But their target was you and I don't have a clue why they
must do that."
Said Kinn, while scratching the base of his jaw. I would actually say the same thing. If their
target was Kinn, then that will probably be because of the nature of his work and family. But
this time it wasn't him they want, but me.
"Let's settle this next time and just focus first on finding a way to get out of here. After
that, I'll get someone to investigate who the hell wanted to get you and even wanted me
dead." Kinn said rather seriously.
I then got into my senses and remembered what the bastards talk about in the car. Once again,
I tried to recollect my thoughts if I got enemies other than this fucking bastard, but I just can't
remember anyone.
I was in the middle of my contemplating when suddenly Kinn caught my attention.
"Do you feel a lot better now?"
He asked.
"You should thank me. My warmth soothes you and now you feel way better."
He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled wickedly.
My brows immediately formed a straight line when I heard what Kinn said. Unable to control
my boiling temper, I threw some branches on the fire until it sparks around like fireworks.
Kinn only giggled at my gesture and kept on looking in my direction.
I was pissed and amazed at the same time by his reaction. I have never seen him like this.
Calm and relaxed, just way far from what he always does. Maybe because we're far from
home and his office, where he usually wears neat clothes and fake smiles. He was hard and
brutal on the outside but behind those facades, he's just a normal college boy like me.
"You sleep talked about your parents too.."
The smug look on his face eventually faded and changed into a soft one. I lifted my gaze up
and gape at him a little before staring at the burning flame.
I know that he wasn't lying to tease me because just a moment ago I dreamed that my parents
came back and hugged me tightly. The warmth in my heart that I hadn't experienced for a
long time, along with the feeling of security, was just so pure that I didn't want to wake up
from that dream anymore.
I replied to him.
"How many years have you been alone with your brother?"
"Nearly ten."
I said in a low voice.
"It's probably nice to have a mother to take care of you, even just for a moment. As for
me, I don't even remember my mother's face."
Said Kinn and gently laughed.
I didn't know what got into me, but I just asked him in pique.
"Pa divorced my mom when Kim was just a few months old. And I was very young, that
the memory of my childhood doesn't have her at all."
He replied and fixated his gaze on the flame against me.
"Why did they decide to get... divorced?"
Fuck Porsche! What's got into you that you suddenly want to know about Kinn's life??
"I don't know. I never asked for it, or probably don't remember it at all. Maybe
because I'm already satisfied just living with my dad."
He said in a normal voice but when I looked at his eyes, something about those makes me a
bit sad. Deep down, he probably thought about it. But just didn't dare to reveal much of his
"You're amazing, raising your younger brother alone and even managing to give him a
comfortable life... Just thinking about me raising my younger brother on my own,
already sends my head to hell."
Kinn said and laughed. I accidentally thought of the picture and then smiled a little as well.
We were busy talking when I realized that I'd forgotten about something...
Shit! I forgot about my brother!!
"Kinn! My brother. Do you think he'll be safe? "
I unconsciously ask him. I really don't know what's happening to me that I trusted Kinn with
my younger brother's safety. Is it because of the rain? Or do I still have a fever? I don't know.
I know that I should be furious with him, but I just can't be angry at him right now.
"I told him to run and escape to the back of your house."
"Then, is he safe??"
"I also instructed him to get your phone and call Pete. You saved his number, right?"
I nodded in response. But still terrified and worried about my younger brother.
If something happened to him, what should I do?
"Don't worry. Your brother is definitely fine. Besides, those bastards were too stupid to
catch him."
said Kinn, analyzing the incident. I agreed with him because those men were too sloppy in
their acts. Tying both of us alone and even letting us sit together, those bastards were just too
simple I cannot bear to see.
"If he doesn't call Pete. I'm sure he'll call either Tem or Jom."
Kinn nodded and gave me a warm smile. And because I accidentally raised my head and
stared at him without even realizing it, I couldn't help but feel comfortable whenever he smile
at me like that.
It's like we're not in a dark forest at all being hunted by a bunch of armed men. Those smiles
always caught me off guard and whenever I tried to take my eyes away from them, I always
I'll let you win discreetly now Kinn. But when we get out of here, I'll hate you with all my
heart again!
"You should sleep now Porsche. The rain probably won't stop 'till tomorrow."
I nodded slowly and positioned myself again on the rock.
I still feel quite dizzy up until now. And another rain will come before us. Will I be able to
get well in this situation? Ahhgg. I just hope my brother is safe until we manage to get out of
I leaned on the cold rocks and immediately my body shivered from the cold temperature
penetrating the skin of my back. Without any other choice, I took out my hands and
vigorously rubbed my side to keep myself warm. I continued doing my thing when suddenly
a shadow came from afar and lay down beside me.
"What the hell are you doing?"
It was Kinn, sitting behind me. I turned away my gaze from him, but the bastard grabbed my
shoulders and pulled me hard to his chest.
"Will you be able to sleep in this cold?"
His face was unfazed and didn't hold back on his action at all. He only pulled me further to
his chest and hugged my body tight.
"Let me go! What the hell are you trying to do!? "
I wrestled him with all my strength. But Kinn held me so tight that I couldn't move an inch.
"I'm not gonna do something bad to you so lie still!"
said Kinn in a serious voice. I calmed down a bit and tilted my head towards him.
"Let me go, Kinn."
"Your body is hot again. If you die here because of colds, I won't carry your body out.
So, behave yourself and sleep well."
Kinn laid his head on the rock and held me tight. I was about to move again, but the sudden
sting on my head prevented me to do so.
It was annoying that he keeps on bothering me. But to be honest, sleeping beside him wasn't
that bad after all. His warmth is way better than the searing coldness of the hard rock. And
the feeling...
The feeling of security he gives off also soothes my mind. I don't know if it's just only me or
he really just gives off that kind of aura. And his breath, whenever it touches the back of my neck, I just can't help but blush. I know I should be cautious whenever I'm with him, but situations like this make me question my own sanity.
I was lost in my thoughts and noticed that the surroundings around me is slowly fading to black. Without even realizing it, I fell asleep.
-----END OF CHAPTER-----

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