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“You still don’t remember anything, do you, Porsche?”
Athi’s voice changed into a softer tone.
“Aunt Dao. Aunt Dao is my mother’s relative, isn’t she?”
I tried to find a reason to refute what happened here.
“Aunt Dao is just your mom’s friend, who must have been taken away by now.”
“It’s not true… what am I going to do now?”
My head hurts as if a sharp knife has been stuck up in it. With firm hands, I gripped my hair tightly until I began to lose my balance and fell to the ground.
“Ahhhh!! Mom! Dad!”
Suddenly, pictures began to cross my mind. Visions of scenes, blurry then slowly become vivid. A picture of my mother’s eye. My father standing and arguing with someone. I was suddenly transported to a very narrow and dark place.
“Hey, hiaa.”
Che’ walked over to me and hugged me tightly as I collapsed to the floor. I’m seeing things and I think I’m going crazy.
“Porche’!! It’s back.. it’s coming back!”
“What is it? What is wrong with you?”
Both Athi and Che’ took water and rubbed my face with it.
“Your parents didn’t have an accident.”
Athi and Che’s voices sound like a faraway language I could barely decipher.
Inconsistent images run across my eyes like a broken film I am not familiar with.
“Ahh. Father! Don’t. Father.”
“Your parents were killed. I witnessed it all. But Porsche’ was shocked for a year and you need to be in constant medication until you got better, but all of your memories from that moment were wiped out. And you always believed that your parents died in a car accident.
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“You are still a child! You are so young, Porsche.. Ah right here.”
Suddenly, Athi’s voice changed. A distant memory rang in my ears and thoughts of the past continued to rumble in my head.
“I’m sorry I sent you to that hell again. It’s my fault. I have no choice. He threatens me to get the title deed. I promised… Honey.. I’m sorry.”
“Dad!! Ahh!!”
“Huh, what is happening? Hiaa, what are you saying?”
Che’ whispered through my ear softly.
“The person who killed your parents is…”
The sound of gunshots made me jump in fear as I had never felt before. My body automatically trembled. The memories that have been flooding my head abruptly stopped.
I was paralyzed at the sight of Athi’s body collapsed in a pool of blood in front of me.
I yelled in pain. The feeling of anguish was too overwhelming to describe. It felt like my heart has been torn apart, a déjà vu! But suddenly I saw the shocked face of my
brother and my brotherly instinct kicks in. I hurriedly pulled him into me and hugged him tightly. I will never lose one of my family members again.
“Che’!! Porche’ I’m here! Look at me. I am your brother!”
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The sound of clashing gunfire around made me tremble so hard but I tried to lead Porche’ to hide behind the pagoda and hugged him tightly.
“Porche’ I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
I put my hands on top of his ears so that the loud gun fires would be muffled a bit.
Che’ buried his face in my chest tightly. It was at that moment when repeated images came flashing in my mind again. The picture of me crying inside an enclosed space
with my face hidden into someone’s chest.
I hugged Porche’ too hard into me that he began to hurt.
As I could barely focus on my surroundings, I didn’t hear the voice calling me. It was terrifying in that dark…isolated house.
“Porsche!! It’s me!! It’s me.”
It was then that I heard the voice calling me out of my reverie. That familiar voice and the familiar scent in my nose. It was the light in my darkness…
I called out to the man who shook my shoulders then pulled me into an embrace together with Che’.
“I’m here. Porsche, don’t be afraid.”
I don’t know why those words calmed me a bit and I realized how much I needed that hug.
Kim’s voice called out to my brother with Che’ being pulled into a hug quickly.
“What happened, Kim?”
Kinn asked his brother.
“They escaped.”
Kim answered while checking on Che’.
“You guys take care of Uncle’s body.”
Kinn turned to Anon and Ai Pha who carried a gun in their hands.
“W-why did you kill uncle Athi?”
With the weakest voice, I mustered to ask Kinn. I heaved heavily from the revelations, the sudden chaos, and the images in my head. I hugged Kinn tightly.
“I didn’t do it Porshe. We didn’t… believe me. We just arrived. Kim and I followed you here with the purpose of taking you home with us.”
Kinn hugged me tighter than before.
“But who?”
“I don’t know. I called Khun Chan. After a while, they will be here, and we will catch them I’m really worried about you Porsche.”
Kinn kissed the top of my head, alternately hugged, and rained tiny kisses along my face.
“I love you, Kinn.”
I don’t know why I said those words. I love him so much that I don’t want to lose him again. But the facts that I discovered today…why does the world treat us so badly? It was so cruel I don’t know what to do anymore.
I have no idea how and when did Kinn get me into the car. He drives the car while I sat on the passenger’s side. Kim and Che’ at the back. As for Anon and Ai Pha, they will get back driving my bike. I just noticed that they only brought two bodyguards with them.
What a dangerous stunt! But they must have really planned to just follow me and Che’.
“Kinn, can you take me somewhere first?”
Even if the images in my mind are still unclear, I feel like going to that place will clear things up. Both Porche’ and I are in the middle of confusion right now. Including our relationship with Kinn and Kim.
Kinn said, gently stroking my head and holding my hand tightly.
It was silent inside the car as no one wants to talk. There was intermittent sobbing coming from Porche’ and as for me, I felt empty. I am as empty as a pitch-dark room without exit. The closer we got to our destination, the more serious Kinn and Kim’s faces become.
“P-Porsche, how do you know this place?”
I turned to look at Kinn.
“Wait, hey Kinn. Is the plan aborted? We are going to meet the second family here, right?”
Kim hurriedly called to Kinn.
“Did you know this place too?”
I asked Kinn with all the calmness that I could muster.
“This is Agong’s old house. Our grandfather. At the back are the warehouses.”
Kinn said that it brought tears to my eyes. His words only strengthen Athi’s claim from earlier. So, it is true? Khun Korn is my mother’s brother? And…Kinn is my…is my..?
I couldn’t finish the sentence even in my head as I looked away and find the will to calm down.
“Porsche, today is the day we will catch the second clan. They are planning to smuggle goods from here.”
Kim added but I can’t hold it back anymore.
“This house…This house is my parent's old house.”
I bit my lips as a drop of tear fell from my eyes. I couldn’t hold it back anymore, so it flowed heavily down my face. I closed my eyes from the overwhelming feelings.
“W-what do you mean?”
Kinn and Kim asked. Kim was in shock and Kinn quietly confirmed.
“I’ll leave Che’ with you. I want to go inside alone.”
I quickly got out of the car. Kinn didn’t listen to me and followed until I reached the front door. I walked slowly towards the keypad in pain. I pressed the code that suddenly crossed my mind, my mother’s date of birth as I remembered.
“Porsche, what is the meaning of this? What is happening?”
Kinn looked at me confusedly when the gate moves slowly.
“Kinn, I want to be alone for a while. Can you please give me a moment?”
I turned to him and asked in a firm gaze. No matter how weak and embarrassing I look now, I want to do this.
“But promise me, you will tell me everything about this after?”
I nodded before I turned around and walked into the house. My steps halted when Kinn suddenly yelled.
“Porsche! No matter what happened, I will be standing here waiting. Call me and I’ll go in right away.”
My heart melted as if it was being squeezed tightly.
Kinn… what should I do?
I straightened my shoulders and continued to walk without looking back or answering.
Just the smell inside the house seems familiar. The memories I keep in the deepest corner of my mind, so deep that I don’t even have any idea I hold them, came out periodically. All this time, I wasn’t aware that I hold the secret to my parents’ deaths.
It was because my brain only remembered what it wants to remember. The memories I had here are all gone, covered by new memories and a news story that has been created inside my brain to cover up the pain that I have experienced during my parent’s death.
Why can’t I remember anything? It was like I always believed in people around me… that everything was an accident. Fragments of memory started to come back to me.
In the garden, where my father taught me how to ride a bicycle. While my mother cherished her planted white roses there.
There was also the uneven paint on the wall where I used to scribble drawings for
Porche’. Until my father had to cover them with new white paint.
I opened the door to the house. The place is well maintained. Everything is the same as in my memories, not old, not shabby. It was like being cleaned up regularly.
A medium-sized frame with dried-up roses in it along with the writing ‘LAST FOREVER FOR THE HEART, IN ETERNAL LOVE FOREVER.’ I hugged the frame tightly to my chest as I couldn’t stop crying.
“Mom, I miss you.”
I looked with my tear-jerked eyes at the brown-black petals of the dried roses in the frame. I took another breath before I looked around the house and my heart suddenly jumped. The tingling pain in my head began to creep in again. My body was trembling with fear and slowly walked towards the wooden cabinet.
I let out a soft sob as I opened the cabinet weakly. My veins pulsated in my temple madly then my body automatically dropped down, and I sat inside it with my knees to my chest.
“Father!! Father! No!!”
I shouted unconsciously. Everything around me was now filled with virtual images.
Suddenly, Athi is beside me. My face was buried in his chest as he put his hand over my mouth.
“Shh, don’t cry, Porsche.”
I struggled but he hugged me even tighter.
“Come and talk with father.”
Someone speaks and my eyes darted towards the outside of the cabinet. Through the small opening, I saw my father negotiating with a couple of people.
“I already told him that I won’t engage with Teerapanyakun’s ever again. I am not taking partners right now either. I am just asking to be free and run my own business.”
My father seemed agitated and refused the offer of the other company. He didn’t seem the slightest bit to be afraid of the person he is talking with.
“But honey is family to us. You have to stay to help with the company. And what do you plan to do? Open your own company, and then what? At the end be the family’s competitor?”
That familiar voice made my head hurt. That voice was the voice I trusted, because I thought he was caring for me and my brother. Khun Korn.
“Hey, listen to me. Honey and I are against the family system. I am totally against how dad managed the business. I am telling you this directly because this is the truth. I don’t want to be forced into something I don’t want to do. I just want to have a peaceful family and a business to be continued by my children.”
“I said no! The two of you will be going back to the company!”
“I am not going!”
“Ai Phat! I told you to go back to work at the company and ask our father for forgiveness. This is for you and your family’s safety.”
“Teerapanyakun’s has been good to me, to us. But if you are going to force me like this, do you really have to ask? Aren’t you tired of following your father’s instructions? And the fact that he wants me and Honey to change our surnames into Teerapanyakun, is just overrated! I won’t do it!”
“Ai Phat!”
“Thinking about it Khun, who really wants me back? Is it father or is it you?”
My father said defiantly until he was pushed and stumbled on his feet, but he was pulled back up by someone’s big hands.
“What do you mean?!”
“You know the answer very well.”
“Hey stop it! What the fuck are you doing?”
A third voice came and joined the fight.
“What do you mean?! Say it!”
The first voice asked.
“You are afraid that I will be your rival. Because I am better than you! Ugh!”
A heavy punch landed on my father’s face, so hard that I closed my eyes and yelled in my mind.
“Ai Phat! Stop talking, can you?”
The third person intervened, and my father was separated immediately from the first person by the bodyguards. After a while, he came back and grabbed my father’s collar.
“Oh, and don’t you ever think that I am naïve not to know that you are jealous of me!”
“Damn you Phat!”
It seems like the enemy lost its control and beat my father up relentlessly. But no one protected my father. No-one stopped him this time.
“Why?! Because I am better than any of you! You can’t let me go because you are so scared of my success. You are just gathering power to control. Do you honestly think that I will accept a family like you?”
“I’m telling you Phat, you cannot succeed in this industry if you leave the family!”
“Who’s family exactly? This Teerapanyakun’s second clan who wants to become the main family? So, you lend me your father’s hand to help get rid of the main family!!”
“What are you talking about? What nonsense are you saying huh?”
A heavy punch landed on my father’s face again.
“Your pathetic family is raising children to kill each other! I won’t be raising my kids like that! Don’t you think? That will be your future! Your brother will kill you!”
“My father never taught his children to kill each other!”
“Ah, I’m right here son. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.”
Equally trembling Athi whispered in my ear, trying to cover my eyes tightly.
“Let’s wait and see!! And don’t you ever think that I don’t know that you secretly love my wife!!”
“You already know too much bastard!!”
I was startled violently and then hurriedly pushed the cabinet door out in anguish. I was catching my breath in heavy pants as I bowed down and smashed my fists on the tiles in frustration.
Why can’t I remember completely? Why can’t I remember it at all?? Who was it?
Who pulled the trigger?!
Kinn’s voice pushed through the door in a hurry as he ran towards me. I didn’t have the strength to push myself up and was unconscious of who was entering the house right now.
“Porsche, is something wrong son?”
A voice that seemed to come out of my memory is now in front of me. I slowly looked up from the floor.
I don’t know what expression I have on my face right now. And I don’t care.
“Chan said that you guys come here. It is almost about time, if Kinn and Kim don’t want Porsche and Che’ to get hurt, take them home right now.”
Khun Korn caressed my head with his thumb extending to brush away my tears. I suppressed everything in my mind before pushing myself out of Kinn’s arms and rising slowly from the ground.
“What are you going to do with the second family?”
I said calmly.
“Oh, Kinn hadn’t told you yet?”
Khun Korn turned to look at Kinn sternly. I looked behind him and saw that there were a couple of guards standing behind him filling the entire area. This scene looks a lot like from the past where my father was surrounded by guards. A déjà vu.
“Porsche, are you okay?”
Pete, who was standing behind Phi Chan asked me worriedly.
“So, what are you going to do with the second clan?”
I didn’t answer Pete’s question. I just flicked my eyes to look back at Khun Korn again.
“The second family betrayed us. Bringing information to many competitors.
Today, dad will be able to catch them in the act.”
“As well as eradicating all members of the minor clan?”
I said with emptiness. At one moment, I saw Pete’s eyes flicked in worry.
“Whatever is to be done that will allow our family to move forward, we have to
do it, Porsche.”
Khun Korn said calmer and more solemnly than before. Should I be afraid of that formidable expression? No, I even felt more challenged.
“The second family is your brother, right father? Were you taught to kill each other?”
My words transformed my eyes which were always kind and compassionate into a glaring stare of death. How ridiculous that I am using my father’s words against the same person.
“What is wrong with you Porsche? I think you are tired. Kinn, take Porsche home.”
“Did they really betray you? Or is it just that the second family is getting stronger that’s why you plan to eradicate them?”
“Porsche..let’s just go home for now.”
Kinn pulled my arm and looked at him in fear.
“Huh, your eyes.. they are just like…”
Before Khun Korn couldn’t even finish his words when a voice suddenly intervened.
Khun Tanakhun walked inside in frustration.
“Why did you come here?!”
Khun Korn turned around in shock.
“You leave me alone in the house! I’m afraid of ghost!”
“Pol was there.”
“Well, I was watching ghost movies and I’m scared. Pol’s face looks like a ghost too! Whenever he turns around, I get shocked! I want to join you here too. Why not let me?”
The bastard laid down on the sofa without any idea what was happening.
“Dammit Pol! I told you not to take him out of your sight!”
Pete turned to scold Pol. He just shook his head in defeat.
Kim’s voice screamed from the entrance of the house with Porche’ running towards me and hugging me.
“What happened?”
“The second family already knew about our plan. This is a trap.”
Kim exclaimed, turning his gaze towards his family. Their bodyguards then prepared themselves and started taking commands to fully defend their master.
“Khun Korn, the second family sneaked in from the back, and destroyed the
gate system on all sides. Arm is fixing the system so that weapons can be brought in.”
Pete quickly reported after getting a quick word from Arm.
“You guys get ready and go find someplace to hide.”
Khun Korn told us, as I was tightly gripping on Ché’s arm.
“If anything happens, I want you to run-up to the second floor, and under the stairs leading to the third floor, you’ll find a small storage room. You can hide there.”
I whispered in Che’s ear.
“Shit! They already surrounded the house!”
One of the bodyguards shouted, along with several gunshots causing everyone to crouch down.My hands then automatically pushed Ché to run towards the second floor, and head for the place I told him about. It only took a few seconds, and no one even noticed
that I send my brother away.
“Damn, what a hassle!”
I exclaimed and Kinn immediately landed his eyes on me.
“What are you still doing here Porsche!? Hide!”
Kinn told me, and the moment his hands reached mine, the members of the second family already barged in the house and huddled in.
Kinn immediately pulled me into an embrace, and swiftly took out his gun. He aimed towards his fiend, and half of those fell hard on the ground. We were surrounded, and the only way we could head was the side of the house towards a large river. The main family's bodyguards all opened fire on the side of the subfamily. I was
becoming perplexed as to what I should do in this situation. Because Kinn himself attempted to shield me. Nonetheless, I'm furious at what I've just remembered...
Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!
The sound of gunfire grew louder. Kinn was constantly dragging me to avoid bullets, and I was doing the same too from him. It was already afternoon, and the sky was nothing but indigo and going dark. As soon as we try to counter the tyranny of the sub-clan, rain fell from the sky. As if the Gods from above felt that it was about to rain hell. And both the main family and second family’s siege were put to a halt. With blank eyes, I looked up at the people in front of me. The subclan attempted to pursue and play recklessly to bring the main clan to where their allies were ready and armed. They all faced each other until the main clan noticed that they were outnumbered.
“Going somewhere?”
A deep voice rang from the other side, and when I got a better look. It was Khun Kan, together with the bastard Vegas.
Khun Korn pushed through the bodyguards in front of him and gave a smug look to his brother. This was the first time I saw him with that kind of expression.
“Don’t you think you’re too old for hiding and seek? God! you’re making me laugh!” Khun Kan scuffed.
“And what about you? Do you think this was a clever move?”
Khun Korn replied, pulling out a stick of cig and lit then exhaling the smoke to those on the sub-clan's faces as if they weren’t even there.
“I don’t have to be clever to learn your ways, Korn. Even a child can figure it out anyway.”
Khun Kan said, lifting his hands as if telling Khun Korn he was as easy as that.
“So, what do you plan to do? Pair up with Mr. Joseph’s company to sabotage the Teerapanyankun main clan?”
Khun Korn exhaled a puff of smoke, unbothered.
He sounded as if he was discussing about the current weather. I just realized that the second family had such big ideas that they were on par with their own competitors. As far as I've been working with Kinn, Mr. Joseph’s company was a rival– whose parent company is in the state of Russia. He entered into negotiations with the main family on several occasions and wanted the Teerapanyakun company to join the network and become a subsidiary for the upstream line, and to expand trading power to other countries.
“Huh. We’re talking about benefits here. Benefits not just as high as the main clans’, but as a whole nation.”
“So… how much did they give you?”
Khun Korn talked carelessly. He only tapped his cigarette into a clear glass that one of the bodyguards brought along.
“More than what I got today.”
“Don’t tell me you’re still being ambitious. That the Teerapanyakun company will expand just by itself. Wake up Korn, that’ll never happen!”
Khun Kan continued taunting Khun Korn. And by just the sound of Khun Kan’s blabbing, my head was pulsing. As if I was stuck back again in the same cabinet I used to hide.
“Use your fucking mind, Korn!!”
That voice…
“Porsche, what’s the problem?”
Kinn held my hand tightly.
“Father… Don’t hurt my father…”
I started to mumble, as the past flashed over inside my mind.
“Brother… stop believing our father’s last words that our family will last forever. Because the moment Nam Phueng died, our dreams and future had already been buried with her!”
Khun Kan exclaimed, and it made me drop on my knees to the ground.
"Do you know what it's like to be the second all the time?”
Khun Kan scuffed,
“We’re a family, but why do I fucking feel that I don’t belong!?”
The latter said in anger, but Khun Korn was unfazed one bit.
“What are you planning, Kan?” Khun Korn gave the latter a glare.
“We never felt that we’re even part of this family. Everything was prerogative to the main clan. Benefits, properties, and even power. We do the same level of job, but we’re treated as if we’re rats begging for food! I’ve had enough of this
system! Let’s just sell the company and share the same benefits!”
Khun Kan exclaimed, took a fist full of his hair, and caress his eyes down to his mouth.
The latter was silent, before turning to me with a hard look on his face,
“Do you even know what you signed in for, Porsche?”
“This matter is between you and me, Kan.”
Khun Korn glanced at me before turning a seething eye to the latter.
“If Honey is still alive–“
My heart almost flew out of my chest as soon as I heard my mother's name. But in that, Khun Korn immediately drew his gun and pointed the barrel at Khun Kan.
“You don’t have the right to say her name!”
A gunshot rang, and both sides started the brawl. Those little talks of Khun Korn and Kan gave Arm enough time to fix the security system, and let the main clan’s reinforcements come in. They were all armed, and I can only be stood still in a daze. I was so lost with thoughts, but when my eyes met someone familiar, I snapped right out of it.
I shouted and lunged towards the bastard who poisoned me on the hotel.
“Fuck! Porsche!”
Vegas exclaimed, before aiming for my face while blocking my attacks.
“You, lying son of a bitch! How dare you!!”
“What the hell!?”
Vegas replied as if he didn’t know what I was trying to say.
We exchanged blows with each other as if it was the first time. My punch reached his cheeks, and the bastard busted my lip. The stench of blood spread through my mouth, but I was too preoccupied to even feel at all.
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me!?”
I grabbed Vegas collar and he only do the same.
“I’m sorry!”
Vegas said, and the two of us took turns tossing each other around the wall of fence.
“Khet is dead. He was caught by the main clan this morning!”
“The main family!?”
I exclaimed.
“Kh! And I already know how you’re related to the main clan!”
Vegas hit my face hard and pressed his forearm on my neck. I was forced hard against the wall, struggling.
Out of nowhere Kinn jumped in and kicked Vegas hard on the side. The latter then flew away from me, as I hardly gasp for breath. I don’t know what to believe now, but the only thing left in my mind is that there’s still a lot of things I don’t know from the main clan. My mind is fuzzy and I don’t think I can rely on it solely.
I watched Kinn beat the hell out of Vegas, but all of a sudden, their stature interchanged. Vegas was now holding Kinn’s neck, and the latter struggled to get out. They continued to exchange blows, but when I saw Kinn wasn’t even getting the upper hand, I already butted in. I’m still a bit confused on what side should I take on, but the moment I saw Kinn’s lurch face my mind immediately run to override. I was about to step in, but Kinn draw his gun and pointed the tip of the barrel to Vegas. Vegas scuffed,
“Damn.. brother Kinn is always better than me.”
“Drop the fuckery Vegas. You never saw us as your family from the very start.”
“Then if you plan to kill me now, can I ask you to give something to your vice- head?”
“Rot in hell you bastard!”
When Kinn was about to shoot, I bit lip. It’s not like I’m concerned of Vegas, but what would Pete feel if he saw this with his own eyes.
Plug! I was expecting a loud bang, but when I narrowed my eyes towards Vegas, he was rolling on the ground with Pete all over him. The latter was punching Vegas non- stop, and Kinn can only sigh, putting away the gun. I know Pete was trying to protect Kinn, but so as Vegas.
“Hold the gun, and if possible, don’t join in the fight.”
Kinn handed me the gun, which I fearfully accepted. I’m not new to this stuff, but I just don’t know where and to whom I should use this. To protect my loved ones, or to protect myself.
My eyes scanned the whole area. Vegas and Pete squabble on the grass. Pete continued to punch Vegas in the face, but the latter has no sign of fighting at all.
Vegas only block Pete’s attacks from time to time. Vegas's eyes were slightly sad for Pete, but he tried to stand up and looked at Khun Kan with concern on occasion.
Kim, on the other hand, murdered several subordinates of the sub-clan. He has a lot of fighting prowess. But Thankhun was the polar opposite. He holds a gun on both sides, jumps on the back of Pol, and shoots so stupidly. He didn't hit anything at all, but trees and the roof of the house.
Kinn walked through the crowd, he wasn’t even trying to kill the people of the second family. But I know his goal was very clear, he intends to deal with Khun Kan himself.
I glanced at Khun Korn, who was firmly protected by his bodyguards, and Phi Chan who didn't give anyone a chance to get to Khun Korn at all. I admit that P’Chan is very skilled, as his one hand holding a gun, and the other was holding a dagger that could kill those around him in cold blood without hurting himself or having to move an inch.
‘Why!?? Why can’t you guys accept that I’m better than any one of you!? You all didn’t want to let go of my family… so I would just stay here and follow all of your orders like a dog!!’
“I told you Pat! No one! No one’s gonna accept you just like what the main family did!”
“Accept? By whom exactly!? Your family only accepted me because you know my father can help you get rid of the main clan!”
The image continued to play inside my mind. The tone and the voice weren’t vivid, but one thing is certain in my mind…
Bang! Bang!
The sound of gunshots startled me repeatedly. The image of my father being pointed by a gun became more persistent and clearer as the sound played on repeat. My bewilderment quickly turned to resentment. He assassinated my father, leaving me and my brother alone. He deceives me into this world, he plays tricks on me. He took
the first world from me, and he pulled me back into the same place to take the second. He knew what Kinn and I were... but why...what does he want?
I don't know since when I walked through the middle of the clash, with minor clans trying to lunge towards me and the main clan protecting me from the latter. I don’t know where I am going, but my steps are directing me to…
I reached Khun Korn easily, without any delay. It was only natural because they trust me, but I don’t give a damn of that anymore..
“Get out of the way.”
I stood facing Khun Korn with blank expression. Khun Korn turned to my direction, and when our eyes met panic hover upon the guards around us.
“Hey Porsche!!!”
As soon as I aimed the tip of the barrel at Mr. Korn's forehead. The main family bodyguards drew their guns at me in shock. All life here stood still, looking at the event with incomprehension. Even Kinn who was trying to reach Kan, and Vegas who was running to his father’s aid has come to a halt.
“Porsche! Put the gun down!”
P’Chan firmly told me.
“Porsche, what are you doing!?”
Pol and Arm hurriedly walked over and stopped their tracks behind me.
“Why did you kill my father?”
I asked with a trembling voice. I have enough of this traumatizingevents, I want some answers!
Kinn walked towards me slowly, with his eyes in disbelief.
“Huh! You almost killed me and told me not to tell anyone about this. But in the end, the beans spilled itself, ain’t it?”
Khun Kan gently wiped the blood from his mouth as he walked closer to me, and Khun Korn until Kim had to point a gun towards Khun Kan. He finally smirked and stopped walking.
“Porsche, son… you misunderstood.”
Khun Korn said with a serious tone.
“Porsche, put the gun down!”
P’Chan said stiffly again.
“Porsche put the gun down. And you guys don't point that thing to Porsche!”
Thankhun walked beside me, but not everyone believed him.
“My mother… was your sister. But you didn’t even bother to tell me..”
I scrunched up my words with difficulty.
And at the last sentence I said, Kinn opened his eyes in shock. Before his tears began to fall and looked at me confusion.
“Dad...what’s the meaning of this?”
Thankhun, and Kim asked.
“Yes... Nam Phueng is my sister.”
I tightened my grip on the pistol, as my tears streamed down on my cheeks.
Thankhun, and Kim looked at Kinn in sympathy. The latter was about to walk towards me, but as if his knees weakened- Kinn slumped on the ground.
Kim bit his lip tightly as he lowered his gun, facing the wall and smashed it with his own hand in such pain that Non had to stop him.
Khun Kan suddenly muttered. His expression went all limp as soon as he heard my mother’s name. As if he was trap in a trance.
“Nam Phueng was my lovely sister. We’ve been together as four siblings since childhood… and ever since he came into our family, everything was brought into life.”
Khun Korn said in sullen face, reminiscing my mother.
“Then why didn’t you tell me this Pa!?”
Kinn yelled at his father. His eyes were both blasphemous and terrified,
“Porsche...I'm sorry, I’m sorry, what should I do? What am I going to do!!!”
Kinn turned to look at me and fell to the ground with his fist slammed into the ground with full force.
I bit my lip tightly. We both are in pain, and none of us dared to move. My heart breaks in pieces upon Khun Korn’s confirmation and seeing Kinn breakdown with me made it ten times worse.
“We love Nam Phueng, or Honey very much. She has become the heart of the house. And even Agong and Mom loved her more than us.”
Khun Korn said in soft voice, making every one of us look at him.
“D-do you mean to tell me–“
“She was adopted by our parents. Mom wanted a daughter, so we took Nam Phueng from the orphanage and raised her as our own.”
Kinn and Kim sighed together. Kinn caressed his face and his own eyes, as though one problem has been solved. But I didn't feel relieved or anything.
"Then why didn't you tell me anything...”
I asked.
“I want to take care of you, Porsche. And I knew from Athi that you were stubborn and by the looks of it, you didn't recognize me. I don't know how I'm going to walk in and tell you. How I can raise you like you're the child of our loved ones if you know the truth.”
“To compensate for what you did huh?”
Khun Kan said with a grudge.
“You said you only wished me good… then why did you kill my father!?”
I stretched my arm and pointed the barrel at Khun Korn's face again.
“I didn't, Porsche.”
Khun Korn came out with a fairly strong expression on his face and eyes.
“Stop lying to him Korn! Things already come this far! Tell him the truth!”
Khun Kan continued to intervene.
“Shut up you bastard! You really don’t have any sense, huh? I’ve done
everything to make it look like Pat and Nam Phueng had an accident. Just for you! And how did you repay me!? Huh!? You kept on doing things that ruin our family!”
Khun Korn yelled at Khun Kan, and the latter can only furrow his eyebrows towards his brother.
“What the hell are you talking about!? Did you really do it for me, or did you just do it to refute your guilt!?”
Khun Karn snapped.
“When are you gonna accept the truth Kan!? I know you hate Pat as much as you hate me!”
Khun Kan said in disbelief.
“I do! And I admit it! I hate him. I hate him because he took Honey from me!
And no matter what I do, or whatever I act towards Honey… she’ll never accept me.”
Khun Kan uttered, grasping the side of his head. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
“That jealousy of yours since childhood, will never get you anywhere, Kan.”
“But I didn’t kill Pat! And you know quite well what happened that day!”
…to be continued…

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